Lilian Presti, Author at Live Healthier. Be Informed. Get Inspired. Wed, 05 Jun 2019 19:08:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Pregnancy Supplements: The Do's and Dont's of Prenatal Health Wed, 21 Nov 2018 09:37:05 +0000 Pregnancy is a time when most women are far more vigilant about what they put into their bodies. While many women are interested in taking supplements to support their prenatal health during pregnancy, there is also a lot of confusion about which supplements are safe to take and which ones are better left alone. The […]

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Pregnancy is a time when most women are far more vigilant about what they put into their bodies. While many women are interested in taking supplements to support their prenatal health during pregnancy, there is also a lot of confusion about which supplements are safe to take and which ones are better left alone. The following list includes categories of pregnancy supplements you should avoid during pregnancy unless you have approval from your health care professional, as well as those that are safe to consume during this time.

Supplements to Be Careful with During Pregnancy:


Herbs can be wonderful tools to help restore health when used properly. However, many are contraindicated because they can either promote miscarriage or interfere with the normal functioning of the body during pregnancy. Although certain herbs are safe during pregnancy, such as red raspberry leaf and ginger root, err on the side of caution and only follow the advice of a trained herbalist to avoid potential problems. If you are not currently working with a professional herbalist, a naturopathic doctor, or other specialist who can confirm the safety of your chosen herb, it is best to simply avoid using them.

High Dose Vitamins & Minerals

Although most vitamins and minerals (in moderate doses) are safe to use during pregnancy, it is wise to avoid mega dosing of any for several reasons. Oftentimes, large doses of specific vitamins or minerals can be damaging such as copper, iron, or vitamin A, possibly creating toxicity. In addition, supplying large amounts of single nutrients can sometimes cause an imbalance to the delicate ratio of nutrients in the body. For proper dosage requirements during pregnancy, see Staying Healthy with Nutrition by Elson Hass.

Weight Loss Aids

Pregnancy is a time when reasonable weight gain is normal and necessary to foster the development of a healthy fetus. Strictly avoid taking any supplement that suggests weight loss because some can decrease appetite or increase body temperature in a pregnant woman. Neither are recommended during pregnancy.

Amino Acids

Amino acids are another category of supplements that should only be used under the supervision of a trained specialist. Otherwise they should be avoided during pregnancy.

Safe Supplements to Take During Pregnancy:

Prenatal Multi-Vitamin & Mineral

Prenatal supplements have been formulated with pregnant women in mind and include small doses of all of the major vitamins and minerals. Most formulas include extra folic acid and calcium as these nutrients are needed in larger amounts during pregnancy. Choose prenatal formulas carefully.


Digestive enzymes are safe to take when pregnant. They can actually aid digestion, which is often compromised during these nine and a half months. Taking enzymes can help with the heavy feeling many women experience after eating or with heartburn. Opt for enzymes without hydrochloric acid unless you are sure you need it. A multi-spectrum is a good choice.


Good bacteria, otherwise known as probiotics, are safe to take during pregnancy. These helpful and necessary bacteria are essential for the intestinal tract and are often useful for dealing with constipation or yeast overgrowth symptoms during pregnancy. [Editor's Note: Our sponsor, Bio-K+ makes a high-potency, well-researched probiotic that we highly recommend.]

Essential Fatty Acids

As long as fish oil has been purified – meaning cleaned of toxins and heavy metals – it is not only safe but recommended during pregnancy. Fish oil is a great source of very important fats called essential fatty acids that a fetus needs for proper brain and immune development. If you object to taking fish oil, other options include hemp oil or an omega-3 product containing algae. [Editor's Note: We recommend choosing a quality omega-3 fatty acid supplement from one of our sponsors, Barlean'sCarlson Labs, or Nordic Naturals.]


Homeopathy is also considered safe during pregnancy. It is best to consult with a trained homeopath if you are unfamiliar with how it is used or which remedy may be appropriate for you. The good news is that many of the common pregnancy ailments women experience can be eliminated with simple and fast acting homeopathic remedies.

READ MORE: How to Get Your Post-Baby Body Back in Shape >>

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Baby's Immune System Wed, 21 Nov 2018 09:36:50 +0000 As with all other organs and systems in the body, a newborn is not born with a fully developed immune system at birth. Rather, their immunity – a protective function consisting of cells, proteins, and organs – grows and strengthens with time, striving with each new day to keep them safe from the multitude of […]

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As with all other organs and systems in the body, a newborn is not born with a fully developed immune system at birth. Rather, their immunity – a protective function consisting of cells, proteins, and organs – grows and strengthens with time, striving with each new day to keep them safe from the multitude of pathogens that they encounter in their environments.

At birth, a baby’s immune system is still quite weak and sensitive. Given its fragility, nature has compensated for this by endowing mothers with the ability to transfer their immunity onto their baby (called passive immunity) by way of antibodies through breast milk. A mother’s breast milk is filled with protective immunoglobulins that work to fight off bacteria and viruses that could be harmful to it. This supports the fact that breastfed babies get sicker much less than formula-fed babies.

Read more about why breastfeeding is the key to a healthy mother and child

Immunglogulins survive the digestive tract because they are packaged within a protective substance that allows them to survive the stomach environment and get to the intestinal tract at which point they adhere to the lining or are absorbed. By remaining in the digestive tract immunglobulins help to prevent the growth of bacteria that can be dangerous to a baby’s health.

