Michelle Perrone, Author at NaturallySavvy.com https://naturallysavvy.com/author/michelle-perrone/ Live Healthier. Be Informed. Get Inspired. Sat, 31 Oct 2020 22:50:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 5 Reasons Eating Organic Apples Keeps You Healthy https://naturallysavvy.com/eat/5-reasons-eating-organic-apples-keeps-you-healthy/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:59:30 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/5-reasons-eating-organic-apples-keeps-you-healthy/ Fall is almost here and you know what that means: it's time to start picking one of the healthiest fruits, the apple. But what makes this fruit so special?  Here are 5 reasons to start eating apples this fall season. Note:  When buying apples, make sure they are organic. Conventional apples are on top of […]

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Fall is almost here and you know what that means: it's time to start picking one of the healthiest fruits, the apple. But what makes this fruit so special?  Here are 5 reasons to start eating apples this fall season.

Note:  When buying apples, make sure they are organic. Conventional apples are on top of the Dirty Dozen list and contain over 25 different pesticides. 

1. Cancer prevention

We have all heard the saying, an apple a day keeps the doctor away.  And according to the American Institute of Cancer research the saying is true. They recently added this superfood to their list of “Foods That Fight Cancer.”  Apples contain a high level of Vitamin C and fiber, which protects your body against disease, including cancer. They also contain antioxidants called quercein and triterpenoids, which may slow down the growth of cancer cells. Read more about natural cancer fighters

2. Cleanse and Detox

Apples are a simple yet effective, not to mention a low cost, way to rid the body of unwanted toxins and excessive heat that have been stored up during the summer months. By eating 2-3 organic apples a day, your liver, arguably the most important organ in your body, stays healthy and clean. In fact, in most of the detoxes and cleanses out there, you will always find apples as one of the ingredients.

3. Healthier, Whiter Teeth

Do you want a safe way to whiten your teeth?  Eat an apple. The apple removes bacteria and stains from your teeth by acting as a scrubbing brush. Apples also contain a chemical found in some teeth whiteners called malic acid. Eat an apple a day to keep your teeth happy and healthy.

4. Boost Your Immune System

Apples are jam packed with vital nutrients that keep your immune system healthy and strong during the cold and flu season. One of my favorite morning routines is to take a shot of apple cider vinegar. I have personally noticed a difference in the way I feel, and I rarely get sick.Read more about boosting your immune system

5. Brain Health

Apples may lower your risk of Alzheimer’s and also increases your memory. This is due to the production of acetylcholine. One of the best ways to get the benefits of the acetylcholine is to juice your apples.

benefits of organic apples


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Thanksgiving Recipe Roundup: Healthy Ideas for Your Holiday Menu https://naturallysavvy.com/recipes/thanksgiving-recipe-roundup-healthy-ideas-for-your-holiday-menu/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 13:42:31 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/thanksgiving-recipe-roundup-healthy-ideas-for-your-holiday-menu/ Thanksgiving is only a few days away, have you finalized your menu? If not we're here to help with this Recipe Roundup. Thanksgiving is a time of gratitude, a time to be thankful for all the blessings that are in our lives, and a time to be with those you love. This Thanksgiving why not […]

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Thanksgiving is only a few days away, have you finalized your menu? If not we're here to help with this Recipe Roundup.

Thanksgiving is a time of gratitude, a time to be thankful for all the blessings that are in our lives, and a time to be with those you love. This Thanksgiving why not put lots of love into your menu by having a healthy meal that will leave everyone feeling happy and full of energy. We have compiled a few recipes from around the web that will do just that. Don't let this holiday season be an excuse to eat unhealthy meals. Good health is something to be grateful for and a cause for celebration.

1. Cranberry-Pear Wild Rice Stuffing

I absolutely love this stuffing! It's a perfect addition to your Thanksgiving (or any holiday) menu. It's packed with flavor and full of healthy ingredients that leave you feeling full and nourished.

2. Tart Cranberry Sauce

This delicious cranberry sauce recipe uses orange juice, which gives it just enough sweetness to leave you wanting more.

3. Grain-Free Dinner Rolls

Who doesn't like dinner rolls added to their meal? These rolls are extra special because they are grain-free. However, just because they are grain-free doesn't mean they lack flavor. These are delicious and taste best when they come straight out of the oven.

