Coping with Seasonal Allergies

Coping with Seasonal Allergies

Sunny days are back at last! With warmer temperatures, everywhere you look the grass, trees and flowers are springing back to life. Everyone is aching to go outside to enjoy outdoor activities. Yet these activities can be a living nightmare for people with seasonal allergies. To make matters worse, the dreaded allergy seasons are now lasting longer, in part due to global warming.

Seasonal allergies are triggered by relatively harmless substances such as pollen and mold spores. Normally, our immune system does an amazing job of protecting us from harmful substances. With seasonal allergy suffers, their immune system is over-vigilant and even defends against harmless substances. The immune system does this by generating large amount of an antibody called immunoglobulin E (IgE). These antibodies attach to the surface of immune systems cells, mast cells (tissue cells) and basophils (blood cells) to trigger the release of defensive chemicals, such as histamines, which cause inflammation.

Read more about reversing chronic inflammation

The Signs & Symptoms of Seasonal Allergies

When people who don't have seasonal allergies breathe in airborne allergens, the mucus in their nasal passages moves these particles to their throats where they are harmlessly swallowed or coughed out. However, for people who are sensitive to allergens, their immune system goes on high alert which causes itching, swelling, mucus production, hives, rashes, and for asthmatic individuals can trigger an asthma attack.

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For many allergy sufferers going outdoors at this time of year is not an option. However, by making small changes to your daily routine you can enjoy outdoor activities even during the allergy season.

Routine Changes

  • Don't go outside when pollen count is at its highest-which is in the morning-and keep your windows closed. Pollen count is directly affected by temperature, precipitation, humidity and wind conditions. The highest counts occur on warm, dry, and windy days and lowest on rainy, cloudy and windless days. Before venturing outside, find the levels of pollen in your area (by clicking here). This measures grains of pollen per square meter of air collected over a 24-hour period.
  • Wear a face mask designed to filter pollen out of the air.
  • Wear sunglasses outdoors to help minimize getting pollen in your eyes.
  • Shower immediately after being outdoors to get rid of allergens stuck to clothes, skin and hair.
  • Avoid exercising in places where pollen is concentrated, such as parks, and instead go to places with lower pollen counts, such as a beaches. Try to avoid areas with traffic congestion and air pollution.
  • Keep an allergen-free home. Clean and change air filters (on your furnace, air conditioners, and air purifiers) regularly. Allowing your body to recover from the stress of allergies will help you better deal with them.
  • Take a break and spend the day at the seashore or on a cruise where pollen count is low.

Seasonal allergies are commonly treated with antihistamine medications, nasal decongestant sprays or cortisone-based inhalers. These options are acceptable if you need immediate relief but by learning to manage your symptoms with natural alternatives, your wellness won't be dependent on a quick harsh-drug fix.

Natural Approaches

  • Use a daily sinus rinse to remove and thin out secretions clogging your mucous membrane. (Click here, for a simple saline sinus rinse recipe.)
  • Incorporate omega-3 fatty acids in your diet each and every day. Since omega-3s are anti-inflammatory, increasing your intake will help inhibit the inflammation linked to allergies and asthma.
  • Quercetin, a naturally occurring bioflavonoid in foods-such as onions, apples, berries, tea, grapes and red wine–can help suppress inflammation by inhibiting release of histamine and other inflammatory mediators.
  • Nettle (Urtica dioica) also known as stinging nettle, is a common plant quite effective for treating allergy symptoms. Nettle will help to alleviate inflammation caused by allergic reactions and clear congestion in your nose and chest.
  • Curcumin, in the spice turmeric (Curcuma longa), has been shown to be an effective natural anti-inflammatory treatment for allergy sufferers.
  • Acupuncture is a non-invasive, gentle option for elimination of allergies and allergy related conditions.
  • Immunotherapy (an allergy shot) is another option that can also alleviate some of your allergic symptoms over the long term. After a few years of treatment, some people report significant allergy relief even after allergy shots are stopped.

It would be a shame to stay inside all season. Celebrate spring and summer and all they have to offer by helping your body react properly. Take the necessary precautions when you go outside and if the allergens are too high, plan an indoor activity for that day and have fun!

Image:  Chad Horwedel

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With a Ph.D. in microbiology, Dr. Gallant went on to accomplish her post-doctorate degree. Working as a research associate at the University of Vermont, Dr. Gallant did independent research on periodontal diseases and published multiple articles in a well-respected international journal in this field. With an insatiable quest for knowledge and understanding of human conditions, as a research scientist Dr. Gallant's interest in nutraceuticals was heightened. Intrigued by the challenge of translating discoveries and knowledge into something beneficial for the public, Dr. Gallant joined the Global Botanical team in September of this year. Currently in charge of the Quality Control / Quality Assurance departments, Dr. Gallant is also utilizing her research skills to investigate and develop new products for Pure-le Natural, Easy Vitamins & Minerals and Health4All, while working with other researchers to clinically investigate the quality, potency and efficacy of Natural Health Products. Dr. Claude Gallant is looking forward to assisting the Global Botanical team to better the Natural Health Products industry. In her efforts to make this world a better place, she will once again embark on writing informative and educational articles on behalf of Global Botanical for health magazines. Dr. Gallant is excited to join the “Naturally Savvy” team with articles written from a woman's perspective.