Interestingly, during pregnancy a mother also passes on helpful antibodies -particularly IgG through the placenta which remain with baby for the first few months of life. From colostrum – mother’s first milk – onwards, breast milk is filled with highly beneficial antibodies that a mother’s own body has developed in response to her region’s specific pathogens.

A child’s immune system will start to develop on its own at about 2-3 months of age. At this point the antibodies that mother has conferred start to decline. A baby’s immune system begins to grow and develop when it comes into contact with bacteria, viruses and fungi and can wage an attack against them. By 1 year of age a baby will have developed its immune system significantly, although not entirely. Some experts suggest an immune system is not fully developed until a child is approximately 12-14 years of age, when they finally reach adult levels of antibody formation.

Strategies to Boost Baby’s Immunity

  • Breastfeed for as long as possible
  • Keep baby away from sick individuals
  • Ensure clean hands when dealing with newborns
  • Use baby probiotics to ensure a healthy intestinal tract
  • Ensure the breastfeeding mom is eating a healthy diet
  • Ensure adequate exposure to sunlight or vitamin D

Read more about how a common mom habit can cause cavities in children

A baby’s immune system should be supported throughout the first phase of its life so that it can be encouraged to strengthen quickly and strongly. A healthy immune system is the foundation to a healthy childhood and later adulthood.

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Sensitivities and Food Allergies in Children Wed, 21 Nov 2018 09:24:46 +0000 Food sensitivities and allergies are on the rise in children. Between 1997 and 2011, food allergies in children increased by 50 percent, affecting approximately 5.9 million children in the United States alone. While statistics focus specifically on food allergies, they exclude the many children who experience food sensitivities, which can be very unpleasant for children. […]

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Food sensitivities and allergies are on the rise in children. Between 1997 and 2011, food allergies in children increased by 50 percent, affecting approximately 5.9 million children in the United States alone. While statistics focus specifically on food allergies, they exclude the many children who experience food sensitivities, which can be very unpleasant for children. And the underlying message is that more and more kids are reacting to foods they are consuming.

What is the difference between a food allergy and sensitivity?

There are a few defining differences between food sensitivity and a food allergy reactions. The first distinction is the immediacy of the reaction. Food allergies appear quickly and are usually quite notable such as coughing, sneezing, or vomiting. Food sensitivities can be more subtle and can often take hours to emerge. Another difference is that with allergies, there is a histamine response whereas with sensitivities this is not the case. When suffering from a food sensitivity, the person can exhibit a variety of reactions as s/he responds negatively to the food.

Read more about GMOs and food intolerances

How to Detect a Reaction

Although parents may be aware of potential of food reactions, many are still confused as to how to spot the signs. Oftentimes, parents are under the impression that a food reaction will only manifest through more traditional symptoms such as breathing difficulties or skin rashes. In addition to these obvious signs that the body is reacting to something, there are also more subtle indications that the body may not be responding well to a food.

In order to properly determine whether or not a child is reacting to foods they have eaten, it is important for parents to be aware of all the different ways food sensitivities and allergies manifest. Below are a number of likely indicators that your child may not be tolerating a particular food or a group of foods well.


If your baby or child is vomiting regularly – in the absence of fever and other signs of infection – this usually indicates a reaction to a food she/he has eaten.

Frequent Runny Stools

When children are still in diapers, it is harder to tell if stools are runny. Note if the stools appear more watery on occasions when suspect foods are consumed and if other signs of sensitivity are present.

Not Gaining Weight

If children are sensitive to foods they are eating, their bodies will often try to eliminate the food quickly. This will impair the proper digestion and absorption of food and thus can have a negative impact on healthy weight gain.


The appearance of skin rashes is a very common sign that your child is reacting to something. This reaction can be due to many factors such as foods, clothing, detergents, and body care products so it is wise to consider all of these sources as possible irritants.

Breathing Problems

When we are exposed to allergens, our respiratory system attempts to rid the body of them. During this process, the lungs secrete mucous, and this is why children with allergies are often congested and have runny noses.

Frequent Crying or Colic

When babies or toddlers have digestive discomfort due to a food sensitivity or allergy, they will often express it through crying or colic. Since they lack the verbal skills to properly communicate the reality of their pain, they rely on crying to try to get the message across.

Read more about recognizing childhood illness

Other signs of a potential reaction to food to keep your eye on are: bed-wetting, attention and behavior problems, eczema, fatigue, constipation, dark circles under eyes, gas, ear infections, and regular headaches. If you suspect a food allergy or sensitivity, it is wise to remove the food from the diet entirely. If symptoms improve, that will be the confirmation that the food was in fact problematic for your child.

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6 Tips for Improving Children's Digestion Wed, 21 Nov 2018 14:22:15 +0000 Increasingly, children are developing digestive problems that were once reserved for adults. Digestive problems such as bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, and even inflammatory bowel diseases can result from a multitude of factors, but the underlying cause is often inappropriate eating habits. The role of good nutrition in health is unfortunately still under-emphasized in North America. Although […]

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Increasingly, children are developing digestive problems that were once reserved for adults. Digestive problems such as bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, and even inflammatory bowel diseases can result from a multitude of factors, but the underlying cause is often inappropriate eating habits. The role of good nutrition in health is unfortunately still under-emphasized in North America. Although we recognize a relationship between food and the body's functioning, there is still a tendency to assume that the mechanics of the body are malfunctioning due to other reasons.