4. Crispy Smashed Potatoes With Avocado

Avocados are my favorite because they are jammed full of nutrients. Just 1/5 of a medium avocado has approximately 20 vitamins and minerals. This recipe can be made with either sweet potatoes or regular potatoes.

5. Cauliflower Rice

I love making cauliflower rice. It is very simple and tastes amazing. I personally like to add a bit of cilantro and squeeze on some lime or lemon juice. This will be a hit at any holiday meal.

6. Pumpkin Cheese Cake

This heavenly recipe gives a whole new meaning to cheesecake.

Make sure your pumpkin purée is pure, with no added preservatives or sugar. I used honey instead of stevia in this recipe, but either ingredient will work well.

Image via vegkitchen.com

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5 Ways Women Can Feel Sexy in the Midst of their Busy Schedule https://naturallysavvy.com/care/5-ways-women-can-feel-sexy-in-the-midst-of-their-busy-schedule/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:36:36 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/5-ways-women-can-feel-sexy-in-the-midst-of-their-busy-schedule/ As women, we want to do it all; clean the house, take the kids to school, help with homework, make dinner, and make everyone happy. Sometimes it can be difficult to feel sexy in the middle of our busy schedules. Many times we feel stressed, overwhelmed, and under appreciated which leaves us feeling anything but […]

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As women, we want to do it all; clean the house, take the kids to

school, help with homework, make dinner, and make everyone happy. Sometimes it can be difficult to feel sexy in the middle of our busy

schedules. Many times we feel stressed, overwhelmed, and under appreciated which leaves us feeling anything but sexy. But, it is important to realize that feeling sexy comes from the inside out. You must first feel sexy on the inside, and then it radiates on the outside. So, here are some quick and easy ways to shift your way of thinking and ignite your sexiness.

1. Schedule “Me Time”

I bet you are running, running, running, to get things done and forget to think about YOU. Now is the time to start putting yourself first, whether it is simply reading a book, getting a pedicure, having lunch with a friend, or taking a bath. Make sure you have some “Me Time” everyday, even if it’s just for 15 minutes. Feeling sexy all starts with YOU, so its super important to make yourself happy everyday.

Read more about planning 'Me Time' to reduce stress

2. Wear a smile

A smile goes a long way. It affects you and the people around you. It exudes confidence, self-esteem, decreases stress, and ignites your personal power. And, smiling is contagious. Smile even if you don’t feel like it. After a short time, smiling will put you in a better mood, make you feel sexier, and those around you will be happier too.

3. Get plenty of rest

Getting enough sleep is one of the most important ways to feel good about yourself. After a good night's sleep (8 hours) you feel more energized, have mental clarity, and it boosts your immune system. Getting lots of good quality sleep even makes your memory stronger and increases your creativity. Your body rejuvenates between the hours of 10 and 2 so make sure you get to bed at a reasonable time.

4. Drink your greens either by juicing or using your blender

Drink your greens; yes, you read that right. A quick morning green smoothie will give you tons of energy throughout the day, detoxifies you, and will make your skin glow. Simply add a cup or two of water, a handful of your favorite greens, and some fruit. Blend them and drink.

Read more about the 6 best green smoothie recipes

5. Get dressed up

Why wait for a special occasion to wear your favorite dress? Get up everyday and get dressed up and ready to own your power. This goes for women working from home too. It doesn’t have to take long to get ready when you are in a rush. Set your clothes out the night before. When you take a couple of minutes to get dressed up you have a different level of confidence than when you just put on sweats and a T-shirt. You'll feel sexier, have more self esteem, and your stress dwindles away.

Image: dominic

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What Does “Real, Whole Foods” Mean? https://naturallysavvy.com/eat/what-does-real-whole-foods-mean/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:36:25 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/what-does-real-whole-foods-mean/ Are you eating a whole foods diet? If you are not, I challenge you today to start slowly transitioning into one. This way of eating will significantly change your lifestyle by keeping your immune system healthy, helping manage your stress levels, and promoting a longer life. So what exactly is the meaning of a "Real […]

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Are you eating a whole foods diet? If you are not, I challenge you today to start slowly transitioning into one. This way of eating will significantly change your lifestyle by keeping your immune system healthy, helping manage your stress levels, and promoting a longer life.

