Cosmic Timing

Naturally Savvy
Naturally Savvy

So often we put pressure on ourselves to get things done yesterday. That is called "human timing". Who wants human timing when you can have "cosmic timing"-also known as "perfect timing."

I started today with the same thing most people do: a list. I wrote down who I needed to talk to, where I needed to go, what had to get done by when, etc. Guess what I forgot? I forgot to ask for perfect timing. Whenever I do ask for perfect timing, it may not get done on my timeline, but I meet the most amazing people, connect so many dots, and the outcome is so much more beautiful.

You see, when you get attached to when and how something happens, you are not in the miracle zone; you are back in a body on planet Earth. Ask yourself this: Is someone going to die if this doesn't happen on my timing? Will a movie monster swallow my firstborn? Will I be sitting in the cheap seats in Heaven? What is the very worst that can happen-and is it really that Earth-shattering? So what if your daughter misses piano or your son misses Karate? They probably wanted more time with you anyhow.

Time is on your side. Relax. You have no idea how many serendipitous meetings await you on this path. Remember, the only reason you invent stuff to do is because it gives you an excuse to live your life, meet people, and create stuff. We just invent deadlines to make the game more interesting.

Jennifer Hough

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Jennifer Hough is a seer, alchemist, author and Facilitator of Awakening. Her work is to assist each of us to Awaken to our innate abilities beyond the five senses, to live life in flow and passion and to truly experience our lives as “a piece of the puzzle of Heaven on Earth” in this lifetime. Her mission is to shine a light within us, so we can all bring Heaven with us wherever we go!