Exotic Thai Vegetable Soup Recipe

Exotic Thai Vegetable Soup Recipe


Enjoy this simple, exotic vegetable soup recipe full of immune supporting vegetables and warming Thai flavors. The wide variety of vegetables in this dish make it a wonderfully colorful addition to your dinner table and one rich in antioxidants. Make extra and have it for leftovers–guaranteed it won't last long!

Ingredients you will need

1 tablespoon Barlean's Organic Coconut Oil

1 bunch of chopped green onions

1 1/2 cups of quartered mushrooms of your choice

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1 cup of sliced shitake mushrooms

1 cup coconut milk

2 tablespoons of chopped, fresh cilantro (optional)

1 bunch of fresh Thai basil (you can substitute with regular basil)

1/2 to 1 cup of sliced carrots

2 cups bok choy or baby bok choy

8 cups of vegetable broth or chicken broth

1 tablespoon of Srirracha chili sauce

2 eggs, beaten

pinch of Mercola's Crystal Cooking Salt (or to taste)

Optional: add in sliced red pepper, lemongrass, cauliflower or any other vegetables you like.


In a large pot, heat the coconut oil. Sauté the green onions, quartered mushrooms, sliced shitake mushrooms, cilantro, thai basil, sliced carrots, and bok choy for a few minutes. Any combination of vegetables work well in this recipe. Experiment to find your favorite combination. Add broth, coconut milk, and Sriracha chili sauce.

Lower heat and simmer for 45 minutes, or until all the vegetables are soft. Approximately 10 minutes prior to serving, add 2 beaten eggs and mix. Season to taste with more salt and freshly ground pepper, and garnish with a few sprigs of cilantro or basil, if desired. Serve immediately.

Note:Feel free to use any combination of vegetables in this soup. Make a large pot and freeze leftovers in freezer-safe glass containers. 

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Marc taught himself to cook to have a yummy dinner made for his mother when she returned from a long work day. Limited to what was already in the kitchen, he learned to transform a few (and some unfamiliar!) ingredients into creative masterpieces. He was fortunate to travel around the world with his parents and to live in a household with gourmet chefs, including his mother, grandmother, and aunt. The family rule was that you didn't have to eat it, but you absolutely had to try everything. More recently, Marc’s cooking has been shaped by his wife's need to eat healthy, so he swaps fat for flavorful herbs and spices. Another cooking objective is speed – most of his recipes can be prepared within an hour or less.