Irene Swedak, Author at Live Healthier. Be Informed. Get Inspired. Wed, 05 Jun 2019 18:52:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Understanding the Root Causes of Your Child's ADD/ADHD Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:58:34 +0000 Depending on where you live, in the United States or Canada, up to one half of children between the ages of 5-14 years in your area could be taking prescription drugs for attention or behavior issues. Many parents are not aware that less than 5% of these medicated kids actually have differences in their brains […]

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Depending on where you live, in the United States or Canada, up to one half of children between the ages of 5-14 years in your area could be taking prescription drugs for attention or behavior issues. Many parents are not aware that less than 5% of these medicated kids actually have differences in their brains (that show up in test results) from non-medicated kids1. This means that approximately 95% of the kids currently taking drugs for either Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) do not have lab test results showing why they would need these medicines. Parents, scientists, doctors and educators each have their own opinions on how these disorders should be diagnosed and to date, there is no agreement.1,2

In my practice, I have met many parents who relate to me that they “need to know what is wrong with their child”. It is safe to say that regardless of a “label”, a noticeable behavioral problem exists. I choose to label this as an “imbalance” brought about by either excesses of toxins or deficiencies of nutrients for that individual. Fortunately, those who choose to explore natural alternatives to correct this imbalance may spare their child the side effects and unknown problems that can result from drug use.

Probable Causes of Behavioral Difficulties in Children – What Is At the Root?

The problem is a complex puzzle (your child’s behavior) with many pieces that need to be assembled. Putting this puzzle together is a journey, an adventure, and a discovery… not a burden. If you approach this puzzle optimistically with an open-mind, you will assemble it to the best of your ability, and learn more about the unique capabilities of your child.

 Potential "Pieces” of Your Child’s Puzzle

  1. Neurological disorders (with a physiological basis) of the nervous system, which can be diagnosed. These must be ruled out by a health professional.
  2. Chemical imbalances caused by any of the following: interruptions or disturbances in brain development, the child’s social environment, obvious nutritional deficiencies or excesses, pollution, and exposure to environmental toxins.
  3. Mineral deficiencies due to malnutrition, heavy metals that displace essential minerals, or digestive problems (malabsorption).
  4. Genetics-inherited weaknesses & tendencies-look for possible connections. For example, enzyme deficiencies that may increase a child’s need for certain minerals (like zinc or iron). Another example is low secretory IgA levels, which may be inherited, due to early weaning or not breastfeeding, or an immune system imbalance. Low birth weight may be a predisposition.
  5. Food allergies & intolerances: food allergens (excluding those which cause IgE reactions) and an overactive immune system can affect the brain because the protein particles may mimic opiate receptors, or because they contribute to the overgrowth of unfriendly intestinal bacteria or yeasts.
  6. An improper diet of processed, refined, unwholesome and fast foods can contribute to blood sugar fluctuations that directly affect the brain, behavior, and mood.
  7. Yeast overgrowth due to heavy metals (disrupt immune function), antibiotic or drug use, or poor digestion. An imbalance of intestinal bacteria, favoring yeast growth will cause the yeast to root in the intestinal mucosa, causing “gaps” in the intestinal barrier, contributing to food intolerances.

Read more tips for improving your child's digestion 

How to get started

Lifestyle changes take commitment. You and your family must decide that changes are needed, and commit to a plan. Find practitioners who will work WITH you and become comfortable and educated with each step you take before progressing.

Change how you eat before you change what you eat. Focus on quality. Make as many meals as possible – that way you will know for sure what you are eating. Rebalance the body by focusing on the digestive, intestinal, and nervous systems.

Solving the puzzle is the first step. Remember to stay positive and open-minded. Continue to Part Two to learn what nutritional steps to take to help heal your child's body and mind.

PART TWO: A Balanced Diet for Children With ADD/ADHD >>

References:1Grant, J.D., MD. Life in the Last Lane. Paediatr Child Health 2002; 7(10): 681-688.

2 Lyon, M.R., MD. Healing the Hyperactive Brain. Focused Publishing, Calgary, 2000.

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Repel Mosquitoes, Other Bugs Naturally Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:18:38 +0000 As we welcome spring and summer, we prepare to take in the warm weather and fresh air. However, along with enjoying these perks comes the worry about West Nile Virus and other diseases transmitted by mosquitoes and ticks. Prevention From the Inside Out Low immunity may increase susceptibility to the West Nile Virus and infections. […]

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As we welcome spring and summer, we prepare to take in the warm weather and fresh air. However, along with enjoying these perks comes the worry about West Nile Virus and other diseases transmitted by mosquitoes and ticks.

Prevention From the Inside Out

Low immunity may increase susceptibility to the West Nile Virus and infections. To boost and build your immune system, eat adequate amounts of protein and supplement with antioxidant vitamins, zinc and green foods. A whole food diet rich in local and unprocessed choices is your best natural defence.

Avoid refined carbohydrates, alcohol, sweetened drinks, and packaged and processed baked goods such as many breads, muffins, bagels, chips and crackers. These items can adversely affect blood sugar regulation and insulin levels, which in turn depress the immune system.

Biting insects are generally attracted to body odors as they include lactic acid and carbon dioxide. They are most strongly attracted to perfumes and other scents applied to the skin.

Chemical Insect Repellents

DEET, or N,N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide, is the active ingredient in many insect repellents. The chemical was developed by the United States Army during World War II. Side effects from exposure to DEET can include tremors, slurred speech, staggered gait, coma, and seizures. Since DEET concentrates in fat tissues, it is particularly dangerous for women and children.

Most manufacturers of products containing DEET advise against applying it directly to the skin. The American Academy of Pediatrics cautions parents not to apply DEET-containing products on infants and discloses that products containing 10 to 30 percent DEET would be considered safe for use on children. Many commercial insect repellants contain much higher concentrations. Although a low concentration of DEET in a product may deter biting insects, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends 30 to 50 percent DEET to prevent the spread of pathogens carried by such insects.

External Prevention

There are several ways you can avoid attracting mosquitoes around you and your home.

  • Empty uncovered containers, kiddie pools and bird baths because mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant water.
  • Plant geraniums around your outdoor seating areas—mosquitoes don't like them.
  • Avoid cedar trees and bushes.
  • Citronella oil is a popular insect repellent and is available in many combination blends at your local health food and some grocery stores. Examples include Druide, which is is a popular brand containing 10 percent citronella, and Buzz Away, which has 5 percent citronella.
  • Various insect-repelling natural scents include sweet basil, lemon, pennyroyal, rosemary, eucalyptus, lavender and peppermint.
  • Purchase a bat house to attract bats, which can eat up to 1,200 mosquitoes per hour per bat.
  • Avoid strong perfumes, deodorants, hairspray and colognes.
  • Wear light-coloured clothing that blends with the environment. Biting insects are attracted to sharp contrasts of light and dark colors.

Natural Homemade Repellent Rub

Natural oils can be very effective in keeping the biting bugs at bay. The following insect repellent is effective and simple to make. Combine the following ingredients in a small, dark glass spray bottle:

  • 3 drops lavender oil
  • 4 drops geranium oil
  • 3 drops eucalyptus oil
  • 2 drops lemon oil (do not add lemon if you will be out in the sun; it increases chances of burning)
  • 1 drop peppermint oil
  • 1 drop clove oil
  • 1 ounce of carrier oil (grape seed or jojoba are best)

All oils should be pure essential oils. It is best to store the mixture away from light and heat.

Insect Bite Relief

Nobody likes an itchy bug bite. When a mosquito lands a snack at your expense, there are several natural ways to relieve that unrelenting itch.

  • Witch hazel is popular for its wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties. Apply 30 drops (1 tsp) to a piece of gauze and press on the bite for 30 seconds. Re-apply every 30 minutes or as needed until itching subsides.
  • Lavender is a calming essential oil. It also has antiseptic and healing properties, and it is used to relieve itching and stinging from bites and scrapes. Apply 1 to 2 drops directly on each bite.
  • For a quick home remedy, apply freshly squeezed lemon juice to the bite.
  • Topical homeopathic preparations are quite effective at relieving itching, swelling, stinging and burning without harmful additives.
  • Other products: Apis Gel by Boiron includes ledum palustre (for added relief); Ssssting Stop, distributed by Boericke and Tafel, is made for Nature’s Way; Florasone is distributed by the same company and very effective for itching, rashes, and inflammation. Some of these formulas contain citronella.

Please read labels carefully before applying. All products referenced above should be available at Whole Foods Markets. Always consult a qualified professional before using any new remedies, especially if you have an underlying medical condition, or if applying to young children less than two years of age.

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Autism: Consider Your Child's Diet, Part 1 Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:14:08 +0000 Co-Written by: Heather Allsop, RNCP Could changing a child’s diet really make such a difference? Thousands of children have recovered from autism using the biomedical approach. “Biomedical” involves nutrition, supplements, emotional support and more. Based on science, this approach delivers results [4]. First – introduce more nutrients: Many children with autism are picky eaters, and […]

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Co-Written by: Heather Allsop, RNCP Could changing a child’s diet really make such a difference?

Thousands of children have recovered from autism using the biomedical approach. “Biomedical” involves nutrition, supplements, emotional support and more. Based on science, this approach delivers results [4].

First – introduce more nutrients:

Many children with autism are picky eaters, and need more nutrients than what they are consuming. Also, with the stresses on their body associated with autism, they may have a greater need for nutrients than a non-autistic sibling or classmate.

Eliminate foods that create problems:

Many autistic children experience a significant reduction in symptoms when gluten (the protein in wheat and some other grains) and casein (a protein from dairy products) are removed from their diet. This relates to the fact that most children with autism have digestive issues, and cannot digest gluten and casein.

Partially digested gluten and casein (peptides) can wreak havoc in at least two ways [4]. First, the immune system is placed on “high alert” as if it senses an “invader”. This is similar to a food intolerance reaction as the food they have eaten seems to disagree with them. Second, these peptides behave almost like “drugs” when they hit the blood stream. Testing can confirm the presence of these peptides in the child’s blood and urine. The peptides can affect the central nervous system in terms of perception, cognition, behaviour, and emotions [5]. Parents of autistic children often tell me that their child seems to be “in their own world”, as if they were medicated.

By removing gluten and casein peptides from the diet, we can eliminate the affects these things have on a child’s brain and nervous system. For the child, this can mean better concentration, calmer behavior, and better communication.

What is happening in the gut?

When the intestine or gut is healthy, it acts as a barrier – preventing undigested food (like peptides) from passing into the blood. When peptides pass through the gut wall into the blood, we say that the gut is ‘leaky’. Dr. Wakefield, a gastroenterologist, and others have found that children with autism have an above-average incidence of intestinal problems (like Celiac disease and chronic diarrhea) and that these conditions are more severe than in non-autistic children (2005). A ‘leaky gut’ will allow gluten and casein peptides (and possibly other food proteins or toxins) to pass into the blood.

Many children with autism try to soothe pains in their tummies by bending over the arm of a chair, the edge of a coffee table or even by rocking back and forth. Diarrhea or constipation may or may not be present, however, many parents report bad-smelling, forceful diarrhea, and thus have a hard time toilet training.

It’s war! Good guys vs. Bad guys in the gut:

A healthy gut contains over 400 types of micro-organisms, most of which are “good” and belong there [1]. Some factors, such as antibiotics or infection can upset this balance, and the “not-so-good” organisms (like yeast) out number the good guys. Many autistic children recover this balance after treatment to decrease yeast [4]. To help fight yeast, dietary measures include avoiding sugar, refined carbohydrates (ex: white flour), and even yeast itself.

Be aware of the healthy vs. un-healthy micro-organisms:


  • Are a key part of the immune system
  • Digest food
  • Detoxify
  • Produce B vitamins
  • Protect colon against fungi and parasites
  • Keep walls of colon clean and healthy


  • Release toxins
  • Are toxic
  • Can irritate intestine
  • Can cause “leaky gut”
  • Can spread throughout the body and lead to eczema, allergies, pain, depression, etc.

The effect of food additives:

Each body cell is like a little factory. What it makes depends on what type of tissue the cell is from. All cells make waste or toxins, which are detoxified mainly by the liver, kidneys, lungs and colon. Children with autism are often poor detoxifiers [5], meaning some toxins stay in their body – possibly affecting behaviour, learning ability, gut health, and more. To minimize their toxic load, eliminate food additives such as artificial flavours, artificial sweeteners, colours, and preservatives from the child’s diet.

Nutritional supplementation:

Many nutritional supplements have been shown to help with the recovery from autism including:

  • Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) – fats the body cannot make on it’s own
  • Probiotics – healthy micro-organisms – “good guys”
  • Antioxidants – (ex. vitamins A, E, and C)
  • Zinc – (a mineral which helps fight infections)

Getting help with the new diet:

Nutrition is a key factor when it comes to treating autism. It is not wise to immediately go Gluten-free and Casein-Free because many children (especially those over three) will resist drastic changes. Talk to an experienced Nutritionist or see your family doctor for advice on where to go from here.

To read part 2 of this article on Autism, click here.


1. Erasmus, U. Probiotic Blends, Flora Health, 2006.

2. Feingold, B.F., MD. Why Your Child is Hyperactive. Random House, New York, 1975.

3. McGuinnis, W., MD. Oxidative Stress in Autism. Treating the Biology of Autism, Pontiac, Michigan, April 2004.

4. Pangborn, J., PhD, and Baker, S.M., MD. Autism: Effective Biomedical Treatments, Autism Research Institute, San Diego, 2005.

5. Shattock, P. Environmental Factors in Autism: implications for therapy and prevention, Treating the Biology of Autism, Pontiac, Michigan, April 2004.

6. Wakefield, A., MD. Integration of Pathology in the Gut Brain Axis, MiniDAN, Toronto, 2005.

7. Watson, B., ND, and Smith, L., MD. Gut Solutions. Renew Life Press, Clearwater, 2003.

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