Hair Loss Remedies for Men

Hair Loss Remedies for Men

Many factors can cause men to lose hair. A toxic body and stress are likely major culprits.

According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, medical trauma such as surgery, medications, or hormones can cause men to lose hair. Most hair loss in men is caused by alopecia, commonly termed male pattern baldness. Hair is such an ingrained part of our identity that the loss of hair can cause depression, anxiety, and can affect a person's sense of "self."

Psychological problems can be very devastating. There are many online support groups where individuals experiencing hair loss can support one another and share their experiences.

Alopecia is caused by increased levels of a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which causes hair to fall out and hair follicles to miniaturize, causing the remaining hair to appear thinner. There are synthetic drugs to treat this condition, but the side effects can be unpleasant including chest pain, erectile dysfunction, and gynecomastia (breast growth). Natural remedies are safer and in some cases may be more effective than their synthetic counterparts.

One of the best ways to address hair loss is by cleansing the body. Before cleansing or taking any natural supplements, consider reading The Green Body Cleanse, a book I wrote that discusses pratical health solutions.

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The remedies below have been shown to help stop hair loss and some have been shown to even regrow lost hair. Be sure to use organically certified products, if possible.

  • Tea Tree Oil: Can help ease the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis, which has been associated with diffuse hair loss. Mix a small amount of tea tree oil into your shampoo to help moisturize and clear away dead skin cells.
  • Saw Palmetto: Helps lower DHT levels and thereby prevents hair loss. Studies have confirmed the safety of using saw palmetto extract.
  • Stinging nettle roots, stems, and leaves: The same hormone lowering properties found in saw palmetto are found in Nettles. It is also very rich in vitamins A, C, and other minerals. Nettles may help promote hair growth and can be used in conjunction with rosemary and sage to create a soothing scalp shampoo. Nettles can also be used as a shampoo to treat dandruff.
  • Rosemary: Can be used as a scalp massage or shampoo to slow down or stop hair loss. Rosemary can be mixed with tea tree oil and basil or with nettle and sage. There are some recipes for rosemary shampoo available online.
  • Sage: A natural astringent used in treating many skin disorders, sage can be mixed with rosemary to form a soothing shampoo.
  • Raw Apple Cider Vinegar: Massage into scalp daily. Apple cider vinegar contains probiotics to promote healthy bacteria on the scalp and encourages hair growth.
  • Vitamin A: Encourages sebum production in the scalp. Sebum is the oil produced in your scalp that lubricates your hair and keeps it from drying out.
  • Vitamin E: Can help to encourage healthy blood circulation in the scalp, leading to high productivity of hair follicles.
  • Bhringaraj (Eclipta alba Bhringaraj): An oil with compounds that can counter the effects of DHT in your body.
  • Iodine: Essential to cellular metabolic processes. A lack of iodine can cause cellular metabolism to "stall" and one of the side effects is hair loss. Iodine rich foods include ocean vegetables such as kelp, nori or dulse. Sprinkle roasted seaweed onto vegetables or enjoy a sushi meal.
  • Basil: Said to stimulate hair growth when applied to the hair and scalp.
  • Lavender: When mixed with other essential oils, lavender can help stop hair loss related to alopecia.
  • Henna: The conditioning properties help hair on your head remain healthy by sealing the cuticle. Henna also has properties that help stop hair loss and may help regrow lost hair.
  • Tulsi seed & castor oil: Keeps hair from turning grey and strengthens hair roots to help prevent it from falling out. Also a natural way to treat hair lice.
  • Jojoba oil: Used for centuries to treat dandruff, seborrhea, eczema, and psoriasis because it mimics sebum, an oil secreted that moisturizes and protects hair follicles. While jojoba oil is not a "cure all" remedy, it can help moisturize and cleanse your hair.
  • Yucca Root & Trunk: Can be lathered into a shampoo that has anti-inflammatory properties and is beneficial in treating hair loss caused by dandruff disorders.
  • Aloe vera: Used for centuries to treat minor burns and other skin conditions because the soothing gel found in the plant helps to relieve pain. It also stimulates skin growth. A healthy scalp helps lead to healthier hair follicles and more hair. The juice of the aloe vera plant is also a delicious addition to any nutritious diet.

Hair loss has a physical effect on men and can impact them psychologically as well. You may want to try some of the methods listed, which have produced results for others.

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Dr. Edward F. Group III has his Naturopathic Doctorate, Clinical Herbalist, Holistic Health Practitioner, Clinical Nutritionist certifications, and is a Diplomate of the American Clinical Board of Nutrition and the American Board of Functional Medicine. He founded Global Healing Center Inc. in 1998 which has earned recognition as one of the largest alternative, natural and organic health resources on the Internet. A dynamic author and speaker, Dr. Group focuses solely on spreading the message of health and wellness to the global community with the philosophy of full body cleansing, most importantly colon cleansing, consuming pure clean organic food, water, air, exercise and nutritional supplementation. Visit to learn more about living green and healthy!