5 Tips To Prevent Hypoglycemia

5 Tips To Prevent Hypoglycemia

Experiencing a hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) reaction can be a cause for concern in itself, but it can also be a sign of more serious things to come. The result of excess insulin secreted into the bloodstream, hypoglycemia causes blood sugar levels to drop dramatically and is often the result of a diet containing refined sugars and starches. Over time this can stress out the pancreas and cause insulin production to cease, as in the case for type I diabetes, or cause your body to become resistant to the insulin you’re producing, which leads to type II diabetes.

Because refined and processed grains and sugars and have been stripped of their minerals, B vitamins and fiber, what’s left is pure carbohydrate, which quickly spikes blood sugar levels and causes hypoglycemia. This can make you crave even more unwanted sugary sweets, sending your blood sugar on a roller coaster ride all day.

Keeping your blood sugar levels balanced and avoiding hypoglycemia is essential to overall health and well-being and a preventative step in avoiding diabetes in your future.

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Here are five tips to help you avoid hypoglycemia:

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1. Remove all processed food from your diet.

To ensure you are getting complete nutrients, try to eat whole foods in their fresh, from-the-ground state, the way nature intended. Your body can better recognize and utilize the food you are consuming, and you will avoid the dramatic blood sugar spikes from eating foods that are filled with unrecognizable substances.

2. Consume grains only in their whole form.

Make sure the grains you eat are 100% whole grain. Eating these low-glycemic grains can keep blood sugar levels stable and provide essential vitamins and minerals to your diet.

3. Eat more frequent, smaller meals.

This keeps your blood sugar levels steady throughout the day, preventing a blood sugar spike from consuming larger meals and avoiding a dip as a result of going too long without food.

4. Increase fiber intake.

By moving to a more whole foods diet your fiber intake will increase by default. Don’t stress your body with unnatural foods it doesn’t know how to process effectively. Rather, eat foods your body recognizes and can best digest – in their whole state.

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5. Avoid sweet drinks.

Any sweetened drinks, like pop, sports drinks or fruit juices, should be avoided if hypoglycemic reactions are an issue. Stick to water and herbal tea to keep steady blood sugar levels throughout the day.

Following these tips can help balance your blood sugar levels and avoid hypoglycemia.

Image: Jennifer

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Susanna Deering has a passion for nutrition and great tasting food.  As a type 1 diabetic herself, Susanna is deeply aware first hand how important the right foods are to our diets. Learning to live with diabetes after being diagnosed at the age of 28 grew Susanna’s passion for nutrition. Her journey into the field of holistic nutrition has not only helped her manage her diabetes, it has also inspired her to help others manage their health through nutrition as well. Finding foods to match a client's needs is something Susanna loves to do.  She works with each individual client to find personalized solutions to assist in making positive changes which assists the body to achieving greater overall health. For consultations with Susanna and more information, please visit- www.nourished-life.com