Jane Large, Author at NaturallySavvy.com https://naturallysavvy.com/author/jane-large/ Live Healthier. Be Informed. Get Inspired. Wed, 03 Jul 2019 21:28:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 Top 10 "Must Haves" For Summer Beauty https://naturallysavvy.com/care/top-10-must-haves-for-summer-beauty/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:45:54 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/top-10-must-haves-for-summer-beauty/ Mother Nature is a genius! The wealth of incredibly nourishing 100 percent natural ingredients out there are practically infinite! To narrow it down for you, here is my Top 10 list of favorite summertime ingredients to nourish your skin and hair. So whether you’re crafting your own products at home or buying them at your […]

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Mother Nature is a genius! The wealth of incredibly nourishing 100 percent natural ingredients out there are practically infinite! To narrow it down for you, here is my Top 10 list of favorite summertime ingredients to nourish your skin and hair. So whether you’re crafting your own products at home or buying them at your local health or organic store, keep an eye out for these raw ingredients:

#10: Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter is created when roasted cocoa beans are pressed to separate the dry cocoa mass from the liquid cocoa butter, which gives it a rich, chocolaty aroma. But not only does cocoa butter smell great, it is extremely nourishing when used directly on the skin. Cocoa butter has been used as a skin care agent and hair care aid for centuries in countries such as Mexico, Peru, Brazil and many African nations. It is solid at room temperature, so a chunk can easily be swiped across your skin as a moisturizing “lotion” or diluted with other oils to be used for massage or to pre-shampoo hair and scalp conditioner. Cocoa butter can also improve the look and texture of skin and is safe for use during pregnancy to assist your skin with maintaining elasticity as it stretches.

#9: Shea Butter

Shea Butter is made from the Shea nut which is found in Togo and Ghana, Africa. Shea butter in its raw and unrefined form has a nutty, earthly scent and can range in color from beige, to grey to dark brown. The unrefined form may also be slightly grainy and sticky, but this is a good sign as this reflects a high quality product. Shea butter is what I call wonder butter; it is an excellent skin conditioner and can improve the look and texture of skin with just a few uses. Shea butter is great for treating eczema, psoriasis and dry, cracked skin and can be massaged into the scalp to treat dandruff or itchy scalp conditions. Unrefined Shea butter has a natural SPF of 6-10, so it can be used everyday for minimal sun protection.

Read more tips for healthy summer skin

#8: Monoi de Tahiti

Monoi de Tahiti is exclusively made by hand in Tahiti by combining freshly pressed virgin coconut oil and the Tiare gardenia flower of Tahiti. The result is a fresh floral, coconut smell that is absolutely intoxicating! Monoi de Tahiti is traditionally used in Tahiti for many skin and hair care rituals. The undiluted Monoi can be used in small portions as a facial moisturizer or natural “anti-aging” serum under the eyes, as well as around the mouth and neck. If you massage it into your hair and scalp before going to the beach, the sun will help the Monoi to penetrate and nourish your skin and hair follicles while you enjoy the sun. Just don’t forget to rinse it out afterwards.

#7: Rose Oil

Pure rose essential oil has been scientifically proven to be the essential oil with the highest energy frequency on earth. That means it is extremely beneficial for your skin, even in even small amounts. In Egypt and many other Middle Eastern countries, rose oil has been used for thousands of yours as an elixir for both skin and hair care in addition to playing an important role in ritual ceremonies. Rose oil can be used on the face as a natural moisturizer or “anti-aging” serum as it absorbs into the skin almost instantly, leaving a youthful glow. Add a few drops to your next bath and allow the scent to work its magic. Massage a drop or two onto your fingertips to both strengthen nails and soften cuticles. Place a drop on your crown chakra before meditation and let the naturally high frequency relax you and awaken your spirit. Rose oil can also be mixed with other essential oils to create intriguing natural perfumes.

#6: Sandalwood Oil

Like rose oil, sandalwood oil originates from the Middle East and India. Its rich, earth smell is grounding and is excellent for use in ceremonies and mediation. Sandalwood oil can be added to baths with salts to create a detoxifying bath or added to carrier oil, such as sweet almond, apricot kernel or rice bran, for massage and after-sun oil. Warm a drop between fingertips and press gentle under the eye for a natural eye cream.

#5: Seaweed

Seaweed is rich in minerals that can improve the look and texture of your skin while drawing out impurities. Seaweed mask and body wraps have been used in European spas for their effectiveness of improving the condition of the whole body. Seaweed can eliminate allergic reactions, increase circulation, diminish the look of cellulite and acne and even reduce the pain of arthritis. Try using a pure seaweed mask once a week or add seaweed and sea salt to your next bath.

