7 Trends for 2022

healthy trends for 2022

When we look into our crystal ball to get a glimpse of 2022, we’re seeing the words “functional,” “practical,” and “sustainable” a lot. It seems that being in the midst of a pandemic has made a lot of people change how they look at themselves, their health, and their future. These new perspectives have had a big impact on the trends for 2022. Here are a few of them.

More immune support

Concerns about staving off colds and flu were once reserved largely for the beginning of the school year or the arrival of winter. No more. What was once a habit that consumers followed for a few months out of the year has turned into a year-round effort. In 2022, consumers will be looking for, researching, and buying more supplements that support immune health. 

Their options will be plentiful if not a bit overwhelming. In addition to the standard vitamins and minerals, we can expect to see more herbal remedies, enzymes, probiotics, and other choices, including those that emphasize the importance of supporting gut health and the microbiome for people of all ages. 

The new oats

It appears 2022 is the time to take an old classic—really old—and give it a whole new identity. We’re talking about oats, like the ones your grandmother used to make for you with milk and sugar. Although oat milk and a few other oat-based food items are already on the shelves, get ready for even more.

Oats are attractive for several reasons, including that they are gluten-free (in their pure, unadulterated form), versatile, high in fiber (beta-glucans), and help lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. So don’t be surprised when you start seeing a host of new oat-based foods such as oat pizza dough, pulled oats, oat-based chocolate, oat milk pudding, and oat-based cheese and butter. 

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Climate conscious foods

News of climate change is not new, but after the 2021 Glasgow Climate Change Conference and renewed US participation in the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, more and more food businesses are working to find ways to be a part of the movement. 

We can expect to see organizations such as the American Sustainable Business Network’s Climate and Energy Working Group and the Climate Pledge, among many others, to urge companies to become carbon neutral on an accelerated schedule and to partner with other companies to be better environmental stewards. Some of the food producers who are already carbon neutral or on track include Maple Leaf, Neutral Foods, Alter Eco, Numi Organic Tea, Moonshot Snacks, and Zero Carbon Coffee, among others.

Functional mushroom foods 

Medicinal mushrooms as food and in supplements have been around for a while, but now there’s a growing interest in using mushrooms as a functional ingredient in a whole array of foods ranging from snacks to beverages, desserts, protein powders, and energy bars.  

Read about 6 mushrooms your immune system needs

Among the medicinal mushrooms on the market are those with immune system boosting properties, which is a big reason why food producers are ready to make Chaga, cordyceps lion’s mane, maitake, and reishi more household names and see them listed on the packages of both foods and formulas that can help with brain health, immune function, and stress. 

trends for 2022

Alcohol-free beverages get cooler

The introduction of non-alcoholic beverages to the market was met with some skepticism, but it was a welcome addition to a niche that was in need of members. Now more and more consumers are turning to alcohol-free beverages because they are more concerned about their health and have a wealth of choices ranging from hop-infused waters to fermented juices and mocktails with ingredients such as cayenne, watermelon juice, jalapenos, and agave syrup. Now that alcohol-free beverages have attained cool status, you can’t stop the demand for these drinks. Watch as some of these beverages will contain herbal ingredients, vitamins, minerals, or aminos. Staying sober never tasted so good!

Beauty is more than skin deep

When many people were forced to stay at home and figure out their own ways to look and stay beautiful, some discovered new ingredients and how to use them in the safety of their own four walls. One discovery that took hold is beauty-from-within: the use of ingredients such as collagen, ceramides, astaxanthin, hyaluronic acid, mushrooms, and carotenoids that promote and support the big three—skin, hair, and nails.

Shut-in consumers also turned to tools they could use at home. Among them are the gua sha, jade rollers, blue-light masks, and at-home micro-needling. All of these beauty and personal care items and techniques will continue to be in demand in the coming year.

Real sugar, but better

Dietary sugar has ridden a wild rollercoaster over the years, especially since it has been an added ingredient in so many processed foods and sugar consumption has skyrocketed. Eating and drinking too much added sugar has been shown to contribute to heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. 

Artificial sweeteners are fraught with many health concerns, so natural substitutes such as monk fruit and stevia have helped fill the gaps. But forecasters say real sugar, although in more modest amounts and from more sustainable and responsible sources, is making a comeback. 

In particular, they point to chocolate, where companies that are certified organic and Fair Trade are marketing dark chocolate high in cacao and very low in sugar (as low as less than 3 grams per serving). However, since sugar is so ubiquitous in our food supply, experts foresee consumers demanding real sugar that is responsibly sourced. 

Bottom line

These are just a few of the products consumers can expect to see in 2022. We also see continued trends around reducing animal product consumption and eating more whole foods, waste-free cooking and eating for brain health. What are you looking for? Do you have your own predictions?

tips for 2022

InOatvation—how oats are driving new product development in food & drink. Vegconomist 2021 Feb 2
Neutral Foods, first U.S. carbon neutral food company, announces $4M seed financing. PR News Wire 2021 Oct 27
New Hope staff. The top 2021 natural products industry trends and 2022 predictions. New Hope 2021 Dec 15
Siegner C. Maple Leaf is the first major food company to go carbon neutral. Food Dive 2019 Nov 8
Specialty Food Association. Hundreds of brands become carbon neutral certified. 2021 Apr 22
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Lisa Roth Collins is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN) and is the Marketing Manager at NaturallySavvy.com. She is passionate about health and wellness and tries her best to make healthier choices every day for herself and her family. Her journey to natural health was driven by her own struggles with digestive discomfort, depression, and anxiety. Lisa returned to school in 2014 to study nutrition at the Canadian School for Natural Nutrition. She threw herself into her studies so she could learn as much as she could to help herself feel better and thrive. Upon completing the program and being certified as an RHN, Lisa began her work at Naturally Savvy where she has been able to help so many people learn to make healthier choices for themselves. Through her work, she has connected with so many incredible people in the industry whether other authors, influencers, or brands. Plus, she is affectionately known as "Techie Spice" because of her ability to wrap her head around technology. Every day she gets up with a renewed sense of energy and ready to make a difference. You can read all of Lisa's content here. In her spare time, Lisa loves to try new recipes, make delicious and nourishing meals, and she is an avid reader. For more information about Lisa, check out her profile on here.