Jane Large

Jane is passionate about living naturally! Jane’s life took an unexpected turn five years ago when her own personal health crisis allowed her the time to explore new avenues, including Reiki, meditation, yoga and experimenting with essential oils. Disturbed by the extensive use of chemicals in skin care now and the lack of connection with real ingredients, Jane took on the challenge of learning to create 100% natural skincare from scratch using traditional ingredients and methods. Jane formally created Natural Goddess in 2007, a company dedicated to making 100% natural, chemical-free skin and body care products by hand while producing little waste. Jane traveled to Egypt in the summer of 2007 to learn about the use of oils in ancient Egyptian skincare. She intends to travel to different countries yearly to research traditional skincare practices and created relationships with local producers of raw ingredients. Jane’s future goals are to build a totally green, off-the-grid manufacturing facility for Natural Goddess and a chemical-free spa/retreat.

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