Sunflower Oatmeal Truffles Recipe

Sunflower Oatmeal Truffles Recipe

It was time for me to restock my fridge with snacks for the week so I looked through the cupboards to see what ingredients I had on hand and came up with this super easy and delicious oatmeal truffles recipe. It takes maybe 10 minutes to make and you will have snacks for the entire week to come.

There is no excuse not to have healthy balanced snacks on hand because

this recipes literally takes less time than it does to shower.

Snacking throughout the day is extremely important when we talk about health and nutrition. Having a balanced snack between meals helps to balance our blood sugar, keep our energy levels high, and keep our metabolism revving – all goals that everyone talks about achieving. However, a large number of people skip snacks, in fact a large number of people skip meals in general. It’s no wonder people are always saying they are tired, have sweet cravings, can’t loose the last 5 pounds, or just cant think straight. When we starve our body how can we expect it to work at the high levels we demand.


½ cup sunflower seed butter (you can use any nut/seed butter you like)

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¼ cup raw honey (could use maple syrup if vegan)

1 tsp Nature's Flavors Organic vanilla extract

5 medjool dates, soaked and chopped

¼ – ½ cup dairy-free chocolate chips (I like it chocolaty so I went on the heavy side)

1½ cup oats (I used quick cook because its what I had, but any rolled oats are great)

1/3 cup hemp seeds, shelled – for rolling

Read more about hemp and other nutritious seeds


Simply combine all ingredients except the hemp seeds in a bowl and mix until well combined. The dough should be sticky and hold together when squeezed between your fingers. Grab about 1 tsp of dough and squeeze it in your hand, then roll into a ball. Roll through the hemp seeds and then again between your palms to make sure the hemp seeds stick. Continue this process until all the dough is used. Place truffles on a plate and let set in the fridge for a couple hours. Once set you can eat or place in an air tight container and store in the fridge for snacking throughout the week.

Tip: The dough sticks less to your palms if they are slightly damp. It is also helpful to give your hands a rinse a couple times while rolling to prevent too much of the dough from sticking. Or you can just keep rolling and have fun becoming a sticky mess like I did!

Image: Deanna Harris

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