#4: Aloe Vera Gel

Pure aloe vera gel can range from clear and thick to cloudy and thin depending on how it is processed. Aloe vera gel is an all-around wonder of nature that can ease the pain of burns, help heal scars, tone skin and sooth bug bites. Aloe vera gel can also be used as a natural hair gel or it can be blended with essential oils and used as a light facial moisturizer. Aloe vera gel is also great for use after being out in the sun.

#3: Titanium and Zinc Oxide

These natural minerals are excellent for use in natural sunscreens because they produce the same sun protection effect as chemical sunscreens. Look for natural sunscreens containing these ingredients, like Naturally Savvy's partner Goddess Garden, in your local health food or organic super markets.

Read more about sunscreen ingredients

#2: Catnip Oil

Who knew catnip oil could do more than just intoxicate your cat? Amazingly, catnip has been found to be an effective natural bug repellant when used on its own or with other essential oils. Pure catnip oil has a fresh grassy scent that repels bugs as well as many Deet-based repellants. However, just like most essential oils, look for catnip that is diluted with jojoba or almond oil. Since catnip oil may not be readily available at your local health store, look for a natural bug repellant that uses it as one of the main active ingredients.

And my #1 spot goes to…

#1: Dead Sea Salt

Summer is a season where we are shedding our winter layers to expose more skin. Dead Sea Salt is a great natural exfoliant – just mix with a bit of olive oil, almond oil or jojoba oil, massage over dry or wet skin in the shower, rinse off and pat dry. The exfoliating and detoxifying effects of the sea minerals in the salt combined with the moisture of the oils will leave you skin glowing! Or, add a cup or two to your next warm bath as a way to relax and detoxify!

Image via thaianelima


The post Top 10 "Must Haves" For Summer Beauty appeared first on NaturallySavvy.com.

Relax and Rejuvenate Inside and Out https://naturallysavvy.com/restore/relax-and-rejuvenate-inside-and-out/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:30:14 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/relax-and-rejuvenate-inside-and-out/ Chances are, if you’ve got a problem, someone’s developed a cream, pill or magic potion designed to fix that problem. When we want to improve the look of our skin, the shine of our hair or the strength of our nails, many of us turn to the beauty aisle first, when really we should be […]

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Chances are, if you’ve got a problem, someone’s developed a cream, pill or magic potion designed to fix that problem.

When we want to improve the look of our skin, the shine of our hair or the strength of our nails, many of us turn to the beauty aisle first, when really we should be looking at the way we live our lives. More often than not, these issues can be attributed to poor nutrition, lack of exercise and stress.

In fact, statistics show that North Americans now are suffering from more stress-related illnesses than ever before, a reality which is affecting how we age and look on a daily basis. For many of us, there’s no miracle cream, no magic potion; we simply need to eat better, get more rest, and find the time to rejuvenate. Recently, I had the opportunity to test this theory out, and below I have outlined three important steps to take to enhance your beauty and health from the inside out, whether you are on holiday or at home.

Read more about beautiful skin from the inside out

Part 1: Escape

We all experience it, the moment when we’ve finally had it, the moment we can hear the straw break the camel’s back and when we know we have just had too much and need to escape. So instead of soldiering on as I usually would, I escaped. I went on leave from my "day job" and my business. I slept-in daily. I went snowshoeing. I watched funny movies, meditated, and did yoga. I read books for fun and spent time with friends and family.

And although I also escaped to a Mayan healing retreat for one week during my hiatus, most of this sojourn was spent at home. The great thing about an escape is that it doesn’t have to be long, it just has to allow us the time to deviate from our normal routine and get a break from our responsibilities.

Part 2: Go Within

Believe it or not, we look better and our bodies are healthier when we take the time to go within to find some peace. For me, that meant going to Mexico to learn about a Mayan tradition called the Temazcal, or sweat lodge. A combination of mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical purification, the sweat lodge gave me the chance to release some of the stress I had been carrying for a long time. It also gave me the opportunity to go within and reflect on what is most important to me and how I wanted to lead my life when I returned home. I came out feeling and looking more rejuvenated than ever.

For you, going within could mean doing a yoga class, walking your dog or even participating in meditation or a religious routine. Finding some peace within gives us the chance to slow down, which in turn allows our whole nervous system to take a breather. A hectic, fast-paced life overflowing with responsibilities can lead to a constant release of adrenaline which means our system is always running on overdrive-resulting in higher resting heart-rates, higher blood pressure, and the inability to sleep and relax. Combine that with a diet filled with coffee, soda, and fast food, and you can see how we’re wreaking havoc on the condition of our skin, hair, and nails, aging us temporarily, or in some cases, permanently.

