Effective Weight Loss Methods

Effective Weight Loss Methods

Losing weight can be hard.

Here are a few key steps that will help make shedding those extra pounds much easier and healthier.


A great way to start your day is with exercise and it is one of the most effective ways of losing weight. There are many forms of exercise ranging from walking, working out at the gym or even doing household chores. The key is to keep moving!

Walking is a simple way of getting your daily dose of exercise. It could be as little as 30 minutes a day. Try using your arms or including a couple of hills for an even better result.

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Eliminate white foods from your diet

These white foods are also called “refined carbohydrates,” which includes white pasta, rice, bread, flour, salt and sugar. As a rule of thumb, foods that are white are typically refined. Refined foods lack fiber and nutrients and may even make you gain weight!

Replace these white foods with sprouted grains, millet, quinoa, brown rice, and spelt as they are better sources of nutrients.

A Harvard study found that women who ate more that two servings of whole grains per day were 49% less likely to become overweight.

Be sure to avoid starchy grains at night time, as this can actually promote weight gain. The best dinner combination for weight loss is protein and veggies. For dinner tomorrow night have some quality protein, such as chicken or wild salmon and fill the rest of your plate with vegetables.

Eliminate sugar from your diet

This step is one of the most important to your health. Sugar is full of empty calories. It also increases insulin levels in your body.

Did you know one can of soda can contain between 8-12 teaspoons of sugar?

Some great alternatives to sugar include maple syrup, date syrup, stevia, agave and raw honey. Be sure to use in moderation.

Green tea

There are many benefits to green tea and one of them is weight loss. Green tea contains powerful antioxidants called polyphenols. These antioxidants can neutralize and prevent damage from disease-promoting free radicals.

According to a study from the American Society of Nutrition green tea contains antioxidant compounds that may promote exercise-induced abdominal fat loss. Another study found that by drinking 5 cups of tea a day the average person burns an extra 70 – 80 calories.

Remember, not all green teas are created equal. Look for the bright green color to get the full benefits and make sure it’s organic.

Keep a food journal

I always tell my clients to keep a food journal. It helps them figure out exactly what they are eating and where they are going wrong.

Write down what you eat, the portion sizes, the times of the day you eat, and any emotions you are having. Then, at the end of the day analyze what you have written down and see how you can make the next day a healthier one.

Make these tips part of your lifestyle and you will see benefits!

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Michelle Perrone is a Board Certified Lifestyle, Health, and Fitness Specialist who has been featured on the Today Show, The Dr. Oz Show, Yahoo’s Shine, and Kris Carr’s website, Crazy Sexy Life. Michelle graduated from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and Jordan Rubin’s Biblical Institute, where she was trained in more than one hundred dietary theories and studied a variety of practical lifestyle coaching methods. Drawing on this knowledge, she helps individuals create a completely personalized “road map to health” that suits their unique body, lifestyle, preferences, and goals. For more information about Michelle please visit www.michelleperrone.com