Odessa Gill

Odessa Gill is a licensed ND and graduate of a 4-year Naturopathic Medicine program. Prior to her naturopathic studies, she received a BSc degree in the field of Microbiology and Immunology. Odessa has experience in the pharmaceutical industry working as a Protocol Writer for a Contract Research Company and at the Hospital for Sick Children in the Pediatric Brain Tumour Research Laboratory. Currently, Odessa practices at two multi-disciplinary clinics and divides her time between her practice and Nassau where she works as a freelance writer for numerous health publications. Her dedication to the art and practice of Naturopathic Medicine lies with improving the health of her patients by using non-invasive therapies that respect the healing power of Nature. Areas of interest include Women’s Health, Pediatric care, Pre-/Post-Natal care and Fertility Management.

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