Feeling Happy vs. Being Happy

Naturally Savvy
Naturally Savvy

Everyone says that being happy is easier said than done. I don't agree, though.

I think most people think that in order to be happy, that means that nothing "bad" happens to you. That is incorrect. Just because all is well and you feel happy… doesn't necessarily mean you are being happy.

You see, someone who is innately happy would be at peace regardless of the situation. Sometimes they won't "feel happy" but they will be at peace. Changing the circumstances to feel happy is much more difficult than finding a way to wake up to your infinite connection to Source, I think.

The difference between feeling happy and being happy is the difference between smelling home made chocolate chip cookies and eating 'em. Trying to feel happy instead of finding peace regardless of circumstances is like putting icing on a mudpie, or like putting lipstick on a pig. Or putting a happy face on an empty gas tank so you don't see it. You know what I mean.

Well, happiness in your SOUL means peace and joy. To find that, you have to remember who you are. It's not about thinking good thoughts. It's about waking up to the fact that you are a child of the same Universe that makes milky ways and galaxies, which means you are at least that loved, beautiful, and worthy. Then you won't have to put effort into your thoughts; they'll just default to good ones. That's Get Out Course in a nutshell, by the way.

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There is no way to happiness; happiness is the way. You can be happy, appreciative, blessed, peaceful, blessed, joyful, blessed, at peace, and then die OOOORRRRR you can worry, stress, complain, stress, worry, be frustrated and upset, and then die. Which version of life do you prefer?

There is always evidence for bad things, just like there is always evidence for good things. Where will you put your attention today? International Happiness Day is in July, but you can be happy every day!

Hey, I get down sometimes-and I'm at peace about that! That is called "being happy" because I know in the end all is well. Get it?

Jennifer Hough

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Jennifer Hough is a seer, alchemist, author and Facilitator of Awakening. Her work is to assist each of us to Awaken to our innate abilities beyond the five senses, to live life in flow and passion and to truly experience our lives as “a piece of the puzzle of Heaven on Earth” in this lifetime. Her mission is to shine a light within us, so we can all bring Heaven with us wherever we go! www.thewideawakening.com.