Eat Leafy Vegetables to Promote Good Digestion

Eat Leafy Vegetables to Promote Good Digestion

An Australian study discovered that a gene called T-bet may play an integral role in promoting good digestion. This gene signals the production of immune cells, known as innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) in the gut. T-bet may act in response to the proteins in cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage, watercress, kale, collards, bok choy, broccoli and cauliflower that produce these ILCs. With this link, it shows the importance of the foods we ingest and our subsequent immunity as a whole.

The scientists are interested to further study this connection so that we can help those with bowel diseases and digestion problems, such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Crohn’s. According to the Crohn’s and Colitis foundation of America, Crohn’s is a chronic disease characterized by inflammation of the digestive tract with genetics, heredity, environmental factors and stress all playing a role in the development of it. Little is understood of the root cause, so this discovery of immune strengthening pathways activated by certain foods may prove to be invaluable information for sufferers of digestion problems.

Read more about the 6 Healthiest Fruits and Vegetables to Eat Today

With a rampant under-consumption of leafy greens in North America (don’t forget those who go so far as to say that they hate vegetables), how can we convince people to eat more vegetables? Perhaps the study that vegetables and fruit make you happier will help convince people. It may also be time to put out a reminder once again.

Here is a list of four reasons to eat more vegetables, particularly leafy greens:

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1. Fiber
Vegetables give the body fiber. Fiber helps keep blood sugar steady (especially important for diabetics), lowers bad cholesterol, and ensures regular bowel movements by preventing toxic buildup in the digestive tract. This can prevent the development of digestion problems, including constipation.

2. Vitamins & Minerals
Vegetables contain important nutrients, also known as phytonutrients, that give you energy, help make hormones, break down food, and can keep your skin, hair and bones healthy and strong.

3. Prevent Disease
The antioxidants alone in the vegetables play an important role in disease prevention by protecting the cells in the body from oxidation and free radicals. Without the antioxidant protection, the body is vulnerable to rapid degeneration and aging.

4. Lift Your Mood!
As pointed out above, the nutrients in vegetables have been shown to possibly improve brain chemistry enough to lift your mood. If you’re feeling low, look at your diet. Are you getting enough fruits and vegetables?

Read more: The Happiness Diet? Eat More Fruits and Veggies

It is possible to fall off the wagon of good eating and find yourself on the roller coaster of eating out, grabbing a sandwich on the go or eating fast food in your car. If you find yourself in that situation it's important to just get back on track. Make a point of bringing fresh snacks with you for the day. Chopped up celery, carrots and peppers in a baggie can go a long way. Cucumber slices carry well and don’t make a mess. You can also find neat ways to incorporate vegetables into your diet, even if it means making a green smoothie every morning. With all the studies and information out there today, there is absolutely no reason why you can’t start to give your body the kick start it needs by eating more vegetables!

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Eleanor Healy is a writer with a passion for holistic health. As a Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN), Reiki Master/Teacher and former Child and Youth Care worker, she spent many years navigating the choppy waters of burnout and trying to stay balanced in a demanding world. Her mission is to offer practical tips and techniques from her own trial and error process, so that you can live your best life! Follow Eleanor on Facebook and keep in touch with her at [email protected].