Katrina Bertol

Katrina Bertol is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Registered Nutritional Consultant Practitioner, Certified Personal Trainer, Pilates Instructor and Reiki Practitioner. Katrina has an undergraduate degree in fitness and nutritional sciences and an advanced diploma in Holistic Nutrition. As a practitioner, Katrina looks at her client’s whole health and individual genetic profile. She believes that no two clients are ever the same. By careful analysis of structural, organ and system function, lifestyle assessment, nutritional profile and dietary habits, Katrina’s goal is to help her clients achieve whole health with real life strategies. Katrina specializes in Weight Loss, Allergies, Detoxification, Pediatric Nutrition, Sports Nutrition, Fertility Health, Irritable Bowel Disease, Urinary Tract Infections and Whole Foods Cooking Preparation.

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