So what exactly is the meaning of a "Real Whole Food Diet"? Whole Foods are foods that are in their natural state. They haven’t been altered, they are unprocessed, GMO-free, and are unrefined. Examples of whole foods are fresh fruits and vegetables, antibiotic- and hormone-free dairy, cage free eggs, whole grains, and also local grass fed meats. These foods are nutrient dense and provide your body with what it needs to be disease free and at its healthiest state. By eating a whole food diet you are keeping your organs, cells, and lymphatic system clean. You are also helping your system rid itself of unhealthy toxins that have built up through the years.

Eating a whole food diet doesn’t have to be a difficult transition either, especially when you make small steps to get there. Here are just a few easy ways to start you on your way to eating a “Real Whole Food” diet. Remember to start slow.

Read more about 'big impact' nutrition tips

1. Start shopping at your local farmer’s market

Did you know that when you buy produce at the farmer’s market it was actually picked the day before? When I first started going to the market I would ask the farmers lots of questions about whether they used pesticides or when was the produce picked. I was thrilled to find out just how fresh and un-touched the produce was. They barely used any sprays to keep the bugs away, and they wait until the last minute to pick the produce from the ground. It’s almost literally from the ground to your plate, which means you are eating the freshest foods, and in the most possible natural state. Another great benefit is that the produce is typically very reasonably priced.

2. Avoid eating anything from a box, can, bottle, or bag 

Any food that is from a box, can, bottle, or bag is always processed in some way. That is why it can stay in your cabinet for so long without going bad. It may be a quick and easy way to eat when you are on the run or in a hurry, but it is by no means eating a clean whole food diet. Most of these products are loaded with chemicals that clog up your system, slow it down, and eventually will cause many problems in your body.

3. Avoid white food

This includes white bread, white flour, white sugar, and white pasta (but not cauliflower!). A whole food alternative would be whole grain pasta, whole grain bread, and a natural whole food sweetener.

4. Turn in your white sugar, Splenda, and Sweet & Low.

Instead of using refined sugars, artificial sweeteners, or corn syrup, a whole food alternative would be honey, molasses, or pure maple syrup. These sweeteners will add nutrients that will benefit your body instead of adding toxins that will clog it.

Read more about how artificial sweeteners screw up your body

5. Make it simple

Don’t make it complicated. Simply be a food detective; read labels and know where your food is coming from. This includes your meat too. Nature gives us all the food resources needed for our bodies to thrive. When in your grocery store, shop the perimeter to find all your whole food needs and remember to plan your meals. Eating a clean whole food diet will add years to your life, and your body will thank you for it.

Image: with wind

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7 Ways to Ignite Your Inner and Outer Sexy https://naturallysavvy.com/care/7-ways-to-ignite-your-inner-and-outer-sexy/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:34:31 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/7-ways-to-ignite-your-inner-and-outer-sexy/ The word "sexy" is an adjective to describe a sexually appealing person (or thing). I personally have an expanded meaning to feeling sexy: It's igniting both your inner and outer sexy. Your inner sexy includes your positive self-esteem, self-confidence and self-image, owning your personal power, and uncovering your hidden passions. Your outer sexy includes, healthy […]

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The word "sexy" is an adjective to describe a sexually appealing person (or thing). I personally have an expanded meaning to feeling sexy: It's igniting both your inner and outer sexy. Your inner sexy includes your positive self-esteem, self-confidence and self-image, owning your personal power, and uncovering your hidden passions. Your outer sexy includes, healthy eating, exercise, and your self-image. Your outer sexy can come naturally once you ignite your inner sexy. Sexy must first come from within before it can be seen on the outside, because when you feel sexy on the inside it automatically manifests on the outside.

Think about it this way: When a person is anxious or depressed, their shoulders are down, they slouch, they don’t have a smile on their face, and they tend to wear frumpy clothes. On the other hand, when a person is feeling happy, confident, standing in their power, and full of life, it radiates on the outside. They are continuously smiling, they want to wear that super cute outfit with high heels, they want to stay in shape, and they want to put healthy foods into their body instead of comfort foods. Here are seven easy ways to ignite your inner and outer sexy!

