RockIt Body Fitness Experts, Author at Live Healthier. Be Informed. Get Inspired. Thu, 30 May 2019 22:15:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Secrets to Burning Fat Faster -Part I Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:17:26 +0000 As a trainer, I have come across many clients not seeing the results they strive for. They work out several times a week with plenty of cardio and can feel their muscles getting stronger but for some reason, they are not experiencing their desired leanness. This seems to be a widespread problem. What is the […]

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As a trainer, I have come across many clients not seeing the results they strive for. They work out several times a week with plenty of cardio and can feel their muscles getting stronger but for some reason, they are not experiencing their desired leanness. This seems to be a widespread problem.

What is the deal? The culprit is the dreaded four letter word – our DIET.

“Diet” does not have to mean writing down and measuring out everything you eat, or testing a latest diet fad that involves only liquids. It simply means making a daily decision to choose better food options. Many people get into the habit of eating food that appears healthy, but is not in reality. Below are some tips to avoid the common mistakes people make when trying to eat healthy along with some known facts about the products we consume.

Read the list of ingredients not just the Nutritional Information box

The best way to be truly healthy inside and out is to be conscious of the ingredients you consume. One rule of thumb: the fewer ingredients listed and the more ingredients you recognize and are able to read, the better the product.

Do not pay too much attention to the fat and calories listed. Food made up of natural ingredients is likely to contain good fats and good sugars. For example, avocados have a high fat content, but are rich in monounsaturated fats, which are good for you. There is a distinction between good and bad fats. As well, sugar from fresh fruit as opposed to from high fructose corn syrup will translate differently in your body.

Examining fat and calories can be very deceiving, therefore be shopper savvy and read the ingredient list. Watch out for the following ingredients in processed products that may be contributing to your weight loss plateau:

  • high fructose corn syrup
  • hydrogenated oil
  • vegetable oil
  • carmine (frequently used in yogurt, fruit drinks, and sweets)
  • sodium nitrate (a highly carcinogenic ingredient – linked to many types of cancers)
  • bleached flour
  • any ingredient you cannot easily pronounce

Note the order in which the ingredients are listed

Ingredients are listed in order of weight, which can often translate into the first listed representing the highest quantity. For example, if you purchase an item supposedly loaded with cranberries in the hopes of boosting immunity, yet cranberries is listed at number five on the ingredient list, this indicates that there are in fact not many cranberries in your product. In this case, clever marketing would have gotten the best of you. Popular trail mix products often sway prospective buyers. The label will say almonds, cashews, macadamia nuts, brazil nuts, and peanuts. When you examine the ingredient list more closely, peanuts are listed first while brazil nuts are all the way at the bottom. Unfortunately, the peanut is one of the least healthiest nuts. They are filler nuts and often littered in seemingly healthy looking products.

There is similar deception with drinks that seem healthy, such as the low fat varieties, with no calories and reduced sugar. Even green teas can fall into this category. These drinks have high fructose corn syrup as their first ingredient, and are just as bad for you as a high-sugar ‘fruit punch’.

Choosing your juice

Juice products may also be deceivingly marketed as healthy. When choosing juice, look for the following in both the ingredient list and labels:

Percentage of juice: Choose juice beverages that contain 100% juice. Added ingredients other than 100% juice are unhealthy.

  • Watch out for concentrates: Many juices are from the fruit, but they are concentrates, which means that all of the water has been squeezed from the whole juice. Juice is typically concentrated so it will have a longer shelf life, just like when you dehydrate fruit. The issue is that a concentrated juice is not as fresh as a juice not from concentrate; you loose the life of the fruit juice you are consuming. You will not receive full health benefits if the juice is concentrated.
  • Be sure to read the label: Many rare or seasonal fruits such as pomegranate, blueberry and acai will almost always be from concentrate. If you do choose a juice blend from concentrate (such as one of the above listed ingredients), try to find one in which the concentrated juices are listed at the end of the list rather than the beginning. This will ensure you receive the freshest juice possible.
  • Check for other added ingredients: They should be at the bottom of the list after all the fruit

When it comes to juice and weight loss goals, avoid juice and opt for the actual fruit. Eating the whole fruit gives you fibre and more nutrients than the juice alone.

Avoid GMO’s in fresh foods

Genetically Modified Foods (often called genetically modified organisms or GMOs) are hiding in fresh produce at every local grocery store. Check the codes on the produce. If it was grown conventionally (not organic), the code will begin with the number 4. Organically grown will begin with the number 9. If it begins with an 8, it is a genetically modified food.

To reach your weight loss goals, fill your plate with vegetables and become shopper savvy. Stay tuned for more tips and secrets about the food you consume!

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New Goals After Sports Injuries Wed, 21 Nov 2018 06:48:39 +0000 Growing up, running just came naturally to me. It was something I excelled in, and more importantly, something I loved. Running was the one constant thing in my life. My ‘me’ time, my stay-fit routine, my ‘clear my head’, my re-energizer and one of the things in life I knew I was good at and […]

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Growing up, running just came naturally to me. It was something I excelled in, and more importantly, something I loved. Running was the one constant thing in my life. My ‘me’ time, my stay-fit routine, my ‘clear my head’, my re-energizer and one of the things in life I knew I was good at and had the proof to show.

