The Speed of Manifestation

Naturally Savvy
Naturally Savvy

Have you ever had a desire and then been really impatient about it showing up? If you assume that Creation always has your back, then you know that it is coming in perfect timing. Stop taking score.

The Universe delivers faster than the speed of light, so if you are waiting for what you asked for, you are the only one with your foot on the brakes.

Does the Universe judge you, assess your deserving, hold off or make decisions on your behalf? No, it does not. You see, the wonderful Creative Force that makes worlds is truly flowing right through you. It is what causes you to have life.

That means that your mind focuses that energy in whatever direction you put it. And based on the Laws that run the Universe, what you put your attention on is created instantly. It instantly exists in the ethers and is waiting for someone (anyone-including you) to line up with the creation.

What do I mean by line up with the creation? I mean feel the deserving, the worth, the love, the joy, and the abundance of your life, and be fully aware of your blessings, such that your desire seems like the obvious next step.

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The Universe/quantum physics does not judge whether you deserve it, whether it's right for you, or it there is some other thing you should live to learn a lesson first. The Universe simply creates the perfect circumstances, place, and timing, and you will see it all unfold as you realize how "already blessed" you are.

If you would like to put the brakes on the process, simply believe that your life will be infinitely better when your desire comes to fruition. The Universe would never support that lie.

Your job is to find ways to feel blessed. Only more blessing should come.

Oh, by the way, when you launch a desire into creation, I highly recommend that you add the phrase "or better" to the end of your request. Why? Because your limited brain can only think of things in terms of what you have seen or experienced, and the Universe can see all possibilities.

So think of 3 blessings right now. Why not?

Nothing comes in "your timing" but it always comes in "perfect timing." Oh yes, it does! And when you notice something hasn't arrived yet, your foot is on the brakes! Let go, my friend.

Vroom vroom!

Jennifer Hough

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Jennifer Hough is a seer, alchemist, author and Facilitator of Awakening. Her work is to assist each of us to Awaken to our innate abilities beyond the five senses, to live life in flow and passion and to truly experience our lives as “a piece of the puzzle of Heaven on Earth” in this lifetime. Her mission is to shine a light within us, so we can all bring Heaven with us wherever we go!