
supplements for joint health

25 Foods and Supplements for Better Joint Health

How are your joints doing? Many people of all ages experience some joint discomfort and pain, especially when the weather changes, they have overdone...

15 Health Benefits of Garlic Backed by Science

Garlic belongs to the Allium genus, making it a close relative to chives, onions, scallions, leeks, and shallots. Scientifically referred to as Allium sativum,...
staying hydrated is about more than just water

Staying Hydrated Is About More Than Drinking Water

Drink enough water. Be sure to stay hydrated. Don’t get dehydrated. We are bombarded with these and similar reminders to keep drinking water. But...

How Malaysia’s Small Family Farmers Are Helping to Nourish The World

Most of us are familiar with the small farmers who sell their wholesome fruits, vegetables, honey, and other natural products at neighborhood farmers' markets....
tea for beauty

Beauty Secrets of Tea

The next time you brew yourself a pot of tea, you may want to set some aside for beauty’s sake. Perhaps you are familiar...
5 Healthy Breakfast Boosts You Probably Didn't Know Come from Oatmeal

5 Healthy Breakfast Boosts You Probably Didn't Know Come from Oatmeal

Whether you look to the Mayo Clinic, WebMD, or the surgeon general, the recommendation is clear: breakfast is not a meal worth skipping. It’s...
sources of healthy fats are you getting enough

Are You Eating Enough Fat?

Despite all the research and media coverage about fat, let’s face it: the word “fat” has had a bad reputation for many years, so...
different varieties of potatoes

Appreciating Potatoes: A Spud Review

Potatoes are among the most misunderstood foods. How did this happen? We’re not exactly sure, but it seems that many people believe potatoes are...
toxic seed oils healthy oils

Which Cooking Oils are Healthier than Others?

When it comes to using seed oils, the United States is the world leader: Americans consume about 20 percent of the world’s oils at...
7 Best Vegan Protein Sources

7 Best Vegan Protein Sources

“You don’t eat meat? Well, where do you get your protein?" If you’re a vegetarian or a vegan, you’ve likely heard the shock and horror...

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