Camping Cuisine: Cook with Hot Rocks

Camping Cuisine: Cook with Hot Rocks

Camping is one of my all-time favorite summer activities. For a week, the din of city living is replaced by the haunting call of loons, the whispering breeze off the lake, and the chattering of birds, chipmunks and squirrels; it's heavenly. And the best part? Eating outside around a campfire.

I covet campfire cooking even though it often results in charring, which is like willingly downing carcinogens (not so coveted). When I'm camping, I can't resist a hotdog cooked over the fire, but I try to space those charred meals out a bit to give my body a break.

Click here to read our full article on Planet Green.

More on camping from Naturally Savvy:

Camping: Go Green, Tread Lightly

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Cara believes using natural products and eliminating harsh or synthetic chemicals leads to a healthier, happier lifestyle. She grew up in a family that recycled just about everything, avoided harsh cleaners and heavily-scented products, and often turned to holistic medicine. Cara has degrees in art history and journalism, and has taken classes in environmental toxicology and environmental geology. She is passionate about healthy and natural living, environmental awareness and policy, and holistic health care.