We need to realize that if digestion is impaired, that means the food we eat is not being broken down and absorbed properly. Digestion is how your body takes food and makes it usable in the form of energy and nutrients. In many healing modalities, it is believed that problems with digestion are at the heart of all other health conditions. To help improve your child’s digestion and their body’s access to nutrients, it is best to implement some of the strategies listed below. Oftentimes, even modifying some of the harmful habits that overwhelm children's systems can be enough to bring about change.

Read more about making family meals healthy and fun

1. Avoid Overeating
In today’s world of supersizes, it is easy to lose sight of what a proper portion is. This is especially true when eating out because restaurants dish out larger portions to give the sense of value to customers. Children do not have a sense of how much food is appropriate, so it is up to parents to show them how much they should be eating. Overeating puts a lot of pressure on the digestive system and should be avoided. When too much food is eaten, it taxes the body’s ability to properly break down and assimilate nutrients. Since parents are in control of food preparation and serving, it is recommended to serve out smaller portions on plates and keep extra in the kitchen so that children do not overeat. In addition, this method can help slow down children’s eating pace, which is another factor in digestive problems.

2. Drink Away from Meals
When most children sit down to eat, they expect to drink something. This combination of food and liquid can lead to slower digestion as the digestive juices are diluted by the liquids consumed. It is best to keep the amount of fluids around mealtime to a minimum. Have children drink their water before meals – up to 15 minutes prior or about 30 to 45 minutes after meals.

3. Eliminate Processed Foods
Processed foods – really all packaged and fast foods – should be removed from the diet of children with digestive problems. These foods tend to contain many harmful substances such as trans fats and preservatives that can interfere with digestion. Because many of these substances are unnatural, our bodies are not sure what to do with them, and this complicates digestion. In addition, processed foods contain very few nutrients and will use up the body’s nutrients as they are digested. This will in turn create a nutrient deficiency that will impair future digestion. Children with digestive problems should stick to natural, whole foods that the body recognizes and can readily use.

4. Limit Heavy Foods
Certain foods, including meats and dairy, are harder to digest than others and may use up more digestive energy. These foods should be moderated to help the digestive system recuperate from all of the extra work it is doing. Try having at least one or two vegetarian days a week, where meals are organized around vegetables and non-meat proteins such as legumes.

5. Proper Combinations
Eating certain foods together and keeping certain foods apart from each other may also help alleviate digestive issues. This concept, known as food combining, recognizes that the body requires specific mediums to digest certain foods, and that eating foods that require different mediums can slow down digestion. The main foods that should be kept apart are starches (i.e. breads, potatoes, rice, pasta) and protein-dense foods such as meat. Using food-combining principles to improve digestion does not mean a child can never eat a meat sandwich. It just means that some meals should be designed around proper combinations to help facilitate digestion. A good example would be to have a dinner of wild salmon with non-starch vegetables such as broccoli or cauliflower.

Read more about proper food combing for better energy

6. Eat with Awareness
In today’s world of a million distractions, many children are eating food while watching TV or playing on their computers. This habit can also interfere with digestion, as the body is not primed to digest food when it is distracted. When the body is stressed, it diverts energy away from digestion and instead prepares to fight-or-flight. Children and families should practice mindful eating around meal times. This habit will encourage the body to digest food that was consumed properly.

Incorporating these digestive strategies into your child’s eating habits can assist in reducing the burden placed on the digestive system. Once this burden is removed, your child should start to notice an improvement in symptoms such as gas, bloating, and even discomfort. If pain continues after the above strategies have been implemented, consult your health care practitioner for further advice.

READ MORE: 12 Nutrition Tips for Picky Eaters

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Should I Feed My Baby Organic Baby Food? Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:59:30 +0000 Most parents want to do what’s best for their children. Many wonder if they should incorporate organic baby food and products into their diets. Even though the organic market has increased significantly in recent years, many still question whether the difference between organic and conventional foods is really that important for health, and are organic […]

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Most parents want to do what’s best for their children. Many wonder if they should incorporate organic baby food and products into their diets. Even though the organic market has increased significantly in recent years, many still question whether the difference between organic and conventional foods is really that important for health, and are organic products worth the extra money. The clear answer to these questions is yes! Let’s look at some of the main arguments for choosing organic baby food:

Reduced Pesticide Exposure

Pesticides are poisons sprayed onto crops to kill any pests that may damage or eat the fruit, vegetable or grain in question. We continuously expose ourselves and our children to thousands of different pesticides when we eat conventional foods. Pesticides can lodge themselves in the body’s fat cells and remain for long periods of time. They damage the body until they are eliminated. Pesticides are easily passed to a fetus through the placenta, and to an infant through breast milk which is composed of fatty tissue.

Pesticide “safety” guidelines have been established (if that is even a fair statement) only on individual pesticides, not on combinations of pesticides. However, conventional farming and food manufacturing processes leave multiple pesticide residues on most produce and products. The safety of these pesticide combinations has never been studied. The potential negative effect of multiple pesticides could be multiplied. A study, funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), determined the consumption of organic foods to be an important way to protect humans from exposure to pesticides (such as organophosphates) which can cause neurological damage. Neurological damage can lead to depression, mental illness, hyperactivity and ADHD, among other issue.