Read more about beauty from the inside out

1. Start your day with positive affirmations, meditation, and prayer

What are you saying to yourself the moment you wake up? The statements you wake up with can set the tone for how your day will go. I like to use positive affirmations and "I am" statements like “I am manifesting prosperity and abundance in my life,” or “I am focused on the joy of living my life and helping others where and when I can." I also like to stand in the mirror and say, “I love you and I accept you just the way you are.” When you start your day with positive affirmations and thankfulness for all that you are blessed with, amazing things can start to happen in your life. You'll start walking through your day creating an almost perfect-world where even if there is chaos around you, you'll be grounded, centered, and everything will seem to flow more smoothly.

2. Be mindful with what you put into your body

You are what you eat. So, what are you putting into your body? Are you filling it with nourishing foods that will help you thrive or foods that will clog up your system? Be a food detective and know the ingredients of what you are eating. Once you let go of added sugars, chemical additives, and other toxins, you will start to feel sexier, healthier, happier, have more energy, and you will even begin to think clearer.

3. Keep a gratitude journal

By writing down what you are most grateful for, you instantly change your mood because you are focusing on the things that are positive in your life. When you are having a bad day you can take out your gratitude journal and simply look at what you’ve written for an instant mood adjustment. My favorite time of the day to write in my gratitude journal is at night. I also take my journal everywhere for whenever I need that pick me up.

4. Make sure to take some "me" time

To prevent yourself from experiencing too much stress and suffering from stress-related illnesses, reserve a time of day just for you. Schedule it into your daily planner so you won’t forget, and be sure to always make it a priority.

5. Own your personal power

Who has your power? Do you give your power away by not setting boundaries, doubting yourself, not standing in your truth, or being a people pleaser? Or, do you own your personal power by standing firm in what you believe in, living a life full of authenticity and integrity, surrounding yourself with positive uplifting people, and saying what you mean and meaning what you say? Owning your personal power gives you confidence, self-esteem, and an increased sense of self-worth.

Read more about how to have a healthy body image

6. Live your passion

Do you love what you do? Do you wake up and jump out of bed, ready to take on the day? Living your passion is about discovering who you are and not letting anyone or anything stand in your way. It’s about knowing that you were born to do great things and have a impact in this world. Living your passion is going about your day and living the life that you want and not the life someone else wants for you.

7. Have fun!

Are you taking life too seriously or are you taking time to really enjoy life? You only get one life here on Earth. Make it an extraordinary one filled with joy.

Image: Dita Margarita

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7 Ways to Plan 'Me Time' to Reduce Stress https://naturallysavvy.com/restore/7-ways-to-plan-me-time-to-reduce-stress/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:28:58 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/7-ways-to-plan-me-time-to-reduce-stress/ We all experience hectic, stressful times in our lives. When did you last take some time for yourself? It’s important to maintain a proper balance between the time you devote to yourself and the time you devote to others. It may sound selfish, but avoiding opportunities to rest and recharge can have some adverse health […]

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We all experience hectic, stressful times in our lives. When did you last take some time for yourself?

It’s important to maintain a proper balance between the time you devote to yourself and the time you devote to others. It may sound selfish, but avoiding opportunities to rest and recharge can have some adverse health effects, such as lowered immune system function, lack of energy, and even low self esteem.

To prevent yourself from experiencing too much stress and suffering from stress-related illnesses, reserve a time of day just for you. Schedule it into your daily planner so you won’t forget, and be sure to always make it a priority. The following are a few examples of what you can do with your valuable "me time."

1. Read a Favorite Book or Magazine

Reading improves knowledge and creativity. It also can be comforting and can help you wind down from a busy day. A study from Prof. Louis Appleby, CBE, the National Director for Mental Health in England, showed that reading can offer many health benefits. Appleby discovered that 63 percent of people who read a book had a relaxed feeling while 50 percent enjoyed the opportunity to concentrate on something other than everyday life.

2. Cook a Favorite Recipe

I love to bake. It clears my mind and totally relaxes me. When I get stressed, I bake, and by the time I'm done, I'm in a better state of mind. Baking always gives a sense of accomplishment after the finished product comes out of the oven. I also love the way my house smells after I spend some time baking; it can be very therapeutic.

3. Treat Yourself to a Manicure or Pedicure

Manicures and pedicures take about an hour. It’s a great way to get away from your office and treat yourself. You just sit back, relax, and get your nails and feet pampered by soaking, pulling back cuticles, and applying nail polish as the finishing touch. You will walk away from this hour of pampering with baby-soft hands and feet.