It wasn’t until I suffered a nasty snowboard fall that all of that changed. I suffered from a very large herniated disc that kept me unable to pick up my young kids or carry a bag of groceries, much less run. Without it, how would I function? What would fill the void? Along with the pain and inability to run, came a deep depression that unless you’ve lost something so close to you, is hard to comprehend.

After suffering two years with pain and depression, I successfully underwent two different back surgeries to make me whole again. During my road to recovery, I discovered my “can-do” attitude. Instead of focusing on what I couldn’t do, I redirected my focus to would I could do!

While leaving our local club I noticed a friend in the pool. Surprised to see her there, I had to ask what on earth she was doing swimming. That’s when she told me she had signed up for the Nautica Malibu Olympic distance triathlon (1.5K swim, 50K bike and 10K run) and encouraged me to join her. I knew the impact of running alone was not the best choice for someone who had suffered a spine injury and yet I didn’t know the first thing about swimming or biking. Immediately, I said yes!

It was not until age 36 I did two things I never thought I would do – swim in the ocean and “clip in” on a bike. The road was not easy. Learning something new, especially at a later stage of life, never is. My first time in the pool, I could barely make one lap without holding on to the edge and gasping for air. Eventually with the will not to give up, one lap became two, and two became three, until one day I found myself swimming successfully in the big blue ocean.

The swim became a wonderful sense of serenity to me while the bike became just the opposite; it became social hour (more like two or three). Now not only was I focusing on what I could do, and making changes in my body I had never seen before, it also allowed me to meet a new group of interesting athletes from all walks of life. What started as a terrible experience had somehow become one of the best summers I could remember since childhood.

Ever experienced a setback due to injury? Shoulder injury keeping you from playing tennis? Pick up jogging. Bad knees keeping you from jogging? Hit your local pool. Rather than focusing on what you can’t do, focus on what you can. I know trying something new can be terrifying but here are a few tips to get you going. First, set a specific goal. Make sure your goal is something realistic, yet challenging for your current level of fitness. You can always build on your goal as you achieve your original plan. (For example, running a 10K might turn into running a 10K in under 50 minutes next year.) Second, find a way to hold yourself accountable. Registering for local events is always a good way to keep you on track. Tell your friends and family about the goals you have set for yourself. They will help encourage you along the way, which will make you feel excited and enthusiastic about the journey ahead.

Next, find yourself a good training plan. Along with modern technology come a number of wonderful websites you can browse to find a training plan that fits your goals. Find a way to break your plan into steps, and reward yourself with each accomplishment. I must note, choose your rewards wisely. Extended time off and a tub of ice cream are not considered wise choices. Think… a new pair of running shorts or an updated playlist for your iPod. Finally, keep a log of your experience. Write down not only training information, but also keep notes on how you feel (physically and mentally) along the way.

When you’ve accomplished your goal you’ll have something to not only look back and be proud of, but also to build on for your next challenge. Hopefully, you too will be able to find the positive in what seems like a gloomy situation!

Written By: Kaci Bathurst

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The Importance of a Healthy Breakfast Wed, 21 Nov 2018 06:48:24 +0000 Breakfast! It’s not just the most important meal of the day it’s actually my favorite meal of the day. Breakfast is the fuel that keeps our minds and bodies running throughout the day. We’ve heard how important breakfast is since we were kids. And, if you have kids, I’m sure you do everything in your […]

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Breakfast! It’s not just the most important meal of the day it’s actually my favorite meal of the day. Breakfast is the fuel that keeps our minds and bodies running throughout the day. We’ve heard how important breakfast is since we were kids. And, if you have kids, I’m sure you do everything in your power to get them to eat breakfast every day. Well, how often do you heed that advice?

With our hectic schedules, it’s easy to stop by the nearest Starbucks, grab a cup of coffee and a bagel, a muffin that’s loaded with fat and calories, or skip breakfast altogether. Well, I can tell you that a cup of coffee and a muffin (or bagel) does not count as a nutritious breakfast. A Caramel Macchiato has a whopping 270 calories, 10 grams of fat, and 34 grams of carbs and we haven’t even added the calories from the bagel or muffin. A reduced fat blueberry muffin had 450 calories, 10 grams of fat, and 86 grams of carbs. So, if this was what you had for breakfast this morning, you’ve just ingested 720 calories, 20 grams of fat, and 120 grams of carbs!

Many people skip breakfast in an effort to lose weight. Actually, you are more likely to gain weight than lose it! Breakfast skippers tend to eat more than usual or make unhealthy choices at their next meal. These people often reach for unhealthy, high calorie, sugary snacks before their next meal to silence their growling bellies. People who eat a well-balanced and nutritious breakfast are more likely to be successful in losing body fat and maintaining a healthy weight than those who skip it.

