You have been breastfeeding your baby for as long as you think appropriate and are now ready to quit. So just how do you stop this daily habit that you know your baby enjoys and is attached to? Well although the process may not be as easy as simply stopping cold turkey, by implementing a few easy steps you can make the transition – also known as mother-led weaning – easier for both you and your baby.
Do it Gradually
A gradual weaning period is recommended as it will allow baby to get used to the idea of less breastfeeding. Give yourself at least a month to achieve your mission. Because breastfeeding means many things to baby – nourishment, comfort, love – your baby may not appreciate a sudden change in eating habits. Try to be sensitive to your baby’s needs by providing as much warmth and affection as you can during the process so that your baby doesn’t feel rejected.
As for moms, gradual weaning is important because it will get your body used to producing less milk. If you stop to suddenly your body will still be used to producing lots of milk and this can lead to engorgement when you suddenly stop feeding. Engorgement can lead to both pain and infection and should be avoided at all costs. by weaning gradually your body will produce less and less milk over time so that when you finally stop there will no longer be a backlog of milk that is stored in the breasts. And remember that the idea of gradually refers to both number of feedings and length of feedings.
If you feel discomfort from full breasts while weaning this is an indication that you are weaning too quickly. Slow down the process to avoid problems.
Another consideration is to ensure you are replacing feeds with appropriate substitutes whether formula, milk or food depending upon your child’s age.
Get Help With Feedings
As you gradually reduce the number of nursing occasions, you may want to get help with feeding your child. A husband or mother or friend may have more success in presenting a bottle or cup to your baby during this time since your child knows that you produce milk yourself. Just don’t forget to give lots of hugs and cuddles after the feed to replace the warmth they are losing during feeds.
Homeopathic remedies can also help with the weaning process. Some remedies can help prepare your baby for weaning while other remedies help to stop milk supply. The latter is especially important in situations where mothers need to separate from their babies due to unforeseen circumstances such as hospitalization or emergency travel.
Sage and jasmine are two other herbs that are sometimes used to slow down breast milk supply. It is wise to work with a trained herbalist when using medicinal herbs. These are generally helpful for more abrupt stops to the breastfeeding process.
Talk to Them
With older toddlers it can be helpful to prepare your child by talking to them about what you are doing. Warning far in advance that you will be stopping your beastfeeding sessions can help them to get used to the idea. Keep reminding them about the upcoming end date and be consistent. Some moms choose to tell older children that the milk is “running out” or that it will soon be all gone.