
tea mental health

Mental Health in Your Cup of Tea

World Mental Health Day (October 10), we want to lift a cup of tea every day to all the individuals who strive hard to...

Eating Greens “Done Feels Good!”

How is your energy level? Do you wake up feeling energized? Do you experience a mid-morning or mid-afternoon slump? Has your get-up-and-go gone away?  Perhaps...
brain health foods seniors students

Better Brain Health For Students and Seniors

Who can benefit from better brain health? If you said “everyone,” you’re right. However, we will focus on two groups of individuals with special...
dangers artificial sweeteners

Artificial Sweeteners Pose Real Dangers

The food industry is using artificial sweeteners more and more in their products, ranging from soft drinks to salad dressings and candy to pickled...
Guarana pros and cons

Pros and Cons of Guarana

If you enjoyed an energy drink recently, chances are it contained an ingredient known as guarana (Paullinia cupana). This plant, which is native to...
graviola soursop super fruit

Graviola, The Antioxidant Super Fruit You've Never Heard Of

Most of us reach for the same fruits each time we go to the supermarket. While we may be intrigued by unique foods, such...
edible flowers

Eating Flowers: 9 Delicious, Healthy Blooms!

If you have never thought about eating flowers or thought some flowers were only good for making tea, then you’re in for a treat!....
benefits of sauerkraut

Sauerkraut: Embracing the Sweetness of Sour Cabbage

One of the easiest and healthiest foods on the market and to make at home—and one great for kids to help prepare—is sauerkraut. This...
other labels

Reading the “Other” Food Labels

Are you an avid reader of food labels? If so, you probably know there are scores of words and phrases that can describe the...
Color Your World with Fruits and Vegetables

Color Your World with Fruits and Vegetables

Eating a rainbow of colors every day is one of Dr. Bernard Jensen’s famous recommendations for keeping healthy. Every pigment provides specific protection for...

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