So, you ask, “How is eating breakfast good for weight loss?” Think of it this way, you have been asleep for 6 to 8 hours so, your body is in starvation mode and your metabolism is very slow when you first wake up. Not eating for an extended period of time, as we do when we are sleeping, causes your metabolism to go into slow motion. Eating breakfast within the first 30 minutes of waking revs your metabolism back up, gives your body the boost of energy it needs to start your day, and increases your bodies’ fat burning ability. Skipping breakfast or any other meal for that matter will only slow your metabolism down. So, if you are trying to lose weight, you want to keep your metabolism running fast.

Let’s face it, when we think about breakfast, visions of warm, fluffy pancakes with sausage links, a giant banana-nut muffin, a big bowl of Cap’N Crunch, or an omelet stuffed with cheese and bacon usually come to mind. Well, as tasty as those foods are, we all know that they do not make up a healthy or nutritious breakfast. So, What exactly is a healthy and nutritious breakfast? A combination of lean protein, complex carbs- preferably from whole grains, and a healthy fat. Some sources of lean proteins include eggs or low-fat dairy products like Greek yogurt. I love Voskos and Fage plain non-fat Greek yogurt. Protein powders (i.e. whey or organic soy) from your local nutrition shop can also be used as your protein source. I use Myofusion and Elite 12 Hour protein powders because they each have a great blend of protein and taste delicious! Complex carbs include oats or oatmeal and whole grain breads or cereals. Oatmeal is a good source of many nutrients including vitamin E, zinc, iron, and magnesium it is also a good source of protein and fiber. Healthy fats include nuts and nut butters, flax seeds, and avocados.

A good example of a healthy breakfast would be 3 to 4 egg whites, ½ cup of oatmeal, with a tablespoon of ground flax seeds and ½ cup of fresh blueberries. Blueberries are rich in antioxidants and provide an excellent source of vitamins C and E. My breakfast consists of ½ cup of oatmeal, 1 tablespoon chia seeds, 1 scoop soy protein powder, and ½ cup of almond milk with cinnamon and stevia for sweetening. I cook the oatmeal and chia together then add in the protein powder, almond milk, cinnamon, and stevia. If I’m running short on time? I blend my protein powder, ½ cup of oatmeal, splash of almond milk, water, and ice together and have my breakfast to go!

If you prefer cold cereal for breakfast, make sure to read the label and choose one that lists whole grains as the first ingredient with no added sugar. Uncle Sam ® and Kashi ® Go Lean cereals are great options as they are both high fiber and low sugar cereals. If you’re thinking of grabbing one of those breakfast or energy bars, keep in mind that they are not as healthy as they seem. Make sure to read the labels, as many are high in sugar and fat.

If a traditional breakfast isn’t your thing, consider having a whole grain tortilla filled with chicken breast and veggies, a baked yam sprinkled with cinnamon and a lean ground turkey patty, or non-fat Greek yogurt with blueberries and a handful of natural (low sugar) granola.

A healthy and nutritious breakfast is the best way to start the day. Eating breakfast improves your thinking ability, keeps you focused, and helps prevent obesity. The morning meal is the fuel that keeps us running throughout the day. Try it for a week and see how much better you feel.

Written By: Jennifer Billings, BS, CPT

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Work Out For Free (Or Cheap!) Wed, 21 Nov 2018 06:46:58 +0000 These days, it seems like anyone who is anyone has a gym membership or a personal trainer. From glamorous Hollywood celebrities to the lions of New York City’s Wall Street, the wealthy seem to have the best bodies next to professional athletes. Of course, everyone wants to be fit and feel good, but at what […]

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These days, it seems like anyone who is anyone has a gym membership or a personal trainer. From glamorous Hollywood celebrities to the lions of New York City’s Wall Street, the wealthy seem to have the best bodies next to professional athletes. Of course, everyone wants to be fit and feel good, but at what price?

Well, we want you to know that you do not need to be making millions to feel like a million bucks. So if money is tight this year, or if you just believe that frugality is the greatest of virtues, we have included a few affordable fitness options to help you to start looking and feeling great on a budget.

Free Classes Do Exist

Yes, we are not kidding! If you are lucky enough to live near a Lululemon Athletica store, take advantage of their weekly free fitness classes. Usually yoga or Pilates, these classes take place in the store, last about an hour, and are taught by professional instructors volunteering their time. Visit their website to find a store near you.

If Lululemon is not an option, try finding a “donation only” yoga studio. Believe it or not, there are many of them in smaller cities and towns. Studios will have a suggested donation amount to participate in a class, which is usually no more than $10.

Swim, Bike, or Run

No, you don’t have to take up triathlons, but these are three great ways to stay in shape for free. Running is one of the most natural ways for us to workout, so even if you can only run for a few minutes, you will still increase your athletic performance.

If you have a bike, try to ride it as much as you can. Ride it to work, the grocery store, or around the neighborhood. You will get a great free workout, save money on gas, and reduce your carbon emissions footprint.

If running or biking is not your thing, swimming is also a great low-impact cardio workout. A lot of cities and towns have community pools that are either free or inexpensive to use. Just get some goggles and dive in. Who knows? Maybe you will go for that triathlon!

