Sprout Your Way to Better Health with Homegrown Sprouts

Ready. Set. Sprout!

Have you ever wondered why sprouted foods are considered “nutritional powerhouses”?  For starters, they come in a plethora of shapes and sizes, contain more micro-nutrients per unit then any food known to man, are easy to digest, and they taste great with just about anything! Here’s all you need to know about these amazing foods and why they’re such an important part of your menu.

Sprouts are raw, natural, unprocessed and many varieties have enough essential amino acids to be considered complete proteins. This living food is the most reliable year-round source of vitamin C, vitamin A, and many B vitamins– all of which are usually in short supply in colder climates around the Northern Hemisphere. Sprouts are also highly alkalizing which help to bring the body’s pH back into balance and are very useful in neutralizing acidic states in detoxification.

Read more about acidic and alkaline foods

Varieties of sprouts such as alfalfa, mung bean, chick pea, red clover, dandelion, sunflower, wheat berries, wheat, buckwheat, spelt and other nuts, seeds and sprouted grains are the most commonly found. They can be eaten alone, in salads, as breakfast cereals, and made into wholesome dips, breads and bars.

During the sprouting process, a chemical process releases enzymes, making the food naturally easier for you to digest, therefore making the nutrients in each sprout more bio-available to your body. Sprouts are highly efficient that way; you can eat less food but have more nutrients received by your cells. Such rich enzyme concentration can increase enzyme activity in your metabolism, leading to regeneration of vital organs, blood and helping to decrease nutritional deficiencies.

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Sprouting almonds, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and chia all help break down the hard to digest enzymes and release important nutrients into the blood stream. Also, sprouted grain breads are extremely helpful for anyone who has issues digesting wheat as the sprouts help break down the gluten content and improves vitamin B12 and other B vitamin, vitamin E, and fiber content. Sprouted foods help increase energy, boost stamina, elevate immune response, improve brain function, decrease inflammation and help digestion.

Read more about the health benefits of seeds

Sprouts are extremely inexpensive, easy to cook and a great way to boost your health status. Start sprouting today!

Image: Lenore Edman

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Katrina Bertol is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Registered Nutritional Consultant Practitioner, Certified Personal Trainer, Pilates Instructor and Reiki Practitioner. Katrina has an undergraduate degree in fitness and nutritional sciences and an advanced diploma in Holistic Nutrition. As a practitioner, Katrina looks at her client’s whole health and individual genetic profile. She believes that no two clients are ever the same. By careful analysis of structural, organ and system function, lifestyle assessment, nutritional profile and dietary habits, Katrina’s goal is to help her clients achieve whole health with real life strategies. Katrina specializes in Weight Loss, Allergies, Detoxification, Pediatric Nutrition, Sports Nutrition, Fertility Health, Irritable Bowel Disease, Urinary Tract Infections and Whole Foods Cooking Preparation.