Salad Bar Smarts: What to Pick and What to Skip

Salad Bar Smarts: What to Pick and What to Skip

Navigating the salad bar can be as confusing as driving in a foreign country or it can be as easy as 1-2-3. Here are some simple tips for creating a delicious and nutrient-dense salad to keep your energy high, your blood sugar balanced and your cravings in check for the day.

Pick: A base of fiber rich, mineral dense, leafy greens. Pack your plate with greens including spinach, arugula, kale, Swiss chard or romaine – the darker the better. This will ensure a healthy dose of vitamins A, C and folate and minerals such as magnesium, potassium and iron.Skip: The lighter greens such as watery nutrient-poor iceberg lettuce.

Read more about leafy green vegetables and digestion

Pick: Your favorite lean protein. Choose grilled salmon or chicken, hard boiled eggs, beans or a scoop of quinoa to keep your blood sugar balanced and your belly happy. Aim for portions the size of your palm or ½- ¾ of a cup.Skip: The mayo-drowned chicken, crab or egg salads made with unhealthy fat and unknown additives.

Pick: Go for colorful veggies. Add about one cup of those antioxidant soldiers to dress up your plate with color and vibrancy. Include shredded carrots, chopped tomatoes, sliced sweet peppers or grated beets for a substantial dose of disease fighting minerals and vitamins. For some crunch, add blood pressure lowering celery and crisp, freshly sliced cucumbers.Skip: Just like the mayo-drowned protein, pass over the mystery dressed coleslaw and carrot-raisin concoctions.

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Pick: Healthy fat. Remember you must eat fat to lose fat and to boost your brain happy chemicals. Sprinkle on skin-loving cubed avocado (about ¼ cup) or a handful of heart healthy nuts and seeds such as walnuts, almonds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.Skip: The unhealthy fats including cheddar cubes, salty bacon bits and preservative-packed croutons.

Pick: Your flavor enhancer – dressing! This is the final step that will make your salad go from simple to sassy. Drizzle on heart-healthy fat such as olive oil or a dollop of balsamic vinegar and spice it up with pepper and your choice of herbs. Herbs are an instant flavor and mineral booster.Skip: Those mystery dressings with unhealthy fats which may contain more sugar than a candy bar and more salt than a French fry.

Read more about harmful food additives in salad dressing

Now you have a delicious and nutritious meal with all five components to make your salad taste great and keep your health in check. And remember, one trip to the salad bar is enough. Enjoy!

Image: II-5 Design & Manufacture

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Joy McCarthy is a certified Holistic Nutritionist and Fitness Coach with a passion for inspiring people to make positive and simple changes to improve their overall health and feel more joyous on a daily basis. Her own health challenges with hormonal imbalance lead her to the Institute of Holistic Nutrition where she recently graduated and discovered the true power of how food can be our poison or our medicine. She is a successful business owner of Joyous Health, a health writer and corporate speaker on a variety of health topics. When Joy isn’t doing a nutrition workshop or nutrition coaching a client, you can find her at her local farmer’s market shopping for the perfect organic apples! For more information about Joy, visit