Get a Book

No longer just for bookworms, your local public library likely has a section for fitness enthusiasts like you. Borrow a book on Pilates, such as Brooke Siler’s The Pilates Body. It is an excellent text that helps you get that rockin’ body at home using just what nature gave you, and you will learn new ways to keep the body guessing. Or, if you would rather watch than read, pick up a fitness DVD. Forget those cheesy 1980s videos of the past—there are a great variety of DVDs available. From Zumba, the Latin-inspired dance workouts, to Power Yoga or weight training, the sky is the limit for fitness DVD options. Go see for yourself.

Work for trade

A lot of local fitness businesses offer classes in exchange for front desk, marketing, or advertising help. You will usually only need to work for a few hours to get three or four classes per week. Ask the manager at your local gym, YMCA, or Pilates studio if they offer this, and if not, explain your situation and see if you can work something out.  In fact, I am writing this article in exchange for classes at RockIt Body Pilates! It never hurts to ask.

Make it regular

Make your workout a habit. When you do not have a trainer, you have to be both the jockey and the horse; no one is going to tell you to run faster or push harder. Find something you like, put a fitness schedule together and stick to it.

Find a friend. We know you have them, so make your frugal workouts fun by working out together. Help each other reach your goals!

Written by: Rebecca Rawling

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Stimulate Your Senses For Vitality Wed, 21 Nov 2018 06:45:25 +0000 Do you feel your life has hit a physical or emotional plateau? Change things up by stimulating your senses. Feeling alive and being active is easy, as long as you know how to mix things up and get out of your comfort zone. By trying new activities, you will challenge your body and stimulate your […]

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Do you feel your life has hit a physical or emotional plateau? Change things up by stimulating your senses.

Feeling alive and being active is easy, as long as you know how to mix things up and get out of your comfort zone. By trying new activities, you will challenge your body and stimulate your brain. You will be surprised with your love of new experiences and the potential life-changing outcomes, both physically and emotionally.

I am not suggesting you take up base jumping – leave that to the adrenaline junkies (then again if that inner part of you is screaming for such extreme rushes, don’t you owe it to yourself?). However, it is important to keep your life experiences new and challenging.  By introducing new things into your life, you keep yourself, your lovers and your peers stimulated.

The best way to stimulate you is to incorporate your five senses with feeling. Climbing out of your current routine begins with one word—change.  If you want the same results, do the same thing over and over. If you want a new outcome, do more than climb out of your rutjump into new experiences!

Feeling your Five Senses


In order to visually inspire yourself, start local and visit an art show, gallery or art event so you are mobile and walking around. Or perhaps even film festivals, where foreign films with subtitles will stimulate you by making you read and listen concurrently. Check out your local paper or city-based websites for current and upcoming events.  This creative outlet will introduce you to new people and abstract perspectives.  It will stimulate your vision and mind – and it may even take you out of your immediate comfort zone!

Take a day trip to the closest National Park—these scenic locations are great for exercise, picnics, and photo opportunities!  You can even print and frame these scenic shots for your home or for upcoming gifts. If architecture or interior design interests you, go on a historic walking touring and explore boutique hotels.

Anything catch your eye? Observe something and try it—don’t hesitate! Is it culinary class, wine tasting, or dancing? Do you see the passion behind Salsa, Tango, or the Jive?  If you are going to dance, go somewhere with live music. Embrace your fear; you have one life, so live it.


While you are enjoying live music or dancing the Tango, pay attention to what those musicians are playing for you…hearing is important and listening is a gift!  If you avoid dancing because you have two left feet, start easy. Pandora is a wonderful and intuitive application you can download to your iPhone, iPod, computer, and even some car stereos. You become the DJ with Pandora—the more you use it and play tunes (for free!), the more the application learns your musical preferences.  It is a fantastic way to stimulate the aural senses.

Going to a concert in a park is a wonderful way to engage all your senses. Additionally, be sure to stop and listen to street performers. Show your appreciation for the talent they want to share with you.


A wonderful way to get in touch with yourself, your body and to let go a little is to get a massage.  Whether it is Rolfing, acupressure, Shiatsu or Thai massage, treat yourself to one.  A Thai massage is sometimes referred to as ‘Thai Yoga massage’ – referring to the various stretches the practitioner will use.  Many Thai massage establishments help you relax and detox by offering green tea before or after your session.  Look online for local practitioners and reviews.


Stimulate you by stimulating your palette.  You do not need to visit fancy restaurants to discover new flavors—often small changes are closer to home.  While the majority of the population does not grow their own fresh herbs, grocery stores usually sell them. Incorporate basil, rosemary, thyme, and lavender into your meals.  Cut them up and inhale them first before you add them to your appetizer or main dish. Also, try some flavorful truffle oil from the savory fungi. It works well when added to edamame, a green bean and pistachio dish or in mushroom soup. These intoxicating aromas (especially truffle oil and rosemary) will permeate through your cooking space, so breathe them in! To incorporate these new flavors into your meals, look up recipes at book stores or online for tips and meal planning.


