5 Ways Women Can Feel Sexy in the Midst of their Busy Schedule

5 Ways Women Can Feel Sexy in the Midst of their Busy Schedule

As women, we want to do it all; clean the house, take the kids to

school, help with homework, make dinner, and make everyone happy. Sometimes it can be difficult to feel sexy in the middle of our busy

schedules. Many times we feel stressed, overwhelmed, and under appreciated which leaves us feeling anything but sexy. But, it is important to realize that feeling sexy comes from the inside out. You must first feel sexy on the inside, and then it radiates on the outside. So, here are some quick and easy ways to shift your way of thinking and ignite your sexiness.

1. Schedule “Me Time”

I bet you are running, running, running, to get things done and forget to think about YOU. Now is the time to start putting yourself first, whether it is simply reading a book, getting a pedicure, having lunch with a friend, or taking a bath. Make sure you have some “Me Time” everyday, even if it’s just for 15 minutes. Feeling sexy all starts with YOU, so its super important to make yourself happy everyday.

Read more about planning 'Me Time' to reduce stress

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2. Wear a smile

A smile goes a long way. It affects you and the people around you. It exudes confidence, self-esteem, decreases stress, and ignites your personal power. And, smiling is contagious. Smile even if you don’t feel like it. After a short time, smiling will put you in a better mood, make you feel sexier, and those around you will be happier too.

3. Get plenty of rest

Getting enough sleep is one of the most important ways to feel good about yourself. After a good night's sleep (8 hours) you feel more energized, have mental clarity, and it boosts your immune system. Getting lots of good quality sleep even makes your memory stronger and increases your creativity. Your body rejuvenates between the hours of 10 and 2 so make sure you get to bed at a reasonable time.

4. Drink your greens either by juicing or using your blender

Drink your greens; yes, you read that right. A quick morning green smoothie will give you tons of energy throughout the day, detoxifies you, and will make your skin glow. Simply add a cup or two of water, a handful of your favorite greens, and some fruit. Blend them and drink.

Read more about the 6 best green smoothie recipes

5. Get dressed up

Why wait for a special occasion to wear your favorite dress? Get up everyday and get dressed up and ready to own your power. This goes for women working from home too. It doesn’t have to take long to get ready when you are in a rush. Set your clothes out the night before. When you take a couple of minutes to get dressed up you have a different level of confidence than when you just put on sweats and a T-shirt. You'll feel sexier, have more self esteem, and your stress dwindles away.

Image: dominic

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Michelle Perrone is a Board Certified Lifestyle, Health, and Fitness Specialist who has been featured on the Today Show, The Dr. Oz Show, Yahoo’s Shine, and Kris Carr’s website, Crazy Sexy Life. Michelle graduated from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and Jordan Rubin’s Biblical Institute, where she was trained in more than one hundred dietary theories and studied a variety of practical lifestyle coaching methods. Drawing on this knowledge, she helps individuals create a completely personalized “road map to health” that suits their unique body, lifestyle, preferences, and goals. For more information about Michelle please visit www.michelleperrone.com