Read more about ADHD and diet

Reduced Exposure to Antibiotics and Hormones

Potential exposure to antibiotics and hormones is the major issue with consuming non-organic meat and dairy products. When animals are raised for food, their living conditions are less than ideal. Consequently, disease can spread quickly if one or more animals become infected. For this reason farmers routinely add antibiotics to the animal’s feed, attempting to nip any infection epidemic in the bud. Unfortunately, trace amounts of these antibiotics make their way into the food products we eat and then accumulate in our bodies.

Hormones are routinely given to animals to speed their growth rates allowing them to reach full size much faster than normal. Conventional farmers appreciate this convenience because it reduces farm and feed costs. Unfortunately, as with antibiotics, these residues end up in our bodies and affect our very sensitive endocrine system which governs our own hormonal activity.

Reduced Exposure to Genetically Modified Ingredients

When a food is labeled organic it does not contain genetically modified ingredients. By purchasing organic foods you are minimizing your exposure to genetically modified foods, and the health risks associated with their consumption. Despite the claims that Genetically Modified (GM) foods are completely safe, our governments required no long term testing before these foods were approved for use. Genetically modified foods entered our food supply in the mid-1990’s. Many studies have linked GM foods to various health issues including allergies, decreased fertility, and digestive problems among other things.

Today more than 70% of processed foods contain at least one genetically modified ingredient. This suggests our exposure to GM ingredients is potentially very high, unless we consciously try to avoid them. The most common GM crops are soy, corn, canola, rice and wheat. In addition, today, most animals are fed GM feed, even if the advertising claims they are “naturally raised”. Unfortunately, the effects of these GM ingredients can be passed on to people who eat these animal products.

Increased Nutritional Value

For many years, critics of organic foods claimed there was no proof of any nutritional superiority over conventional foods. Critics of organic foods consistently pointed out that, for every study claiming increased nutritional value of organic foods, there was another one to prove conventional foods were on par. Recently, however, the scales were finally tipped in favor of organic foods with the completion of a large 4-year study done by Newcastle University in England. They proved what advocates of organics have intuitively always known: organically grown food possesses increased nutrient levels. The results are significant because nutrient content was increased by 20-40% in the foods studied.

Environmental Impacts

If you still aren’t convinced, consider that organic foods are better for the environment because millions of pounds of chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides can be diverted from our soil, air and water. These chemicals don’t miraculously disappear when used as they do harm to the many ecosystems they come into contact with. In fact studies show organically farmed soil houses many times more microbes, earthworms and fungi. Of course these don’t sound appetizing to us, but they are necessary for soil health and increased nutrient content in foods.

We cannot forget we are intricately linked to our environment. When we damage the environment through harmful farming practices, sooner or later we will pay the price with our health.

Read more about chemicals that may lower your child's IQ

When deciding how to spend your organic dollars, it is wise to prioritize the products or foods you feel are the highest risk. Consider purchasing organic varieties of foods that conventionally contain the greatest concentrations of pesticides, antibiotics and hormones. In addition, prioritize foods you eat most frequently, or in the largest amounts.

[Editor's Note: Our partner Happy Family Brands makes healthy and delicious organic and Non-GMO Project Verified meals and snack foods for babies and toddlers.]

Image: Andrew Bardwell

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9 Tips for Managing Pain in Natural Childbirth Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:58:58 +0000 A growing number of women are opting for natural childbirth in recognition of the health benefits for both themselves and their babies. These women choose to view childbirth as a natural process that their bodies were designed to endure without unnecessary medical interventions. It is, however, clear that electing not to use pain medication during […]

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A growing number of women are opting for natural childbirth in recognition of the health benefits for both themselves and their babies. These women choose to view childbirth as a natural process that their bodies were designed to endure without unnecessary medical interventions. It is, however, clear that electing not to use pain medication during labor can intensify the physical experience of birthing and increase the level of discomfort. Fortunately, there are certain strategies that can be employed to help reduce the degree of pain that a woman has to endure.

The best approach to take with natural childbirth is to plan for it. Very often, if women do not adequately plan for a natural delivery, the experience can be very stressful, and in turn, increase the level of pain felt. When the body is stressed, muscles will naturally tighten and this constriction will increase pain. Thus, proper preparation is essential to help prevent laboring women from becoming overly anxious.

Get Empowered by Others

In order to understand what happens during a natural labor, it is recommended that a pregnant woman connect with other women who have had successful natural childbirths. By speaking to these women and hearing their stories, a woman can begin to feel assured that natural childbirth is indeed possible. Often, just knowing that someone else-like her-has done it allows her to feel as though it is possible for her to do it too. It is extremely important for a woman to believe she is capable of going through a natural childbirth; otherwise, fear and doubt will dominate once the pain of regular contractions begins. Receiving encouraging support from other women-even one very enthusiastic woman-is vital to help offset the psychological effects from years of only hearing about the impossible pain of childbirth.

Try Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a wonderful tool to utilize in preparation for natural childbirth. Hypnosis works by affecting the subconscious part of the brain-that part of the brain that governs much of what we believe without conscious awareness. By undergoing hypnosis with a trained specialist, women are able to access their subconscious and imbed new beliefs which support their goal of having a natural labor.

Women should ask for a CD copy of their hypnotherapy session and then listen to it frequently in preparation for the birthing. Often playing the CD before bed is ideal as the speed and tone of the voice of the hypno-therapist is intended to relax the mind into a deeper state of consciousness.

Rescue Remedy Is Calming

Many midwives and doulas come to births with Rescue Remedy in hand. Rescue Remedy is a homeopathic product-completely safe during pregnancy-that helps with relaxation. Made from very diluted plant essences, the remedy helps to calm the body when it is experiencing stress.

Because the effects can be felt within minutes, it is very useful for labors that come on quickly. As noted above, it is often stress that increases labor pain as it tightens the body and works against the natural progression of labor. Using any method that relaxes the body is helpful to reducing labor aches.

Magnesium Relaxes

Magnesium is a mineral that also works to relax muscles and therefore may have a beneficial affect on the pain of contractions. Taking magnesium for a few weeks prior to labor and then increasing the dose at the onset of labor can help to significantly reduce the extra pain that tight muscles will bring on.

Use Breathing Techniques

There are many natural birthing approaches that employ the use of special breathing techniques during labor. The premise is that if a woman focuses on controlling her breathing she can work with her body’s natural rhythms and support rather than impede birthing.

It is beneficial to begin practicing these techniques with a labor partner in preparation for labor so that the partner clearly knows how to support the birthing women while she is in the throws of pain. These techniques can be learned through prenatal classes or even through books.

Embrace Movement

One of the many advantages of a natural childbirth is that a woman is free to move around however much she desires. Moving the body is desirable for most women because it allows them to move or walk off the pain. Lying down on a hospital bed often intensifies the feeling of contractions because it is not a natural laboring position. A laboring woman should explore various movements and positions to discover what feels best for her. Walking, dancing and even pushing against her birthing partner are all forms of movement that have worked for women.

Water Therapy Helps Alleviate Pain

Using water during labor can also help to reduce the intensity of pain. Many women enjoy sitting in a bathtub or a Jacuzzi, claiming it helps them better deal with contractions. Many hospital birthing centers are now being designed with Jacuzzis so it may be worthwhile to do a hospital tour to find out if your birthing place is equipped with one.

Music is Motivating

Music can have a powerful effect on us and can often serve to either relax or energize us depending upon what we are listening to. Many women choose to play their favorite music while laboring because it helps to motivate them in whichever direction they need to move. Relaxing music may be appropriate for early stages of labor, while more inspiring and energizing varieties would be more suitable towards the end of a longer labor or close to push time.

Find Comfort in Favorite Food or Drinks

Follow your instincts and eat and drink when your body tells you to. Often, the taste of a favorite food or drink can help refocus our attention on something other than pain. A good example is a natural fruit popsicle, which can help provide the body with some natural sugar for energy and also serve to make a woman feel more comfortable especially if she is delivering in the middle of summer.

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4 Prenatal Nutrients to Restore Before a Second (or Third!) Pregnancy Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:58:12 +0000 Although equally special, second time pregnancies often do not generate the same emotional intensity as first time pregnancies. Women tend to approach a first pregnancy carefully, learning everything they can about fetal stages and appropriate health habits. By the time the second and/or third pregnancy rolls around, many may feel as though they have done […]

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Although equally special, second time pregnancies often do not generate the same emotional intensity as first time pregnancies. Women tend to approach a first pregnancy carefully, learning everything they can about fetal stages and appropriate health habits. By the time the second and/or third pregnancy rolls around, many may feel as though they have done it before, read all the books, quizzed all the other mothers they know, and survived labor-making them feel like a seasoned pro. Although the effects on a woman’s body can be similar with each pregnancy, you may want to keep in mind the some nutritional recommendations for the second time around.

The most important factor to consider is that a woman’s body is often in a different condition than during the first conception. By the next pregnancy, and especially if it happens within two years of the last birth, the body can be depleted of vital nutrients because pregnancy itself is very taxing, often using up a woman’s precious nutrient stores. If we factor in the physically demanding task of breastfeeding and caring for a baby, we have a recipe for nutrient deficiencies, leaving mother and second baby open for health problems.

Read more about how to identify nutrient deficiencies

In order to protect her developing fetus and her own body from potential problems that derive from nutrient deficiencies, a second time mom may want to pay special attention to the following nutrients.

1. Omega 3s
These essential fats easily become depleted because they are so important for a baby’s development. Many women do not regularly consume food sources of omega 3s or do not supplement adequately, and consequently find themselves devoid of this nutrient post-pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

Generally during pregnancy the fetus takes precedence over the hosting mom, and in the case of a nutrient shortage, the growing baby gets first dibs. Depletion becomes more of a problem if the mother does not consciously replenish her stores before becoming pregnant for a second time. By the time the second fetus arrives, its access to these essential fats is diminished, which can negatively affect the development of the brain, nervous system, and immune system. Some experts have theorized that certain behavioral problems and learning disabilities may result from second born children with decreased access to adequate essential fatty acids during fetal development.

2. Iron
During pregnancy, iron needs increase by up to 50 percent. This sudden increase in iron allows for the manufacture of extra blood cells that are necessary to ensure nourishment reaches the fetus via the blood. If iron deficient in her first pregnancy without correction, a mother is likely to be at risk for further depletion in her second pregnancy. Low iron should be corrected prior to pregnancy since the condition may cause considerable fatigue for the mother, making it difficult for her to even get through the most basic of tasks let alone eat properly.

3. Folic Acid
Folic acid is an important nutrient that needs to be replenished before a second pregnancy is initiated. Because folic acid is key for fetal development (it allows cells to divide properly) and during lactation (for breast milk secretion and production), it can easily become depleted. Ensure adequate supplementation between pregnancies in addition to eating folate rich foods such as green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds.

4. Zinc
Zinc deficiency is probably the most common mineral deficiency in both women and men. This fact may have something to do with an under-functioning digestive tract, leading to poor absorption of this mineral. As with the above nutrients, if a woman’s intake and stores of zinc are low, she and her fetus may suffer the consequences of zinc deficiency. Zinc is critical for mental and immune development as well as enzymatic reactions. Signs of zinc deficiency are catching colds easily, paleness, white spots on nails, and a reduction in sense of smell and taste. In addition to adding dietary sources of zinc and a supplement to the diet, women may wish to consider improving their digestion with a digestive enzyme.

Despite the increased demands women have during a second or third pregnancy, they owe it to themselves and their babies to ensure they are properly nourished prior to conception and throughout pregnancy. It is important to reinforce stores of omega 3s, iron, folic acid, and zinc prior to becoming pregnant. As the expression goes, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

READ MORE: Label Lesson – Prenatal Vitamins

[Editors Note: Our sponsor Happy Family Brands has delicious prenatal gummies that have key ingredients for your baby's development like Vitamin D, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and Choline.]

Image: Philippe Put

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How to Thrive During Pregnancy on a Vegetarian Diet Wed, 21 Nov 2018 13:49:12 +0000 Vegetarianism is a way of life for health, ethical, or religious reasons, but what should pregnant vegetarians do? Contrary to what worrying relatives or friends may believe, a healthy vegetarian pregnancy is indeed possible. As long as a vegetarian mom has all her nutrient requirements covered, her likelihood of having a strong and healthy baby […]

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Vegetarianism is a way of life for health, ethical, or religious reasons, but what should pregnant vegetarians do? Contrary to what worrying relatives or friends may believe, a healthy vegetarian pregnancy is indeed possible. As long as a vegetarian mom has all her nutrient requirements covered, her likelihood of having a strong and healthy baby is equal to, and in some cases may even be superior to, that of her meat-eating peers.

For the most part, healthy vegetarians may continue to eat as they have been as long as they make room for the increased nutrient demands a growing baby will places on them. However, eating a vegetarian diet may require a bit more attention because meat and fish are abundant in certain vitamins required for pregnancy (B12, iron, and zinc). Proper nutrient balance is possible to achieve with adequate planning and sufficient variety of food choices.

Iron needs increase during pregnancy from about 18 mg to approximately 27 mg daily.

A mother’s blood volume increases at this time (almost double her regular levels) to provide adequate oxygen to the fetus. Iron is required for this increase because it is essential in the formation of hemoglobin, a substance required to carry oxygen to the body’s tissues and organs. Non-heme iron (found in vegetables) is less well absorbed than heme iron (found in meat) thus vegetarians need to be conscious of both getting an adequate supply and maximizing absorption. High non-heme iron foods such as eggs, beans, tofu, dried figs and apricots, whole grains and green leafy vegetables should be included in the diet alongside vitamin C rich foods to boost absorption.

Vitamin B12 is essential for cell division, healthy red blood cell formation and protein synthesis.

Since B12 exists only in animal foods, vegetarians run an increased risk of being deficient in this nutrient. B12 exists in eggs and dairy products and therefore, if tolerated, these foods should be included in the diet. If allergies or aversions prohibit their consumption, consider getting a B12 shot through your doctor or naturopathic doctor. B12 absorption is much higher through injections than through tablet form. During pregnancy eight to 10 mcg per day is recommended.

To enable proper growth and development during pregnancy, your new baby needs zinc.

Zinc is important for proper cell division and utilization of protein obtained through the placenta. Zinc deficiency correlates with birth defects in animal experiments. Zinc requirements during pregnancy are about 15 to 20 mg daily. Good vegetarian sources of zinc include beans, brown rice, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, nuts (Brazil nuts and pecans), tofu, egg yolks, and dairy products. Sprouted grains increase the availability of zinc.

Other Vitamins to Consider 

While Iron, vitamin B12 and zinc are essential, vitamin D and folate are also important to fetal health.

Vitamin D

The body, with healthy exposure to sunlight, can produce it. Spend 15 minutes daily outdoors without any sun-block on. If you live in a more northern area, where sunlight is limited through the October to April months, include vitamin D rich foods such as fortified milk and eggs in your diet. Otherwise supplementing may be a good idea. Current recommendations for vitamin D range from 400 to 1,000 IU per day.

Folic Acid

Although vegetarian diets are often high in folic acid, or folate, it is still important for pregnant women to ensure they receive enough of this nutrient because it tends to be a common vitamin deficiency in North America. Folic acid is crucial for proper cell growth and division in the fetus. Deficiencies can lead to neural tube defects. Experts recommend 600 to 1,000 mcg per day during pregnancy from folic acid supplements and/or the following dietary sources: dark leafy greens, whole grains, orange juice, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, and fortified cereals.

A good quality, food-based pre-natal supplement also helps ensure these nutrients are obtained in optimal amounts.

