Too Busy To Exercise?

Too Busy To Exercise?

One of the biggest reasons people don't exercise is because they believe they're too busy. Finding the time to exercise can be a real scheduling challenge for many people, especially regarding career demands and balancing that with your life at home. Fortunately, there is evidence that even a minimal amount of exercise can do wonders for your cardiovascular fitness. You simply have to sign up for the race.

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Getting Out of the Starting Block

One study found that as little as 10 to 15 minutes of exercise each day can produce beneficial results. Participants in the study were middle-aged women who saw reduced risks in their cardiovascular health after the study. Now, if you're a business professional, it's undoubtedly going to be tough to find the time to exercise. It may be even tougher if you find yourself juggling family life with your demanding career as well. You need a simple and fast way to get out of the starting blocks to begin your fitness journey.

  • Take a walk with a friend during your lunch break or after dinner
  • Use the stairs whenever they are an option
  • Do sit-ups and other floor exercises first thing in the morning
  • Walk on a treadmill while reading or talking on the phone
  • If you have a family, get active together

Staying on Track

Like any race worth running, fitness starts with a single step. Once you commit yourself to exercise, you may look forward to it. Many people view exercise as a stress release from the vigor of their daily commitments. However, like anything else, sticking to an exercise routine and being successful also requires commitment. Give it the time it needs and practice, practice, practice. Find a routine that fits into your busy schedule and if your schedule includes travel, look for fitness help that is mobile, compact, and lightweight.

Here are some examples of fitness products that are ideal for travel:

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Bottom Line

Whether you're on the road, at work, or at home, a simple and effective exercise program encourages good health and a better overall sense of well-being. It can also help you in all aspects of your life, including work, so you ultimately feel better, work better and live better. When combined with good nutrition, regular exercise can make you a winner in every sense of the word. You'll stay balanced and healthy at the top of your game! You're not too busy for that, are you?

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Harriet Diamond is the Founder and President of Youthing Essentials. She is a nutritionist and former Silicon Valley executive who faced the same challenges as most women executives and entrepreneurs. That’s why she started Youthing Essentials, so she could share her experience and all she has learned about the value of good health. Harriet knows that good health is a business tool. Youthing Essentials offers the products and information for high-performance in the professional world.