Part 3: Mayan Chocolate Therapy

Chocolate is on many people’s lists of favorite things, but in Mexico I learned that chocolate can have a wonderfully soothing and detoxifying effect on our bodies. Traditionally the Mayan people used the cocoa bean as currency-it was that valuable. The wealthiest of Mayan society drank a bitter drink made of ground cocoa beans and spices such as cinnamon and hot chilies, believing it to have a restorative and healing affect on the body and spirit. Technically it does; the amino acids and antioxidants in chocolate are beneficial to our health, whether ingested or applied topically in body treatments. That’s why cocoa beans were also used in beauty treatments and special ceremonies.

Today on the Riviera Maya, you can experience first-hand Mayan remedies and treatments using chocolate, such as body scrubs, body wraps, facial masks, and detoxifying drinks. Slathered head to toe in a custom-made concoction of ground cocoa beans, honey, and spices, I relaxed between banana leaves and warmed sheets on the deck of my cabana by the sea. When I emerged from my cocoon my skin was smooth, silky, and smelled delicious for hours afterwards. It was certainly heavenly.

To re-create my Mayan chocolate experience at home is easy (though you won’t get the same view of the Pacific). For a chocolate body scrub, find the best quality unsweetened dark chocolate you can, melt it, add some honey and coarse raw sugar or sea salt. Then jump in the tub (to reduce messiness) and gently coat yourself in the scrub, massaging gently in upward circles to increase circulation and exfoliate your skin. Rinse with a gentle stream of warm water and follow with a good quality natural body butter before you wrap up in a warm robe with a cup of hot cocoa. I guarantee your skin will look and feel better. You can also use this scrub on your face if you use less coarse salt and sugar, as the skin of the face is more delicate and easily scratched.

Read more about dark chocolate and mood

So whether you are headed for the cottage or staying at home this summer, take my advice: Make some time for yourself to escape, go within and enjoy a decadent organic chocolate treat. Not only will you feel better, but your overall health and beauty will benefit as well.

Image: Nick WB Dawson

The post Relax and Rejuvenate Inside and Out appeared first on NaturallySavvy.com.

Health & Beauty: Reading Labels https://naturallysavvy.com/eat/health-beauty-reading-labels/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:20:35 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/health-beauty-reading-labels/ Reading any type of small print is strenuous on the eyes. When it comes to cosmetic and personal care products, it is a good idea to consider reading the label as these purchases are likely used every day. It’s important to understand what is in your skin creams, sunscreens, shampoos and soaps because your skin […]

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Reading any type of small print is strenuous on the eyes. When it comes to cosmetic and personal care products, it is a good idea to consider reading the label as these purchases are likely used every day. It’s important to understand what is in your skin creams, sunscreens, shampoos and soaps because your skin is your biggest organ and what you put on it gets absorbed into your body.

We are not only what we eat; we are also what we expose our bodies to from the outside!

Most of us think that if a personal care product label says “natural”, it is perfectly safe for us to use. But the fact of the matter is we must be aware of the guidelines surrounding the “natural” label. Foods labeled “natural” cannot contain any artificial ingredients or added colors. As well, products labeled “natural” must be minimally processed. The USDA unfortunately does not provide a definition for what “minimally processed” means and therefore leaves a gray are with respect to labeling.

To learn more about understanding label claims, Click Here.

Read the following tips and become a more educated savvy consumer:

Savvy Tip #1: Educate Yourself

It is our responsibility as consumers to educate ourselves about which ingredients are safe and which are not when it comes to personal care products. Good sources of information include government health websites and reputable health education sources. To learn more about how to get started when it comes to living a more natural and organic lifestyle, Click Here.

Educate yourself when it comes to chemical additives that are commonly used in cosmetics and personal care products. Many chemical additives have been banned in Europe due to scientifically based health concerns. Some chemical additives are now being researched in North America to see what the short-term and long-term affects me to human being, animal and the earth itself.

Read the following list to learn more about the commonly used chemical additives in beauty and personal care products:

Alcohols: Isopropyl alcohol, Ethyly Alcohol, Methanol, Benzyl Alcohol, SD Alcohol and Alcohol Denat.