Our sense of smell is powerful and is easily stimulated by essential oils. Certain scents have a significant impact on how we feel and we have the capability to distinguish 10,000 different smells. It is believed that smells enter through cilia (the fine hairs lining the nose) to the limbic system, the part of the brain that controls our moods, emotions, memory and learning. Some studies have shown that the smell of lavender measurably increases alpha brain wave activity, which is associated with relaxation. In contrast, the scent of jasmine can increase beta brain waves, which are associated with alertness.  Whether walking outside after a rainfall, or through a eucalyptus haven, or even sitting around a campfire on a crisp evening, scents that can stimulate you are everywhere.

Finally, stimulate your senses by exploring new experiences with feeling: Conquer your fears by facing them. Say yes to something you might not normally do.  When you encompass all your senses at once, you challenge yourself. Whether you experience a big city, a music festival, or an exercise class—such as power Pilates or trapeze—mixing things up and getting out of your comfort zone is a great way to challenge your body and stimulate your brain. Liberate your life today, not tomorrow.

Written By: Jasmine Sharp, RockIt Body Certified trainer

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Athletic Personality Quiz Wed, 21 Nov 2018 06:38:14 +0000 Which athlete are you?  Do you aim to reach your own personal best, like Michael Phelps?  Are you multi-talented like Michael Jordan, or are you a fashion-loving race car driver, like Danica Patrick? Different personality types benefit from different workouts and habits, which is why you see some people out running as the sun rises, […]

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Which athlete are you?  Do you aim to reach your own personal best, like Michael Phelps?  Are you multi-talented like Michael Jordan, or are you a fashion-loving race car driver, like Danica Patrick?

Different personality types benefit from different workouts and habits, which is why you see some people out running as the sun rises, and others in the yoga studio doing sun salutations as the day ends.

Take our quiz to discover what type of athlete you are and how to fuel your athletic fire.

The Quiz

1. When you approach something new, your goal is to

a) Reach the limit of your capabilities

b) Drive like you have something to prove every time.

c) Play hard with the team to reach your goals together.

2. My dream car is:

a) tricked out with all the latest and greatest stereo equipment.

b) faster than yours!

c) asweet pair of new running shoes.

3. My dream vacation is:

a) Miami, Vegas, or in any party town with a pool.

b) Paris or New York City–where there is fashion, there’s fun!

c) Disney World

4. If I miss a workout, it is because:

a) I got a speeding ticket on my way home from the mall.

b) I was out making money.

c) I do not miss workouts.

5. If I could be on a TV show, I would pick:

a) MTV Cribs. I’ve worked hard for my toys, and I want to show them off!

b) The Apprentice. I know how to sell, and would not hear “You’re Fired!”

c) Fashion Police, with Joan Rivers

6. When I start a new sport, I:

a) am focused and determined to play as hard as I can to win.

b) play hard, and get the team working together.

c) look for results in how the activity makes me look and feel.

7. My workout routine includes:

a) Getting the proper hydration and rest to be my best.

b) Portable snacks and hydration, so I can enjoy them on the go.

c) A nice dinner at the end of the week as a reward for all my hard work.

8. My family:

a) is part of the reason I work so hard.

b) is who I credit for my success.

c) are my role models.

9. In my leisure time, I am:

a) developing my next big money-making project.

b) watching a funny movie.

c) playing video games in my Cadillac.

10. People say that I am:

a) beautiful on the inside and out.

b) lovable and charming.

c) intense at everything I do, whether work or play.


Count up your total:

1(a-1, b-3, c-2), 2 (a-1, b-3, c-2), 3 (a-1, b-2, c-2), 4 (a-3, b-2, c-1), 5 (a-1, b-2, c-3), 6 (a-1, b-2, c-3), 7 (a-1, b-2, c-3), 8 (a-1, b-2, c-3), 9 (a-2, b-3, c-1), 10 (a-3, b-2, c-1)

Match up your total score to the athlete below to get a few tips about being your best athlete!

10 – 15 points: Michael Phelps, The Fun-Loving Athlete

You like working out hard and playing hard.  Like Phelps, you might say to yourself, “I want to ‘fulfill my potential and reach the limit of my capabilities.’”  Although something may scare you at first, nothing can keep you from your goal.

Your dreams rule where life will take you and your razor sharp focus helps you achieve those dreams.  While you may not drive a Cadillac with a sound system, 3 televisions, a Playstation and an Xbox like Phelps does, you do have your own collection of impressive toys.

Your strong determination makes it possible for you to succeed in almost any sport you choose.  Whichever sport that is, make goals of what you would like to achieve over 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and see how you grow.

Remember to take care of yourself in the process; Phelps is close to his mother who has always nurtured him.  Remember to nurture yourself; get hydrated before working out, and get the right nutrition post workout.  Get enough rest and sleep to be energized to fulfill your dreams!

16 – 24 points: Michael Jordan, The Venture Capitalist Athlete

You have a knack for fitness, but that is just the tip of the back board for you!  You make the most of life with a “Living in the moment” life philosophy.  You are beyond an athlete and may possibly have multiple businesses and perhaps a movie career, or other artistic hobby.