Read more about what you skin says about your health

4. Sit by the Water

Have you ever noticed that the water does something to your mood? The energy of the water just takes away your worries of the day and relaxes your mind. I like to think that my stress is being taken away by the tide. The sound is what clears my mind; it practically hypnotizes you into a peaceful state.

5. Meditate

Meditation reduces mental clutter. It affects your entire body by allowing you to control stressful situations and emotions better. Meditation is a way for you to clear out any negative thoughts you are having and replace them with positive thoughts. It’s great for giving you a positive outlook on life. There are many ways to meditate; it all just depends on your preference.

6. Take a Hot Bath

Hot baths are mentally relaxing and promote healing at the same time, and adding some essential oils to the water can enhance the experience. Lavender essential oil is a great addition to a hot bath. It helps soothe the mind and cleanse your body, and it also boosts your immune system.

Read more about baths and relaxation

7. Create a Gratitude Journal

By writing down what you are most grateful for, you instantly change your mood because you are focusing on the things that are positive in your life. When you are having a bad day you can take out your gratitude journal and simply look at what you’ve written before for an instant mood adjustment.

Whatever you do during your “me time,” remember that the key is to do something that you love. Turn off all of the things that distract you. Shut off your computer and phone. This time is a special time dedicated just for you to recharge and regroup. Doing so will allow you to be more productive and able to accomplish your goals with ease.

Photo Credit: Ed Yourdon

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5 Healthy Snacks to Boost Your Energy this Spring https://naturallysavvy.com/eat/healthy-snacks-for-energy/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:26:52 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/healthy-snacks-for-energy/ So many of us are on the go all the time that we can forget to pack healthy snacks to see us through those occasional cravings and get us, and our kids, through the day. When we forget to plan ahead, this is what leads us to turn to vending machines and convenience stores for […]

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So many of us are on the go all the time that we can forget to pack healthy snacks to see us through those occasional cravings and get us, and our kids, through the day. When we forget to plan ahead, this is what leads us to turn to vending machines and convenience stores for quick fixes, like potato chips, soda and even candy bars — each one a haven for additives and preservatives that are harmful to our health.

When you feed your body these harmful snacks, it's just like pouring sand down the drain. Your body, like the plumbing in your house, doesn't know how to get rid of the intrusion. Before you know it, these obstructions are polluting each cell and organ in our bodies, causing it to run slow, putting us at risk for diseases and viruses. The good news is that we don't have to put sand down the drain. There's nothing that says snacks can't be healthy. With that in mind, here are my five favorite healthy snacks that are not only excellent for you, but contain no added preservatives.

1. Organic Yogurt with Fruit

With just a little bit of planning, it's easy to have this great snack ready and waiting in the refrigerator for when you feel like something cool and refreshing. I like to add blueberries, goji berries or apples to the organic yogurt. Yogurt is a great source of both protein and calcium and it's easier for us to digest than milk. Other benefits of yogurt include its remarkable ability to boost our immune systems and reduce yeast infections. When looking for brands of yogurt, keep an eye out for organic varieties which are free of antibiotics and come from grass-fed cows.

Read more about the rules to remember when buying yogurt

2. Almonds

Packed with magnesium and phytochemicals — which are great for preventing cancer — almonds are the perfect snack when you're driving or keeping an eye on the little ones during soccer practice. Almonds are great for snacking. Just 20-25 almonds contain as much calcium as ¼ cup of milk. Did I mention they also give you tons of energy? Well, they do. Before chowing down on this power nut, make sure you find raw almonds, and not ones which have been heated or roasted, since these processes take away from the essential nutrients of the almond. If you find you have a hard time digesting almonds — the outer layer of almonds contains an acid that sometimes makes it hard for people to digest — you can always soak them overnight in either water or green tea.

3. Organic Apples with Almond Butter

There's something to that old adage about an apple a day keeping the doctor away. Of course, when you add almond butter to your apple, it turns a good fruit into great snack. Make sure the apples you're buying are organic, since conventional apples tend to contain the most pesticides. Apples are full of fiber, can help clean your teeth and have been known to help lower cholesterol. When you add almond butter, you have a powerful energy-filled snack, complete with protein to leave you feeling full until your next meal.

