
6 Ways to Make Your Fridge Plastic Free

6 Ways to Make Your Fridge Plastic-Free

In 2010, Scientific American concluded, “The amount of plastic manufactured in the first 10 years of this century will approach the total produced in...
Reduce Food Waste

A Plant Based Solution To Food Waste

Food waste is a big problem globally. A third of the food produced for human consumption is either wasted or lost globally. That amounts...
Meditation Exercise

How to Combine Exercise and Meditation into Your Daily Routine

Meditation is all about vitality, clarity, and love that induces an experience of pure joy. People who practice meditation on a daily basis benefit...
Mom and Daughter Talk

Your Daughter Got Her Period: It’s Time To Talk

Your daughter just got her period. Perhaps you already gave her the introductory talk about menstruation and what to expect…or maybe you didn’t get...
How to Shop For Aloe

How To Shop For Aloe Vera

When you shop for, say, oatmeal, you expect to find oatmeal in the package. So when you go to the store to buy aloe...
Farm Bill Passes Congress

Congress Finally Passes the 2018 Farm Bill

Congress recently passed the 2018 Farm Bill, and it is a big win for the organic industry, nutrition education programs, conservation programs, and the...

Do Companies Have Adequate Practices To Deal With Chemicals?

There are over 80,000 chemicals used in everyday products, including food and unfortunately, not all of them are safe. How is a consumer supposed...
Experts Say This is Why Your Child Sucks Their Finger or Thumb

Experts Say This is Why Your Child Sucks Their Finger or Thumb

Does your child suck his finger or thumb? Did you suck your thumb as a child? I did for many (ahem, many) years. Until...
Scattering Ashes – Safe for the Environment?

Scattering Ashes – Safe for the Environment?

Without a doubt, cremation is now a much more popular option at the end of life. But uncertainty seems to reign about what to...
7 Ingredients To Avoid Always

7 Ingredients To Avoid Always

We are blessed with a vast variety of choices in our lives, from foods and clothing to items we want for our homes and...

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