
The Scary Truth: What’s Really in Your Herbal Supplements

The Scary Truth: What’s Really in Your Herbal Supplements

No one likes to be cheated or have their health threatened, yet that’s exactly what can happen if you take a contaminated or bogus...
Demystifying Fibrocystic Breast Disease

Demystifying Fibrocystic Breast Disease

As a clinical breast thermographer I see more and more fibrocystic breast cases than any other abnormality of the breast. Cysts are likely to...
You Can Make New Brain Cells and Improve Your Memory

You Can Make New Brain Cells and Improve Your Memory

Once upon a time, medical experts believed that the adult brain couldn’t make new brain cells, or more specifically, new nerve cells, aka neurons....
5 Tips to Stop Emotional Eating in its Tracks

5 Tips to Stop Emotional Eating in its Tracks

If we only ate when we were hungry so much of this country’s obesity epidemic would be under control. But emotional eating coupled with...
5 Tips for Creating a Healthy Microbiome

5 Tips for Creating a Healthy Microbiome

Dr. Robynne Chutkan, MD, gastroenterologist, joined Lisa Davis on Naturally Savvy Radio to discuss tips for creating a healthy microbiome.  Listen to the full radio...
Savvy Over Sixty: The Secrets of a Long Marriage

Savvy Over Sixty: The Secrets of a Long Marriage

My husband Bob and I have been married over forty-eight years. I’d say it is a miracle considering all the naysayers at the time...
Use Mindfulness Meditation to Chase Away Pain

Use Mindfulness Meditation to Chase Away Pain

You may be familiar with the phrase “mind over matter,” and it is apropos for thefindings of a recent study showing that you can...
How I Convince My Pasta-Loving Clients to Go Gluten-Free for Their Autoimmune Health

How I Convince My Pasta-Loving Clients to Go Gluten-Free for Their Autoimmune Health

Amanda was like so many of my clients when she scheduled a consultation with me. “I’m tired, fat, losing my hair, tired, and I’ve...
9 Techniques for Practicing Meditation

9 Techniques for Practicing Meditation

True meditation is a living practice that can’t be defined in terms of particular steps to take - there is nowhere to go but...
5 Tips to Help Control Mood Swings

5 Tips to Help Control Mood Swings

It’s a beautiful day. The sun is shining, you’re headed to the beach, and you don’t have to work all weekend. The world is...

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