Read more about the health benefits of organic apples

4. Green Smoothies

Green smoothies are one of my favorite healthy snacks. They are full of nutrients and vital enzymes, and they even make a great breakfast. To make your green smoothie, simply blend together some of your favorite fruits — like a banana, a cup of strawberries and an apple — with a few leaves of lettuce, spinach and an avocado. Toss in eight ounces of water and blend. The result is a yummy green drink that will get you through your day. When I have a green smoothie in the morning, I never hit that 3 p.m. wall that tends to drain some people towards the end of the work day.

5. Dark Chocolate

Yes, it’s okay to eat chocolate. I love chocolate and eat it every week. According to Mary Engler, a registered nurse and PhD at the University of California, eating 1.6 ounces of chocolate every day has many benefits. For example, it can reduce the risk of blood clots, lower our levels of bad cholesterol and it contains serotonin to help boost our mood. Even better, it's an aphrodisiac. But not all chocolate is created equal. It's best to stick to the purest dark chocolate. Other varieties of chocolate have been processed and, as a result, have lost as many as half of the beneficial flavanoids that can be found in dark chocolate. So when you're craving chocolate, remember: don't be afraid of the dark.

The night before a busy day, pack some of the above snacks, eat a bit every few hours and notice a difference in your energy levels.

Image: Harsha K R

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One Week To More Energy https://naturallysavvy.com/live/one-week-to-more-energy/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:24:46 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/one-week-to-more-energy/ What would your life be like if you had an abundance of energy and vitality? How would you feel? How would you act? It is important to first understand what zaps our energy, in order to know how to get our energy back. There are many factors that contribute to our sense of energy. Four […]

The post One Week To More Energy appeared first on NaturallySavvy.com.

What would your life be like if you had an abundance of energy and vitality? How would you feel? How would you act? It is important to first understand what zaps our energy, in order to know how to get our energy back.

There are many factors that contribute to our sense of energy. Four that come to my mind are emotional, mental, physical, and chemical stress, which also includes the foods we eat.  The primary food, drinks, and substances that can decrease our energy are things such as coffee, soft drinks, alcohol, too much meat or not enough, processed foods, tobacco, milk, sugar and artificial sweeteners, and trans fats.

So, which ones do you depend on? Are you ready to get rid of the energy zappers and start increasing your energy in one week? Here are seven ways to begin your journey to more energy and vitality.

1. Morning lemon water. When you first wake up in the morning, drink a glass of room temperature or lukewarm water with a piece of lemon. Water first thing in the morning gets your body going and helps your lymphatic system flow properly. Think of it as a gentle wake up call for all your systems.

2. Get plenty of sleep. When you are tired or stressed, your body will crave energy. These cravings are often a result of being sleep-deprived, going to bed late, waking up early, sometimes for months and years on end. Not only is your body getting rejuvenated when you sleep, but it’s also the time when your body heals itself of any imbalances. It is important to be consistent with your sleep pattern and to create a healthy sleeping routine. Go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time, and you will notice your energy levels will last throughout the day.

Read more about getting a good night's sleep

3. Get rid of unhealthy toxic relationships.  I love this quote, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”  Make sure the people you hang around the most lift you up and don’t put you down. People can drain you of your energy. It doesn’t mean that they are bad, but it is good to notice who drains you and why. See if you can transform those relationships by communicating and setting boundaries, or end the relationship.

4. Take time for yourself. I am finding that a lot of my clients (including me at times) have a hard time planning time for themselves.  When we keep going and going we will eventually burn out and lose all of our energy. Having “me time”  is one of the most important and easiest ways to gain your energy. Find activities that restore your energy, such as a walk, a bath, a museum, a movie or whatever you enjoy, and schedule a weekly date with yourself to do these things!

5.  Reduce or eliminate coffee and soft drinks.  When I gave up coffee and soda I noticed an immediate increase in my energy.  The ups and downs of these negative caffeine sources include dehydration and blood sugar ups and downs, making mood swings more frequent. Stimulants (caffeine, sugar, etc.) may seem to give an energy boost, but they actually deplete our bodies, drawing out minerals and nutrients. These substances are also highly addictive.

6. Don’t skip the superfoods. Superfoods give your body a vital and powerful boost. They have been effective at helping to prevent diseases including cancer and cardiovascular disease. Superfoods such as leafy greens like kale, collards and chard, have very high levels of nutrients. Also sea plants such as green algae and seaweeds are powerful sources of nutrition and energy. Some of my personal favorite superfoods include bee pollen, maca, and chia seeds, and when you incorporate them into your daily routine you will see a quick increase in your energy levels.

