Stand Up Desks Can Save Your Life?

March Recap 4

There's nothing like taking a load off in a big comfy chair at the end of the day…but too many of us (present company included!) are spending too much time on our derrières. And it's killing us. Could a standing desk be the answer to our oversitting situation?

First, the facts. According to this infographic, sitting has increased significantly since 1950. Credit the slowing of factory work (at least here in the west) and more desk jobs for that. Sitting for six hours or more each day could increase your risk of dying within 15 years by 40 percent! That's even if you exercise regularly.

Not surprisingly, obese people sit on average two and half hours more than thin or normal weight people. Between 1980 and 2000, obesity rates in the U.S. doubled.

When we sit, electrical activity in the leg muscles begins to shut down. When we sit, we only burn about one calorie per minute, and the enzymes needed to break down fat decrease by 90 percent. We also increase our diabetes risk.

But, according to the New York Times, the answer may be as simple as ergonomics and a return to standing,  "If there is a movement toward ergonomic diversity and upright work in the information age, it will also be a return to the past. Today, the diligent worker tends to be defined as a person who puts in long hours crouched in front of a screen. But in the 19th and early 20th centuries, office workers, like clerks, accountants, and managers, mostly stood. Sitting was slacking."

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Adjustable desks that allow for standing—some even include treadmills—can mitigate the effects of sitting for hours. And because many are adjustable, they can be easily modified to accommodate sitting as needed.

The Times highlights several companies that make standup desks, including Ergo Desktop and TrekDesk. And they're not necessarily outrageously priced, either. Ergo Desktop's models range from $260 to $600, and a TrekDesk will cost you about $500. But, compared with the costs of health issues from sitting—or an early death!—the investment certainly seems worth it.

Image: TrekDesk

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Andrea Donsky, B. COMM is an international TV Health Expert, Best Selling Author, Nutritionist Podcast Host, and Founder of—a recipient of Healthline’s Best Healthy Living Blogs for 2019. As a pioneer and visionary in the health food industry, Andrea’s passion is to inspire people to make healthier choices. Andrea has combined her background and expertise as both a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and an entrepreneur ("She Boss!") to educate the public on living a healthy lifestyle through the creation of her businesses, books, articles, podcasts, videos, talks, and TV and radio media appearances. Andrea founded Naturally Savvy Media Inc. in 2007 in order to share her passion for healthy living, and love for natural products and companies. Among her numerous publications, Andrea co-authored Unjunk your Junk Food published by Simon and Schuster, a book that journalist, author and mother Maria Shriver endorsed: “Unjunk Your Junk Food has certainly made me more aware about the food that my children eat and the effects it has on our body and mind."</P. Andrea also co-authored two e-books entitled Label Lessons: Your Guide To A Healthy Shopping Cart, and Label Lessons: Unjunk Your Kid’s Lunch Box.