Parabens: Butly, Ethyl, Methyl and Propyl Parabens

DEA, MEA & TEA: aka. Diethanolamine (DEA), Monoethanolamine, (MEA), Triethanolamine (TEA)


Ureas: Diazolidinyl Urea, Imidazolidinyl Urea

FD&C Colors and Pigments: reds, blue and yellows

Fragrances: aka. Parfum, Natural Fragrance (all are synthetic scents that mimic real scents from nature)

Petroleum: By-Products – mineral oil, liquid and solid paraffin wax, petrolatum, petroleum jelly

Glycols: Polyethylene (PG), propylene (PEG), butylene glycol

Sulphates: all sulphates including SLS (sodium Lauryl Sulphate), SLES (Sodium Laureth Sulphate) and all derivatives

Triclosan: sometimes classified as chlorophenol (used in toxic pestisides and in anti-bacterial products)

Phthalates: all forms

Phosphates: all forms

Savvy Tip #2: Don't Make Assumptions

When reading product claims, be an active reader. When it comes to organic, know what the labels mean. When a product is “Made with Organic Ingredients” it must contain between 70% and 94.9% organic ingredients to qualify for this claim. Be cautious of the percentage that is not organic, which legally must be listed.

Flip the product box around and take a good look at the actual ingredients. Hopefully the ingredients will be in a language you understand. However, some manufacturers legally use botanical or Latin names for ingredients, which makes it even harder to decipher for everyday consumers. If you see ingredients listed that you don’t recognize as real- such as hydrogenated oils, alcohols, sulphates-write the ingredient names down and research what they are when you get home. Or Click Here to ask the Naturally Savvy Experts. After all, you deserve to know what you are putting on your body.

Savvy Tip #3: Put that Bottle Down

Consider ingredients that are more natural, meaning did it come from the earth? These would be more "real" than manufactured ingredients, which could even be toxic to us. If you don't see "real" ingredients then put that bottle down. So much of what we use today is not very "real", from the food we eat to the clothes we wear. Be choosy with what you buy and look for companies that offer chemical-free or at least 98% natural ingredients in their products.

The good news is there are many excellent companies whose products are made from "real" ingredients, sometimes even by hand using traditional methods, and are practical and affordable. For tips on how to shop naturally and organically without breaking the bank, Click Here.

Savvy Tip #4: Get Back to Basics

The fact of the matter is we don't need all those chemical additives to take care of our skin and hair despite claims made by manufacturers. Many of these ingredients are utilized because they make it cheaper for manufacturers to create large quantities of products while using very little real ingredients. You are far better off with products that have a few basic ingredients when washing your hair or applying lotion to dry skin.

Below is list of some "real" and trusted ingredients that are exceptionally good for our skin and hair. Look for companies that use these ingredients next time you are shopping for a natural cream, cleaner or conditioner. If at all possible, try to buy from companies that use certified organic and fair trade ingredients, as they come from ethical sources that help sustain not just the environment but also the communities from where the raw ingredients originate.

For Skin: cocoa butter, shea butter, sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil, macadamia nut oil, olive oil, aloe vera gel, floral hydrosols (lavender, chamomile, etc), beeswax, candelilla wax, saponofied oils (use in traditional soap making without sulphates and phosphates)

For Hair: aloe vera gel, jojoba oil, saponified oils (used in traditional shampoo making, does not leave hair oily!), herbs such as lavender, lemongrass, chickweed, horsetail, chamomile.

Follow these tips when it comes to reading labels. Taking the time to read labels is essential when it comes to your health.

The post Health & Beauty: Reading Labels appeared first on NaturallySavvy.com.

Perky Eyes 101: Pomegranate https://naturallysavvy.com/blog/perky-eyes-101-pomegranate/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 13:14:24 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/perky-eyes-101-pomegranate/ Need to perk up your eye area but don’t buy into the hype of eye cream? Try this! Pomegranate Eye Mask Everyone knows that drinking pomegranate juice or eating the fruit is good for our bodies because of the huge amount of antioxidants found within. However, pomegranate also works from the outside in. 1. Crush […]

The post Perky Eyes 101: Pomegranate appeared first on NaturallySavvy.com.

Need to perk up your eye area but don’t buy into the hype of eye cream? Try this!

Pomegranate Eye Mask

Everyone knows that drinking pomegranate juice or eating the fruit is good for our bodies because of the huge amount of antioxidants found within. However, pomegranate also works from the outside in.

1. Crush about ¼ cup of pomegranate pods and put between layers of cheese cloth. OR soak cotton pads in pomegranate juice.

2. Either way, put your creation in the freeze for at least 2 hours.

3. Once frozen, take out and apply to the area under eyes or close your eyes and lay over the entire area.

4. Leave on for a few minutes, then remove. Voilà!

For more fun, easy ways to give your eye area some TLC, check out my blogs about aloe vera and fenugreek.

Jane Large

The post Perky Eyes 101: Pomegranate appeared first on NaturallySavvy.com.