You have a natural attraction that makes people want to stand up and cheer for you.  You are a people’s person, and charming to be around.  Jordan’s athletic talent moved the masses to hit the courts in their own Air Jordan Sneakers; his charm made him a hit in the movie Space Jam ; he also owns his own professional road racing team, and it is no wonder that people buy his Michael Jordan cologne.

With all of the tasks that you might be juggling at once, you need regular, challenging workouts that do not take up too much time.  Try keeping a bag in your car with your running shoes and shorts, so you can hit the gym or beach during your lunchtime, or a post-work workout.  Schedule your workouts into your calendar so they take priority.  Or join a team, as your charm will bring value beyond your athletic talents.

25 – 30 points: Danica Patrick, Living Life in the Fast and Fabulous Lane

You like to live life fast, hot, and furious!  You want to have fun working out, and you want to look great.  You work hard and play hard.

Danica was the first woman to win an Indy car race, and has set the record for the best finish by a woman in a NASCAR top-circuit race.  She was in a music video with Jay-Z and was voted one of the World’s Sexiest Women by Victoria’s Secret. Chances are you are also living a life with many moving parts, so you want a workout that is going to keep you in tip-top shape, without taking up too much time.  Danica’s favorite workouts are running, weight training and yoga.

If you are new to running, start out by running for half hour, 3 days a week at a pace where you can comfortably hold a conversation.  Track how many miles you go on the last day of the 3rd run.  The following week, increase the mileage by 10%.  For example, if you ran 2 miles on the 3rd run, then the following week run 2.2 miles each of the three days.  Increase by 10% each week until you reach a distance you can maintain.  Designate a different day to use weights to strengthen muscles even more, and an additional day to stretch muscles at a yoga class.  Regardless of whether you live in the desert like Danica, keep living fast, hot, and furious because when you look your best, you feel your best too.

Written By Katrina Goldberg, Rockit Body Pilates

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Smoothies and Shakes On The Go! Wed, 21 Nov 2018 06:28:27 +0000 We know that while you are pressed for time, you try to stay on top of healthy eating. In this busy world it can be hard to know how to do both. What could be simpler than drinking your fruits and vegetables for a meal? In this article, you will learn how to make a […]

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We know that while you are pressed for time, you try to stay on top of healthy eating. In this busy world it can be hard to know how to do both. What could be simpler than drinking your fruits and vegetables for a meal? In this article, you will learn how to make a delicious shake in just minutes that will not pack on unintentional pounds.

There is frequent talk in the nutrition world about juicing and blending. Did you know that juicing and blending is not the same thing? Juicing removes the pulp, for a drinkable way to get vitamins. However what you may not realize is juicing concentrates the fruit’s sugar and excludes one of the most beneficial parts of the plant, the fiber. Fiber maintains digestive function, lowers cholesterol and aids in fullness which is key for anyone trying to lose weight. Blending on the other hand, allows you to include the whole fruit or vegetable into the drink and you can add in protein and healthy fat to make it satisfying and balanced.

Not all blended drinks are created equal. Be aware of what to watch out for when buying shakes and smoothies in stores, coffee shops, restaurants and smoothie bars. They can contain absurd amounts of sugar and calories, yet are labeled and marketed as healthy options.

When purchasing a bottled smoothie drink, look for the serving size first. Usually a bottle contains 2 or more servings. Every 4 grams of sugar per serving is equal to 1 teaspoon of sugar. In many popular 16-ounce smoothies and juices, it is common to see 40 to 60 grams of sugar!

Also be mindful of portions, many stores are now selling 16, 20 and 32-ounce drinks which provide over 700 calories and 95 grams of sugar that can be slugged back in a matter of minutes.

Watch out for key terms on labels that are there specifically to create a healthy look and feel. Just because a drink claims to contain a “super-antioxidant” blend does not mean that it is good for you. In fact, that high amount of sugar in one meal will send your blood sugar and insulin levels skyrocketing and actually can make you hungry 30 minutes later.

At a smoothie bar you can request substitutions like water for juice, or milk and ice instead of frozen yogurt. The protein and fiber boosters can also be pretty low. Check to see that the boosters will be adding at least 7 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber for a true boost. Always ask to see the nutrition facts before ordering.

Blending, as opposed to juicing, can be an effective way to get in whole fruits and vegetables on your way out the door or after a workout. The ideal way to do this is to blend your own shakes at home. You can control the ingredients and know exactly what you are drinking.  Here are ingredients to include in a nutritious, balanced meal or snack that is also quick and convenient:


Protein – 1 cup plain Greek yogurt, low-fat or skim milk, organic soy milk or 1-2 scoops protein powder

Carbohydrate: 1 cup fresh or frozen fruit and 1/2 a medium banana or 1/4 cup dry rolled oats

Fiber: In addition to the fiber in the fruit, add 2 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder (2 g fiber per Tbsp and only 10 calories!) or ground flaxseed.

Healthy fat: 2 Tbsp almond meal, flaxseed meal, 1-2 Tbsp peanut butter, almond butter, 2 tbsp chopped walnuts or 1/2 cup coconut milk

Vitamin/Antioxidant boost: 1-2 cups kale or spinach leaves, 2 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder, or 1/4 cup unsweetened cherry, blueberry or cranberry juice

Tip: For easy blending start with the liquid first, then add the protein, carbohydrate, fat and greens.

