Transform Belly Fat with SafSlim: Take the 12 Week Challenge

Transform Belly Fat with SafSlim: Take the 12 Week Challenge

There is a common misconception that fat is the enemy when it comes to dieting and weight loss.  Often, in order to lose weight, we eliminate fat from our diet, turn to strict diet plans or take “magic” diet pills, which ultimately fail. The reason we often don’t succeed in losing weight is because we end up eliminating the one thing that actually helps us shed those unwanted pounds – “good” fats. While we definitely want to stay away from bad fats (saturated and trans fats), which increase cholesterol and contribute to heart disease, we need to make sure that we’re getting enough of the good fats, which protect our hearts and support overall well-being.

Consuming a healthy diet (low in saturated and trans fats, yet rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids) along with regular exercise, is vital for weight loss and overall well-being. Good fats can be found in a variety of foods such as dark green vegetables, salmon, walnuts, Brazil nuts, and flaxseeds. In addition to these delicious food sources, one of the best ways to meet your daily requirement of omega-6 fatty acid is to consume safflower oil (shown to reduce belly fat, lower cholesterol and reduce blood sugar levels). Adding a product like SafSlim to your weight loss regime is incredibly beneficial. SafSlim is a delicious, creamy, fruit flavored safflower oil blend, which is designed to target omentum fat (the fat that accumulates in the belly region). It works to curb appetite, jump-start metabolism and improve insulin sensitivity. SafSlim contains a special blend of high-linoleic safflower oil, which has been shown to dramatically reduce belly fat.

This non-GMO blend is all-natural and free of artificial flavors, sweeteners and colors. SafSlim comes in two varieties – Berry Cream Fusion and Tangerine Cream Fusion. Both flavors taste incredible and are delicious by the spoonful or mixed into beverages, shakes or yogurt.

One of our Naturally Savvy team members has added SafSlim to her daily health routine. She's agreed to take one tablespoon of SafSlim twice daily for the next twelve weeks and she anticipates amazing results.

Join her by taking the SafSlim Challenge to reap all of the benefits of this remarkable product.  The SafSlim Lean Belly Challenge is a twelve week contest launching in September and ending in December 2011. Entries must be registered online no later than October 30, and winners will be announced in January 2012. For more information about this challenge visit

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Lisa Roth Collins is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN) and is the Marketing Manager at She is passionate about health and wellness and tries her best to make healthier choices every day for herself and her family. Her journey to natural health was driven by her own struggles with digestive discomfort, depression, and anxiety. Lisa returned to school in 2014 to study nutrition at the Canadian School for Natural Nutrition. She threw herself into her studies so she could learn as much as she could to help herself feel better and thrive. Upon completing the program and being certified as an RHN, Lisa began her work at Naturally Savvy where she has been able to help so many people learn to make healthier choices for themselves. Through her work, she has connected with so many incredible people in the industry whether other authors, influencers, or brands. Plus, she is affectionately known as "Techie Spice" because of her ability to wrap her head around technology. Every day she gets up with a renewed sense of energy and ready to make a difference. You can read all of Lisa's content here. In her spare time, Lisa loves to try new recipes, make delicious and nourishing meals, and she is an avid reader. For more information about Lisa, check out her profile on here.