Green Your Jeans

Green Your Jeans

If you have to try on 80 pairs of jeans to find the perfect fit like I do, then shopping for jeans online, well, to put it bluntly, it ain't gonna happen. … Not sure where to get eco-denim? NaturallySavvy brings you our top 6 picks (we just couldn't limit ourselves to 5) for greening your jeans.

Click here to read our full article on Planet Green.

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Cara believes using natural products and eliminating harsh or synthetic chemicals leads to a healthier, happier lifestyle. She grew up in a family that recycled just about everything, avoided harsh cleaners and heavily-scented products, and often turned to holistic medicine. Cara has degrees in art history and journalism, and has taken classes in environmental toxicology and environmental geology. She is passionate about healthy and natural living, environmental awareness and policy, and holistic health care.