Sample recipes:

Chocolate-Peanut Butter Lite Shake

1 cup milk

1/2 frozen medium banana

1 Tbsp natural almond or peanut butter

1 cup baby spinach

2 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder

Berry Flax Breakfast Shake

1/4 cup water

1 cup plain nonfat yogurt (Greek-style provides more protein than traditional)

1/4 cup blueberry juice

1/2 cup frozen blueberries

1/2 cup frozen mango

1 cup baby spinach

1/4 cup dry rolled oats

 2 Tbsp ground flax

By Sumner Brooks, Registered Dietician for RockIt Body Pilates

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How To Stay Motivated Wed, 21 Nov 2018 06:24:55 +0000 The New Year has begun, you have made your resolutions, and by now you may be wondering, “How do I stay motivated?”  When forming new, healthier habits, the first month is usually the hardest.  Your motivation was there when you made the fitness resolution, but as the initial excitement wears off, you need a little […]

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The New Year has begun, you have made your resolutions, and by now you may be wondering, “How do I stay motivated?”  When forming new, healthier habits, the first month is usually the hardest.  Your motivation was there when you made the fitness resolution, but as the initial excitement wears off, you need a little something more to keep yourself moving toward your goals.  Sometimes, you might even need to reassess your goal. Below are some tips and tricks to take your dreams from resolutions, to ways of life!

Prioritize your Workouts

Achieve your fitness goals by prioritizing your workouts.  Schedule them into your planner on a weekly basis, and set them in stone as you would a work, school, or dentist appointment.  If you are in your first month of a new activity, try to schedule your workouts in the morning, because in the early hours you have a fresh mind and renewed energy.  Earlier in the day, there is less risk that a workout is skipped due to life’s events, like a meeting taking longer than expected, traffic, or your best friend or family member calling you with something very important that just can’t wait.  There are often things that come up that can easily give us an excuse to skip the fitness.  Try not to let these things keep you from your success!

For extra encouragement, make a group commitment.  Join a running group or take the same group fitness classes at the same hour of the day, and meet other people with similar goals to help you reach yours.

Fuel Up for Success

We all know that we need 8 glasses of water a day to stay hydrated, but when?  Start the day right by drinking 2 cups of fresh, room temperature water.  During the night is the longest amount of time most people go without water, so when we rise for the day, our bodies need hydration.  Drink the first 2 cups right when you get out of bed, and you will find yourself feeling alert and ready for your day.  Drink the other 6 cups evenly throughout the day, to prevent from feeling hungry.  Fool yourself into feeling full!

Eat breakfast every day to get your metabolism moving.  Some fitness-friendly breakfast ideas are yogurt and fresh fruit smoothies with a dash of honey, a hard-boiled egg with orange slices and tomato juice, or for the non-breakfast type, try a handful of red grapes or a banana to give your body some carbohydrates for energy.

Keep healthy snacks in containers in your refrigerator for easy access.  For example, fill one with pre-washed organic baby spinach, another with hard-boiled eggs, and several with your favorite washed, sliced vegetables.  Use the ingredients to mix and match for breakfasts, snacks and salads.  Most people agree that if they have healthy options available, they will eat them!

Reward Your Progress

Starting with a dream, such as running a marathon, and then taking the action to achieve that dream is remarkable.  If fitness were always easy, there would be no reason for this article.  So be sure to give yourself rewards, you deserve them!

For example, if you keep to your scheduled workouts for 2 weeks, reward yourself with a new workout top.  If you keep your schedule to 4 weeks, go get the matching pants.  Why not flaunt your newly defined muscles in some new threads?

Reassess Your Goal

Sometimes when we make resolutions we get discouraged because it appears that we will never reach our goal.  And sometimes, we are correct in believing that.  I knew a lady that set a goal to run a full marathon, barefoot.  She had read that running barefoot was better for the feet.  She had never run barefoot before, and had never run more than 5 miles, and the marathon was 2 months away.  Soon after she set the goal, she realized that running barefoot was more than just taking off your shoes and going for it.  She also realized that 2 months would not be enough time to properly and safely train for a 26.2 mile run.  So, she modified her goal to running the half marathon (13.1 miles) in shoes.  She found success both in the race and in her life.

When you put your mind to it, you can achieve anything. We set goals and resolutions that are challenging so we can improve ourselves from the inside out. Be proud of what you have achieved so far.  Prioritize your fitness as you would any other important event, and fuel up for success.  And do not forget that big pat on the back—you deserve a reward for starting, and continuing your journey toward a healthier 2012!

