9 Ways To Relieve Back Pain Naturally

9 Ways To Relieve Back Pain Naturally

About 80% of the population today experience back pain on a daily basis. But while it is very common, it should not be neglected. In fact, having chronic back pain can largely affect your day-to-day living and lifestyle. And there are even times that you cannot finish a certain task just because your back won’t allow it.

At times like this, certainly, you are thinking of having your back equipped with a brace. Or, you are thinking of conventional medications to ease the pain that you feel. But, did you know that there are many more natural ways that you can do to resolve this discomfort?

By and large, there are a lot of natural ways to relieve your back pain. And these ways are not only found effective but they are largely proven and tested as well by many actual patients who experience tremendous back pain. So, before you invest your money in different expensive medical treatments and medications, you may want to check first these 9 ways to relieve pain in a more natural, effective, and inexpensive process.

1. Limit bed rest

Often, when your back is aching, you tend to take a rest and lie down. Yes, this helps. But, for a certain period only. It is important for you to note that excessive bed rest is not good for your back and health. In fact, it may worsen your condition. According to specialists, it is recommended to be more active rather than less as long as it doesn't exacerbate the pain.

When you rest excessively, it causes your body to ache and muscles to weaken, especially your back and legs. So, when you feel that your back is sore, try to rest for a few minutes and then take a simple walk or do light stretching instead of taking too much time to lie down.

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2. Ice first, heat later

Heating pads and cold packs are very useful for many people who experience back pain.  As per doctors and therapists, it is always advisable for you to apply cold or ice first before the heating pads, especially if there is swelling. This helps cool the area and decrease any swelling.

You can alternate between heat applications and ice. So, whatever suits your condition and comfort, it is largely up to you. And as long as your skin is well-protected, you are allowed to do either or both of the two applications. Heat can help the muscles relax and may be helpful before stretching.

Read more about treating chronic inflammation

3. Take a long, hot bath

Having a long and hot bath is one of the most underrated ways to ease pain especially in the back. This is because when your body absorbs the heat from your hot bath, the muscles tend to relax. Adding Epsom salts, which are rich in magnesium helps further with muscle tension.

However, taking a long and hot bath before you go to bed may cause others to feel more awake at night. So, when you plan to do this, schedule it for a much earlier period. You could take this bath two to three hours before your actual bedtime period. A cooler body temperature is better overall for sleep, that is why it is recommended by sleep experts to keep your home cooler at night when you are sleeping.

4. Get regular massages

Treating yourself with regular therapeutic massages can also improve your overall back health. According to studies, it is seen that people who get regular massages have a much lower percentage of experiencing extreme pain and stress on their back. Moreover, patients who have chronic back pains have decreased the intensity of the pain that they usually experience after treating themselves with regular massage sessions.

Therapists know which parts of your back to focus on depending on where you describe the origin of your pain. And when these pressure points are naturally manipulated, the tension can release naturally and the pains that you feel decrease.

natural relief for back pain

5. Maintain a good diet

Another thing that most people take for granted is their diet. So, instead of grabbing and munching on unhealthy snacks and junk foods that can increase inflammation, try foods that are rich in potassium and magnesium. Also, choose to consume a lot of foods that have anti-inflammatory properties like flax and chia seeds.

You may include lots of green leafy vegetables and fruits too. Not only that they are rich in potassium, magnesium, and fiber, they have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties as well.

Read more about Magnesium-rich foods and supplementation

6. Perfect your posture

Your posture plays an important role in the condition of your back. When you feel a little sore and pain in your back, this can only mean that your posture is not the best it can be. And naturally, to relieve this kind of pain, you need to pay attention to your posture.

Now, practice better posture when you sit, stand, and lie down. Once you trained your body and back, you will notice an improvement in your discomfort level. Try putting a book on top of your head and balance it as you walk, sit, and stand. We all spend too many hours stooped over our smart devices, make a conscious effort to bring your head back into alignment with the top of your spine.

7. Physical therapy

Along with massages, having physical therapy is also helpful when you want to relieve your back pain. Your therapist would be able to guide you through activities that will help strengthen your back weaknesses and ideally experience less pain in the future.

Some physical therapists would include practicing inversion therapy because it shows that people who apply it on a regular basis have largely improved the conditions of their back pains. Nevertheless, it is always wise to consult first before proceeding to do physical activity or therapy on your own.

8. Strength training

Strengthening your core muscles can improve your posture and in turn, can also help you relieve your back pain. If the muscles in your abdominal area are not strong enough, your body finds other areas to pick it up and support your whole system. And normally, it resorts to your back. So, this means that your back is pushed to work and carry more and the pressure can be doubled which results in pain.

Work with a personal trainer to pinpoint where you need to strengthen your core and to learn the proper way of doing it, so you don't end up creating new problems.

9. Acupuncture

During acupuncture sessions, the practitioner will ask you many questions about your health and where you experience the pain. This will help them determine the best placement of the needles to help release stagnant energy that can be leading to pain in your back from other parts of your body.  So, even if the idea of acupuncture needles is unpleasant, you should try it to see if you experience some relief.

Now, having recurring back pains can totally affect the quality of your life. Hence, it is very essential that you regard all the things that your body is expressing out loud. Although the first thing that most people would do is to go to a doctor and have it medicated, you could try these simple, natural, and very effective ways to relieve it rather than simply medicating it and hoping the pain will resolve.

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Lisa Roth Collins is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN) and is the Marketing Manager at NaturallySavvy.com. She is passionate about health and wellness and tries her best to make healthier choices every day for herself and her family. Her journey to natural health was driven by her own struggles with digestive discomfort, depression, and anxiety. Lisa returned to school in 2014 to study nutrition at the Canadian School for Natural Nutrition. She threw herself into her studies so she could learn as much as she could to help herself feel better and thrive. Upon completing the program and being certified as an RHN, Lisa began her work at Naturally Savvy where she has been able to help so many people learn to make healthier choices for themselves. Through her work, she has connected with so many incredible people in the industry whether other authors, influencers, or brands. Plus, she is affectionately known as "Techie Spice" because of her ability to wrap her head around technology. Every day she gets up with a renewed sense of energy and ready to make a difference. You can read all of Lisa's content here. In her spare time, Lisa loves to try new recipes, make delicious and nourishing meals, and she is an avid reader. For more information about Lisa, check out her profile on here.