Foods for Pregnancy

Protein-Rich Foods

Pregnant women are encouraged to consume between 60 to 75 grams of protein (depending on their size) in the form of legumes, nuts, seeds, eggs, and various milks. High quality protein powders may also be consumed. Ensure they are free of artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame and sucralose (Splenda), as well as large amounts of sugars.

Protein amounts in foods:1 egg  –>  6 grams

1 cup beans –>  11-18 grams

1 cup of yogurt –>  13 grams

2 tbsp nut butter –>  8 grams

1 cup quinoa –>  9 grams

Protein shake –>  25 gramsFruits and Vegetables

Pregnant women should consume about eight to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables, with more vegetable than fruit servings. Vegetable juicing and smoothies are easy ways to get in extra servings. If this proves to be a big challenge, you can also include a greens drink powder in your day to boost vegetable intake. Eating organic produce will also help avoid chemicals.

Calcium-Rich Foods

It is recommended during pregnancy that women consume four servings of calcium-rich foods. If dairy is tolerated, consume at least one serving of plain yogurt with active bacterial cultures. Other sources of calcium include dark green leafy vegetables like collard greens, kale, broccoli, almonds and almond milk, sesame seeds and tahini, organic soybeans and tempeh, sea vegetables and black strap molasses. Interestingly calcium absorption increases to almost double during pregnancy.


Eight to nine servings of grains are suggested during pregnancy. Try to include a variety of whole grains such as brown rice, whole oats, quinoa, rye, barley, spelt, and kamut. Keep in mind that a serving size of grains is about one-half cup, one small slice of bread, or six whole grain crackers.

It is very possible to eat a healthy vegetarian diet during pregnancy. Make sure that all of your nutritional requirements are being met by including these foods and supplements, as well as lots of variety.

[Editor's Note: We love the high-quality prenatal supplements from our partner Happy Family.]

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Strategies For Raising Sugar-Free Kids Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:48:06 +0000 It is hard to ignore the fact that we now live in a sugar-coated world. North America's addiction to sugar has become epidemic. We can see the evidence in our expanding waistlines and in our health by way of diet-related diseases such as diabetes. Contrary to past thinking, we now know that sugar is not simply a harmless treat to […]

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It is hard to ignore the fact that we now live in a sugar-coated world. North America's addiction to sugar has become epidemic. We can see the evidence in our expanding waistlines and in our health by way of diet-related diseases such as diabetes. Contrary to past thinking, we now know that sugar is not simply a harmless treat to be enjoyed without much cause for concern. Rather, it is an extremely damaging substance that hooks us like a drug and then slowly starts to undermine our health with each sweet mouthful we take in.

Trying to raise a healthy child today necessitates controlling their diet. Left to their own devices, most children will naturally gravitate towards sugar-filled foods as humans are genetically wired to appreciate the sweetness that certain foods impart. This fact coupled with the power of advertising for candy bars, pop, cereals, and other sugar filled products on children has succeeded in producing a generation of eaters that love their sugar. Yet, with current consumption levels where they are (according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data from 1999, sugar consumption is 158 pounds per person per year) it is becoming near impossible to raise a new generation of healthy, happy and balanced children.

Read more about soda and child aggression.

In order to protect children from the damaging effects of sugar, parents need to be diligent in implementing healthy habits and anticipating pitfalls. Below are some strategies that have worked for parents with the same goal.

Strategy #1 – Don’t Bring Sugar-filled Foods Into the House
If sugary foods are in the house, it is much harder to try and keep your child away from them. If cookies or other treats make it into the house, your children will see them and constantly be reminded of them. Not having them in the house means they are out of sight and out of mind.

Strategy #2 – Be an Example 

It is hard to convince your child not to eat sugary foods if you are regularly eating them yourself. Learn to set a good example, both you and your child will benefit.

Strategy #3 – Buy Holiday Candy From Them
I heard this idea from friends who wanted to keep their daughter away from holiday candy and I thought it was very clever. Instead of depriving your child from festive activities such as trick-or-treating at Halloween or going to birthday parties where the loot bags are large enough to upgrade your dentist’s car, allow your child to attend these events with the agreement that you will buy the candy back from them for $$ or you will exchange it for a trip to the zoo or movies. This way, they can enjoy the social aspects of these holidays without paying the price through their health.

Strategy #4 – Work With Other Parents

Chances are if you’re concerned about the amount of sugar your child is eating, then other parents are too. Bring up the subject with the parents you socialize with and see if there are ways to minimize the amount of sugar that is served at each other’s house during play-dates or sleepovers. If you sense hesitation, you can always offer to supply snacks that you feel are more appropriate. Most parents are more open to ideas when you make it easy for them.

Strategy #5 – Discuss Your Food “Rules” With Your Child Before Going Out
Many parents cave into their child’s demands when they are out because they don’t want to make a scene. Children often realize this pattern and use it to their advantage. Rather than wait for a situation to arise in public with your child, lay down the rules and the consequences of their behavior before you head out. If children know the boundaries and the consequences, they are more likely to behave.

Strategy #6 – Be Prepared With Food
A key strategy to employ with children is to never allow them to get really hungry in places where temptation is abundant. Always make sure that children are well fed before heading to the mall or to a sporting event, and make sure you always carry healthy snacks with you. This will decrease their inclination to want to fill their stomachs with unhealthy items.

