
Naturally Savvy

High on Beta-Carotene

Skin that is a yellow-orange color may not always be due to jaundice and liver disease. It is more frequently due to an excess of...
Naturally Savvy

Treating Depression Naturally

Depression is an illness of the entire body, mind and spirit. Its symptoms vary from person to person in severity and can last for...
Naturally Savvy

Reversing Immune System Impairment with Colostrum

Colostrum is a special non-milk breast secretion produced by all mammalian mothers during the first 48 hours after birth. Colostrum contains special antibodies, immunoglobulins,...
Curing Adult Acne

Curing Adult Acne

Adult acne is almost always associated with low or absent stomach acid production. Low stomach acidity prevents a person from completely digesting their foods,...
Nutrition and Blood Clotting

Nutrition and Blood Clotting

There is a growing awareness amongst health care practitioners that what one eats can influence the ability of the blood to clot. Although this...
Alternatives for Middle Ear Tubes

Alternatives for Middle Ear Tubes

Conventional treatment for fluid buildup problems in the middle ear caused by eustachian tube dysfunction is the surgical implantation of tubes to help drain...
Natural Approach to Gilbert’s Syndrome

Natural Approach to Gilbert’s Syndrome

Gilbert's Syndrome affects 5% of the adult population, is benign and is a congenital/hereditary liver disorder characterized by a mild, fluctuating increase in serum...
Naturally Savvy

Amino Acid Supplements-Benefits and Hazards

Amino acids (AAs) are compounds which can be linked together in the body to form different kinds of protein. Without AAs, the body becomes...
Myths And Truths About Colon Hydrotherapy

Natural Treatments for Crohn’s Disease and Colitis

The general term inflammatory bowel disease includes two major gastrointestinal diseases: Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Both involve large bowel inflammation and tissues outside...
Naturally Savvy

Geographic Tongue

Dear Dr. Rona: For the past two years my daughter has experienced recurring spots on her tongue. Her doctor diagnosed it as “geographic tongue.” He...

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