By Katrina Goldberg, RockIt Body Pilates

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Amazing Fitness Vacations Wed, 21 Nov 2018 06:21:18 +0000 For many people, a vacation can be a time of indulgence, leaving the calorie counter and Stairmaster far behind for a week or two.  The problem is, when you get home, you bring 5 unwanted pounds with you, and a need for a “vacation from your vacation” due to feeling sluggish.  For the fitness minded […]

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For many people, a vacation can be a time of indulgence, leaving the calorie counter and Stairmaster far behind for a week or two.  The problem is, when you get home, you bring 5 unwanted pounds with you, and a need for a “vacation from your vacation” due to feeling sluggish.  For the fitness minded person that values health and well being above all, for the person that considers an indulgence to be two yoga classes per day instead of one, for the person that seeks the adventure of a lifetime out of vacation, this article is for you.  The following fitness vacations will give the traveler an opportunity to use their fitness for the good of mankind, and will nourish the mind, body, and spirit.  Each fitness vacation still offers plenty of indulgence, but is coupled with activities that balance those indulgences with calorie-burning, fun activities.

Teach Children to Surf in Africa

If you’ve got 2 weeks and know how to surf, why not share your sport with children?  Surfing and other sports help kids living in developing countries build concentration and strength, and also help fight depression.  In addition to learning a new sport, the kids will be taught about preserving their coastal environments.  Other opportunities for volunteers include teaching sports such as badminton, soccer, aerobics and tennis.  If teaching kids isn’t your thing, you could help build new homes and buildings.  Use your vacation and your fitness to change lives!  Program costs can start around $1500 and include all training and meals for 2 weeks.  Airfare, travel insurance and other personal expenses should be factored in separately. Try this website to view volunteer projects and pricing.

Breathe Deeply at a Yoga Retreat

Yoga retreats are available around the world, so you can decide if you’d like to visit a paradise island in the Bahamas, clean air in Spain, or countryside in Montana.  Most yoga retreats offer different variations of yoga, meditation, vegetarian cuisine, community service, outdoor adventure, massage, and more.  Depending on what it is you are looking for, you can find intense retreats that keep you on a tight schedule, rising before the sun to chant, meditate and practice yoga.  Other fitness retreats offer two yoga classes per day and the freedom to do as you choose in between.  Shreyas Retreat in India has customizable programs so you determine the program best suited for you.  A typical day at Shreyas Retreat might begin with hatha yoga or a nature hike, followed by breakfast featuring juices and fruits fresh from the gardens located on the resort grounds.  Next, yogis could spend time in the local village, getting to know the town.  For those that want to get more deeply involved, volunteer opportunities to serve meals at the local school and orphanage are available.  Or, become one with nature by tending to one of the agricultural or herb gardens.  Resort room rates start at around $1000 for 3 nights, and go up to around $9,000 for 21 nights.  Airfare, taxes, and service charges are not included.

Bicycle Through France

Bike riders of all levels can enjoy a biking adventure in France.  At French Cycling Holidays, your fitness vacation will combine the beauty of France with the adventure of cycling.  You’ll see majestic and beautiful land and seascapes, stay at charming boutique hotels, and sample carefully crafted French cuisine and fine wines.  Your fitness adventure begins when you arrive at the airport and French Cycling Holidays and are greeted by French Cycling Holidays.  You’ll spend your days riding through France, spending each night at a different location.  Your vacation adventure will focus on the views, the sites and the cuisine.  French Cycling Holiday will map the course of your adventure and all your meals are included in the price, so all you have to do is peddle!  Vacations begin around $2700, not including airfare and taxes.

Take Your Fitness for a Cruise

Imagine waking to the sounds of seagulls and gentle waves, lacing on your running shoes, and taking your long run on a 360° track on the deck of a cruise ship.  After your run, you head to the state-of-the-art yoga fitness studio, to take class from a well-respected Equinox yoga trainer.  Next, you enjoy a vegetarian lunch carefully prepared by the chef just for the fitness minded.  After a refreshing swim in the pool, you want to wind down the day at the putting green hitting golf balls, but you didn’t bring your clubs.  No fear!  The cruise ship has Taylor Made clubs available for borrow.

Choose a vacation destination such as Costa Rica, where you can have an adventure as you hike through volcanic hot springs, take a white water river adventure, or zip-line through rainforest.  Depending on the vacation cruise you take, the ship usually parks in the morning and adventurers board back on the ship in the evening or at night.  Most vacation ships will have information on day excursions for the areas you are visiting.  Plan your adventure in advance, so upon arrival you are set to go.  Finally, book a rejuvenating massage or cleansing facial in the cruise ship spa to pamper yourself before returning to port.  To find a vacation ship with modern fitness offerings and equipment, try Crystal Cruise Line. Vacations start at around $2500 per person.

Fitness vacations are a great way to rejuvenate the mind, body, and spirit.  Instead of coming home from your trip feeling as if you need a vacation from your vacation, you’ll come home feeling lean and strong.  You might lose weight, or break even rather than bringing home a buffet belly or beer gut.  Use your time away from the stresses of work and everyday life to nurture yourself and be truly at rest.  In the end, your physical body will be back home, but your mind will carry the peace and calm that you found on your journey back into everyday life.  Gift yourself a fitness vacation and invest in your well being at the same time!  Bon Voyage!

Written By Katrina Goldberg, Rockit Body Pilates

Photo Credit: Daniel Flower / C.C. 2.0 

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