Strategy #7 – Be Clear and Firm With Other Family Members
One of the most difficult situations to navigate is familial sabotage. Many family members will insist on feeding your child sweet treats or buying them unhealthy presents whenever they see them. Their intentions to make your child smile may be sweet but if this turns into a regular practice, you will need to have a conversation with them letting them know your philosophy.

The clearer you are with others right from the beginning, the easier things should be. If they sense any waffling or hesitation from you, they may try to push your limits. Keep in mind that you may initially ruffle some feathers when having these discussions with family members. Gain strength by reminding yourself that it is one of your greatest responsibilities as a parent to protect the health of your child.

Read more about making family meals healthy and fun

Trying to raise sugar-free kids does not mean that you can never let them enjoy a piece of birthday cake or savor an ice cream cone on a warm summer day. Instead, it represents the quest to keep our children healthy within an increasingly unhealthy world. By returning to more reasonable eating habits that include saving sugary foods for special occasions, we can endeavor to provide our children with the healthy future that they deserve.

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Kid-Friendly Cold Remedies That Work Wed, 21 Nov 2018 13:48:06 +0000 The common cold is a virus infecting the upper airways. This virus is transmitted by contact from hands to mouths, as well as through infected respiratory droplets from sneezing and coughing. It’s not uncommon for a child to get multiple colds during a year. Common cold symptoms include: a sore throat; stuffy, runny nose, sneezing, […]

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The common cold is a virus infecting the upper airways. This virus is transmitted by contact from hands to mouths, as well as through infected respiratory droplets from sneezing and coughing. It’s not uncommon for a child to get multiple colds during a year.

Common cold symptoms include: a sore throat; stuffy, runny nose, sneezing, headache, ear congestion, a low grade fever, and a sore, achy body. Although it may seem like your child is catching a cold every other week, your child’s immune system is actually in the process of evolving from a series of uncoordinated reactions, to an intricate set of responses designed to defend against foreign substances. While the symptoms can sometimes be uncomfortable for your child, what we don’t want to do is suppress the immune system’s fight to strengthen itself. What we do want to work on is boosting your child’s immune system with diet and herbs in order to lessen the frequency, intensity and duration of illness.

Try one of the following strategies to boost your child’s immune system during the cold season:

  • Siberian Ginseng Tincture: One dose, once or twice a week, helps build the immune system and strengthen the body.
  • Echinacea and Goldenseal Tincture: One dose, twice weekly during cold and flu season, stimulates the immune system and helps the body clear infection.
  • Occilococcinum: One dose weekly during cold and flu season. A homeopathic remedy useful for cold and flu prevention. Alternatively it can be used at the very first signs of a cold. Keep 5 tiny granules of the remedy under the tongue until they are completely dissolved.
  • It is imperative to practice good hygiene at all times: Careful and frequent hand washing is very important for all members of the family, since many viruses spread by hand.

Here are some strategies that can be used during a cold:

  • Drink lots of fluids:  If your child doesn’t have an appetite for solid foods, it’s best not to force it. Instead, encourage simple, healthy foods like diluted pure fruit juices, applesauce, soups, broths, and herbal teas. Children with fevers can easily become dehydrated, so flush their bodies with as much fluid as they will accept. Fluids also help to thin mucous secretions, making them easier to eliminate.
  • Limit refined sugars: Sugar creates an acidic environment in the body which may cause a cold to linger.
  • Avoid dairy products: These foods have a tendency to produce more mucous in the body.
  • Drink ginger tea: Ginger helps to cleanse the body as well as reducing the intensity of a cold. Ginger increases perspiration, therefore helping to bring down a fever.
  • Use a cool mist humidifier in your child’s room at night:  This helps to thin secretions.
  • Use a saline nasal irrigation: This is especially important for infants who have a hard time getting mucous out of their noses. Saline sprays come in different strengths; choose a fine mist for infants and younger children, and a more powerful spray for adults.
  • Try sugar free vitamin C lozenges or zinc lozenges to soothe a sore throat and boost the immune system: For children over 2 years old, vitamin C and zinc lozenges can be taken on an as-needed basis or you can give your child 1-2 zinc lozenges per day until symptoms subside.
  • Drink licorice tea or a tincture of licorice: Licorice has antibacterial properties, tastes sweet, and is effective for soothing the throat. Warning: licorice should not to be given to a child with high blood pressure. Take one dose, three times a day.
  • Marshmallow root tea:   Marshmallow Root is also soothing to the throat. Take one dose of tea, three times a day.
  • Try a home made tea of sage and thyme: One dose, three times a day.

Untreated, a cold can last anywhere from 7-10 days however natural medicines can be very helpful in reducing the severity of cold symptoms and can even shorten the amount of time a cold sticks around for. Keep in mind however that prevention is the best medicine. Before the cold and flu season begins, it’s a good idea to give your child’s immune system a little boost by following some of the suggestions mentioned above.

In an appropriate dose, the aforementioned herbs and homeopathic preparations are safe for young children; however it is advisable not to begin using these suggestions with children younger than 1 year old. 

If your child has a pre-existing medical condition, is taking other medication or their symptoms have not improved in 7 days, please seek advice from a qualified a healthcare practitioner.

Editor's Note: We recommend Lemon Ginger, Chai, Sweet Cinnamon and Chamomile Citrus teas from our sponsor Bigelow Tea for soothing your cold and flu symptoms.

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