Fighting Back Against The Flu

Fighting Back Against The Flu

Winter has arrived for some and unfortunately it’s brought along some familiar and unpleasant friends. If you’re one of the unlucky ones, you’ve already been struck by an infection – a cold or even worse, the flu. Symptoms of the flu include a high fever, coughing, congestion, body aches, and malaise. The dangers of the flu are well known and unfortunately reported cases appear to be on the rise in North America.

A recent study by the Texas Department of State Health Services warned that flu activity has risen in the state and the threat of disease spread is exceptionally high. A similar Canadian study in the region of Sudbury produced similarly startling results. The flu appears to be hitting many of us faster and harder this year.

Protecting Yourself from the Flu

The obvious choices are still some of the best ones to make. Be sure to always wash your hands thoroughly, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, and if you do come down with any of the aforementioned symptoms stay home to avoid spreading the illness. Of course if you’ve already been struck with the flu bug, there are some great natural home remedies out there for you.

Less obvious choices however can be just as effective. Engaging yourself in various healthy habits is an excellent way to stop viruses from entering your system and compromising your health. An excellent diet, especially one rich in vegetables can help provide vitamins and antioxidants that are essential to promoting and maintaining your immune system, making it much more effective in fighting off infections. Regular exercise can boost your immunity and last but not least, be sure to get adequate rest. Most adults need 7 to 8 hours of sleep, and a well-rested body is less susceptible to infections.

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While there are no guarantees as we are all at some risk of being exposed to the illness, adopting and maintaining a few healthy habits can help us to significantly reduce that risk.

And of course, a cup of green tea never hurt anyone.

Photo credit: williambrawley

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Ryan Bisram is a health promoter who frequently contributes editorial pieces. - See more at: