Balance Your Immune System with Plant Sterols and Sterolins

strong immune system with plant sterols

The importance of achieving a healthy, balanced immune system has become more and more apparent over the last few years. Thankfully there are numerous natural ways to do so, but not all of the approaches are equal when it comes to effectiveness and how they help individuals reach this goal. One special supplement combines specific compounds from pine and delivers them in a unique formulation to help individuals not only modulate or balance immune system function but also do it in a safe way.

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How can your immune system get out of balance?

In today’s hectic world, it’s not difficult for the immune system to become unbalanced. The presence of viruses has highlighted the importance of washing your hands, not touching your face, wearing a mask, and staying home when you are ill. Failure to adopt these practices can contribute to a poorly functioning immune system.  

In addition, the traditional ways of challenging the immune system are omnipresent: pathogens entering through the mouth, nose, and any breaks in the skin, bad microorganisms present in food, water, and air, and situations where the body attacks itself (autoimmunity). We are surrounded by endless ways the immune system can be attacked.

Then there are other factors that disrupt immune function. Chronic or prolonged stress, for example, reduces your body’s levels of white blood cells called lymphocytes. These cells help ward off infection, such as the common cold virus and other viruses. Lack of adequate sleep (6 to 8 hours per night) and leaky gut or other gut issues (diarrhea, constipation) are also detrimental to immune function.

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What are plant sterols and sterolins?

Plant sterols (aka, phytosterols) are substances found in and made by some plants. You may recognize a few of them: beta-sitosterol, campesterol, and stigmasterol, for example. Plants high in sterols include sesame oil, pistachio nuts, olive oil, oregano, thyme, sage, cocoa butter oil, almond butter, sesame seeds, and macadamia nuts.

Although sterols are structurally similar to cholesterol, they do not act that way. Instead, one of their properties is the ability to help the immune system. Plant sterols and their glycosides (aka sterolins or phytosterolins) work together in the body, as the latter help with sterol absorption and excretion. Phytosterolins are beneficial fats also found in some plants as well as some shellfish. Beta-sitosterol and its glycoside (beta-sitosterol glycoside) are the most common and abundant of plant sterols.  

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What is special about plant sterols and sterolins?

In nature, plants that contain sterols also always have glucoside sterolin as well. Researchers have found that when these two compounds are combined in a very specific ratio (i.e., 100:1), they modulate immune function, which means they help restore balance to the system.

One way it achieves this is by controlling the production of cortisol, a potent stress hormone. When high levels of cortisol running through the body because of physical, emotional, or mental stress, the body makes more interleukin-6, an inflammatory substance (cytokine) that suppresses the part of the immune system that can destroy cells infected by viruses, such as the common cold and flu. Too much activity here could also cause autoimmune thyroiditis.

Another benefit of this combination is that it may help manage depression, leaky gut, and pain. When the immune system cells make inflammatory cytokines, it can cause the release of claudin-2, which can have a negative impact on the gut, leading to leaky gut, allergies, and food intolerances. An unbalanced gut (an imbalance between beneficial and bad bacteria) also leaves you vulnerable to chronic inflammation, infection, and mood issues such as depression.

Yet another way this combination can help is by modulating the ratio of two adrenal hormones, cortisol and DHEA. This activity may help control autoimmunity and inflammation as well as reduce your response to stress. 

Using a plant sterol and sterolin supplement

The immune systems of both adults and children can benefit from taking a supplement that combines plant sterols and sterolins in a 100:1 ratio. These supplements should not be taken with foods that are high in cholesterol (e.g., meat, dairy, eggs, seafood) because they will compete with the cholesterol for absorption. Take between meals for best results. 

Other ways to improve immune system function

The use of a supplement that combines plant sterols and sterolins along with other lifestyle changes can greatly benefit your immune function and overall health. Those changes include:

  • Focusing on a clean, unprocessed diet that includes fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, and lean protein.
  • Participating in regular exercise, including aerobic and strength-building activities, at least 30 minutes most days of the week.
  • Getting 6 to 8 hours of sleep every night.
  • Practicing stress-reducing activities, such as yoga, meditation, tai chi, visualization, progressive relaxation, or other calming activities.

Bottom line

A strong immune system can be achieved by young and old by paying attention to practical lifestyle choices and supplementing with a high-quality supplement.

[Editor's Note: Moducare® offers such a supplement that combines plant sterols and sterolins in a 100:1 ratio shown to help with immune function.]

Keep your immune system in balance with plant sterols. Wakunaga of America
Moducare for a balanced immune system. Wakunaga of America
The science behind Moducare. Moducare
Segerstrom S, Miller G. Psychological stress and the human immune system: a meta-analytic study of 30 years of inquiry. Psychological Bulletin 2004; 130(4): 601-30.
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Deborah is a freelance health writer who is passionate about animals and the environment. She has authored, co-authored, and written more than 50 books and thousands of articles on a wide range of topics. Currently, she lives in Tucson, Arizona.