
Naturally Savvy


Glaucoma is an eye disease caused by gradually increasing intraocular pressure. There is a slow loss of peripheral vision and gradual loss of central...
Naturally Savvy

Optimal Zinc Doses for Anti-Aging

Dear Dr. Rona: I am considering purchasing a multiple vitamin and mineral supplement containing 40 mg of zinc per capsule. The RDA is 15 mg,...
Naturally Savvy

Peacemaking Attorney

“What is a peacemaking attorney?” When asked that question, I am drawn to my own personal experience as an attorney. When I started practicing law...
Naturally Savvy

What Is Holistic Law?

Posted with permission from the International Alliance of Holistic Lawyers (IAHL): Holistic law is hard to define. It often seems more a process than a...
Naturally Savvy

Natural Remedies for Sports Injuries

Tennis elbow, knee ligament strains, ankle sprains, and different forms of tendonitis can be a real nuisance to athletes at any level. If you...
Naturally Savvy

Wonderful Baking Soda 2: Shower Tiles

In my own shower as well as at homes of some of our clients, we come across dirty grout. This is a total eyesore...
Naturally Savvy

The Power of the Platinum Rule

Everybody knows what the Golden Rule is. No, not that Golden Rule; this one: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Professor...
Naturally Savvy

Evening Primrose Oil Controls Where Calcium Goes

Numerous factors such as hormonal levels and the presence of vitamin D and vitamin K will all play some role in determining the absorption...
Naturally Savvy

Adrenal Stress: Part Three

Adrenal Insufficiency A long list of suboptimal health conditions and diseases are stress-related. These conditions can stem from either a weak or an exaggerated adrenal...
Naturally Savvy

Fibrocystic Breast Disease: Diet and Lifestyle

Fibrocystic disease should be treated with the understanding that it is a multifactorial problem that requires a multi-modal approach. The following strategies have been...

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