Chick-fil-A Removing HFCS and Artificial Dyes from Menu Items

Chick-fil-A Removing HFCS and Artificial Dyes from Menu Items

Chick-fil-A has announced that it is following the call of consumers to reduce the amount of artificial ingredients in their food products. The company will remove high-fructose corn syrup and artificial dyes from many of its items, according to The Huffington Post.

The company is testing new formulations of white buns without the inclusion of high-fructose corn syrup and several of its sauces without artificial food colorings. The products will be tested in 200 Georgia locations before rolling out the new recipes to all 1,700 stores across the nation.

The Huffington Post reports that the changes are a result of blogger Vani Hari’s questioning whether Chick-fil-A shouldn’t actually be called “Chemical-Fil-A” on her blog after finding that one of their sandwiches contained more than 100 ingredients. After this and other questions from Hari about the quality of the food being served by Chick-fil-A, the company actually called on her to meet with them to discuss what they could do to improve their menu items.

Read more about The Scary Seven ingredients

Chick-fil-A is still fast food, and not the healthiest choice, but when you’re in a pinch and fast food is the only option, it is encouraging to know that the company is making the effort to remove ingredients from their menu that can be harmful to their customers. And perhaps what is really the most encouraging thing about this is that one person can make a difference in helping to change the course of action for these large companies that produce convenience foods.

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Chick-fil-A’s move comes on the heels of Kraft announcing that it is working to remove artificial dyes from some of its macaroni and cheese products because the customers have made it clear that that’s what they want. Kraft's Macaroni and Cheese were also targeted by Hari.

Read more about the dangers of fast food

Image:  alberthuynhphoto

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Sarah Fernandez is a freelance writer and designer specializing in home decorating and parenting. She loves gardening and the beach.