
Caffeine: Healthy or Health Risk?

Caffeine: Healthy or Health Risk?

Caffeine. As far as vices go, it's the one most of us regard as safe, or at least, safer than other common vices such...
Naturally Savvy

Coca-Cola Creates World's First "Edible Ad"

No, it's not an April Fool's Day joke (and yes, you are awake): Coca-Cola has published what it's calling the "world's first tastable print...
What's Up, Doc? Re-connect with Carrots

What's Up, Doc? Re-connect with Carrots

The more we embrace the idea that beyond just offering veritable nutritional value, most vegetables actually taste amazing (except for you, asparagus), the more...
School Kids Eating More Fruits and Veggies

School Kids Eating More Fruits and Veggies

Students at elementary schools participating in the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) ate 15 percent more fruits and...
5 Recipes to Escape the Pesto Doldrums

5 Recipes to Escape the Pesto Doldrums

It’s hard to believe that there was ever a time before pesto in the U.S., but it’s true. Prior to the 1980s culinary revolution...
Tropical Mangoes May Lower Blood Sugar

Tropical Mangoes May Lower Blood Sugar

It's a tropical delight, prized for its sweetness, flavor and versatility. And now, new research has indicated that eating mangoes could actually lower your...
Nestlé Wants to Patent Medicinal Uses of Nigella Sativa

Nestlé Wants to Patent Medicinal Uses of Nigella Sativa

A petition by the Sum of Us demands that Nestlé "stop trying to patent a natural cure." The natural cure is Nigella sativa, commonly...
The Goodness of Citrus Foods

The Goodness of Citrus Foods

Freshly squeezed citrus juices have been a staple of the morning breakfast routine for years. Long known to be a great source of vitamin...
Lawmakers Introduce GE Labeling Food Bill

Lawmakers Introduce GE Labeling Food Bill

A California ballot initiative that would have required genetically engineered (GE) foods to be labeled was narrowly defeated last November. Since then, a number...
B Vitamins Could Help Prevent Alzheimer's Disease

B Vitamins Could Help Prevent Alzheimer's Disease

With a variety of nutrients, B vitamins can be useful for all things related to mood, cognitive function, and even headaches and migraines. B...

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