Natural Pregnancy and the Common Cold

Natural Pregnancy and the Common Cold

The average adult gets anywhere between two and four colds a year. Based on this average, it is quite likely that a majority of pregnant women will catch at least one cold during their pregnancy.

Although colds themselves do not pose any real danger to pregnant women, many women are confused and apprehensive about what remedies they can use to help ease their symptoms.

Aside from getting lots of rest and eating chicken soup, there are many natural remedies to use during pregnancy that are safe for both mom and baby. Many have been used for centuries in cultures throughout the world.


Garlic is a natural antifungal and a natural antibiotic. In many studies, it has also been shown to boost the body’s production of white blood cells.

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Take a clove of garlic—organic is best, and try to avoid irradiated garlic from China—and chop it into very small pieces (about 10 to 15). Swallow the garlic pieces with a glass of water without chewing. Not chewing will help avoid smelling of garlic.

Oil of Oregano

This wonderful herb can be taken to help fight off the virus making you sick. You can purchase it in oil (very potent) or capsule form. Follow the directions on the label. Taking oil of oregano at the first sign of a cold may help nip it in the bud.


Zinc is a mineral that is very helpful for boosting the immune system. It is often found in natural cold relief supplements alongside vitamin C. Zinc is also instrumental in strengthening the effect of white blood cells.

Use a Neti Pot

Neti Pots are very helpful for anyone with sinus congestion issues. A neti pot is used with a saline (salt and water) solution to clear out the nasal cavity of mucus. This clearing allows for improved breathing and the cleansing of virus containing mucus.

A neti pot is filled with warm salted water and this liquid is poured into one nostril as the head is angled to the side and back slightly. The liquid should then reemerge through the other nostril bringing with it the waste and harmful substances that were lodged in the nasal cavity.

Drink Lots of Fluids

Drinking fluids—and water, in particular—helps to flush out viruses. Add real lemon juice to the water for vitamin C. You can also pour in some honey to help with any throat discomfort.

Ginger Tea is another great beverage to drink when you have a cold. Boil a cup of water in a pot with fresh grated ginger added into it. Drink once it cools. Ginger is regularly used with honey to treat colds in countries such as India.

Slippery Elm Bark Lozenges

Lozenges made with Slippery Elm Bark are safe for pregnant women and can be soothing for anyone suffering from a sore throat due to a cold.

Don’t Eat Sugar

Since sugar has a negative effect on the immune system, it reduces the activity of white blood cells. It should be avoided whenever we fall ill. Eliminating sugar from the diet, even in natural forms, will ensure that the body’s immune system is able to function optimally and fight off the offending virus.

Don’t Use Antibiotics

Keep in mind that antibiotics will not help improve the symptoms of a cold since a cold is a viral infection, not a bacterial one.

Don’t Use Over-the-Counter Meds

Many of the over-the-counter cold medications are not suitable during pregnancy. Best not to take any chances with these unless there is dire need and they have been approved by your doctor and pharmacist.

More on Natural Pregnancy & Prenatal from Naturally Savvy

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Lilian is a registered holistic nutritionist who has worked in the nutrition and corporate wellness fields for the over a decade. She teaches pediatric nutrition, delivers corporate and public nutrition seminars, runs a weight-loss program, does one-on-one nutritional counseling and writes on nutrition and wellness topics. Since having her son Noa, Lilian has taken a keen interest in educating mom’s to be and new parents about proper nutrition during these special periods. Lilian has been featured in Elle Magazine, Flare, Today’s Bride and The Weekly Scoop, MSN/Sympatico’s Weight Loss Challenge and appeared on City TV.