Comfort Cookies

Comfort Cookies

Remember when your Mom used to bake you cookies? Sometimes she would do it as a treat, and sometimes she would do it just to see the smile on your face as you took your first bite into one of the warm, chewy delights. Part of the magic of Mom's cookies came from the fact that they were handmade especially for you. What if a cookie company could promise the same thing? Comfort Cookies makes delicious, unique, and pretty cookies that are sure to rival Mom's. You can't help but fall in love with them.

Made with Love

After a trip to Vermont, Laura and Scott, founders of Comfort Cookies, knew immediately that the beautiful state was where they wanted to stay and begin their cookie business. They wanted to bake cookies made with love and made people feel happy when eating them. To stay connected to the idea that they customize their cookies for their clients, they draw much of their inspiration from the people who they meet on cookie demos and tastings. They developed their line of Gluten-Free cookies after one of their recent demos because there was such a demand for them. It doesn't take long to realize that Comfort Cookies is a company that is community conscious. Not only do they reach out to their community for ideas, but they continually gives money from their profits to charities like food banks, children's cancer research and will pay for the shipping of cookies overseas to military personnel in Iraq.

Irresistible Flavors

All that community-sourcing has led to an amazing assortment of flavors to choose from such as Mint Chocolate Chip, Oatmeal Cherry and Oatmeal Blueberry Coconut. No matter what you choose, you're guaranteed to get your taste buds wound up.

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Our Thoughts

Comfort Cookies graciously sent us and assortment of samples. We tried Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter, Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip and Oatmeal chocolate chip. The cookies were presented in a charming package tied with a ribbon. We got the feeling we were eating something special. The cookies themselves were really quite big, perfect for those of us who like to treat ourselves from time-to-time, and they tasted amazing. Our favorite was the Peanut Butter and Milk Chocolate, which was definitely better than the ones Mom used to make (Shh, don't tell!).

The cookies themselves are soft and decadent. ‘Melt in your mouth' does not begin to describe the texture and taste. They were an instant favorite with the Naturally Savvy Crew. These cookies are so different from a conventional store bought cookie that it would be hard to justify ever eating one again. You can tell just by looking at a Comfort Cookie that Laura and Scott have indeed added 'love' as the main ingredient — now that's just something you can't get from a conventional bag of cookies. Unquestionably, Comfort Cookies get the Naturally Savyy Seal of Approval.

For more information on Comfort Cookies you can visit

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Randy is the co-founder of and The Healthy Shopper. She has been working in the natural health industry for over 20 years. She is very passionate about healthy living by choosing natural and organic as much as possible, has a personal love of cooking and sharing healthy recipes and is a fitness enthusiast.