Read more about superfoods

7. Only use organic produce.  I know how convenient it is to just grab the first apple, celery stalk, head of lettuce, or bag of carrots you see on sale, but your body is a temple that needs to be respected and nourished so buying organic is best. Apples alone are the most highly sprayed fruits – with pesticides, not something yummy. In fact, there are over 25 different pesticide sprays used on the foods we eat! Yuck, you don’t want that in your body when you are working so hard to shed toxins. Trust me you body will thank you later.

Photo: calmenda

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5 Tips for Stocking a GMO-Free Pantry https://naturallysavvy.com/eat/stocking-a-gmo-free-pantry/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:24:34 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/stocking-a-gmo-free-pantry/ Do you know what is lurking in the food you have in your pantry?  Most likely if you buy brand names like Nabisco, Healthy Choice, Pillsbury, Hershey’s, or even Ego Frozen Waffles (to name a few), you are ingesting pesticides, herbicides, and other genetically modified organisms (GMOs) that harm your body by loading them up […]

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Do you know what is lurking in the food you have in your pantry?  Most likely if you buy brand names like Nabisco, Healthy Choice, Pillsbury, Hershey’s, or even Ego Frozen Waffles (to name a few), you are ingesting pesticides, herbicides, and other genetically modified organisms (GMOs) that harm your body by loading them up with toxins that weaken your immune system and create havoc in your body.

It can be a real challenge to find safe foods that are free from GMOs, but it can be done, and your body will thank you for it in the long run.  For me, in the past I was one of those people that liked to have different brands of fun, yummy foods; foods that were easy to make and that lasted a long time in my cabinet.  During those years I was always getting colds and never had energy. Read more about the latest on the fight against GMOs

One day I got sick and tired of being sick and tired and decided to make a change.  I went through my cabinets and dumped everything that came from a box or can and threw it away.  I took the non-GMO pledge to never buy foods that will harm my body and instead will energize and keep it healthy for years to come.

Here are a few easy steps to keep a well-stocked GMO-free pantry, refrigerator, and freezer.

1. Buy Organic.

One of the easiest ways to become GMO-free is to look for foods that are labeled with "USDA Organic" or "100% Organic." Organic foods cannot contain GMOs.

2. Avoid foods with bar codes starting with an 8.

Always look at the barcodes on foods.  If the five-digit code starts with an 8, it means it contains GMOs.  However, if the five-digit code starts with a 9 then it’s an organic product.

3. Support your local farmers.

I always buy most of my produce from my local farmers at farmer’s markets.  I find my produce to be the freshest, and it lasts longer in my refrigerator, AND I know where my food is coming from.  I always talk to the farmers to find out how the produce I am getting was grown and if they used any type of pesticides.Read more about recipes from farmer's markets

4. Don’t buy seedless.

When buying fruits like watermelons and grapes most people like to buy the ones that are seedless.  But if you think about it, when you buy fruits without the seeds, you are buying a fruit that has been modified. The seeds are meant to be present in that particular food.

5. Avoid products that are made from corn, soy, and cotton.

Corn, soy, and cotton are the top three GMO grown crops.  Eighty-eight percent of corn, 93 percent of soy, and 94 percent of cotton is genetically modified.  Read your labels because these crops are hiding in basic foods like margarine and some cooking oils.

In general, you should read your labels to make sure the ingredients are ones you can read and understand, and avoid anything that is artificial and that includes sweeteners too.  Once you go GMO-free, you will start to notice a change in the way you feel, your immune system will start to get stronger, and you may even lose that extra weight.

For more on why reading labels is as important as ever, check out Andrea's video below:

Photo Credit: mermaid99

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Effective Weight Loss Methods https://naturallysavvy.com/eat/effective-weight-loss-methods/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 06:52:02 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/effective-weight-loss-methods/ Losing weight can be hard. Here are a few key steps that will help make shedding those extra pounds much easier and healthier. Exercise A great way to start your day is with exercise and it is one of the most effective ways of losing weight. There are many forms of exercise ranging from walking, […]

The post Effective Weight Loss Methods appeared first on NaturallySavvy.com.

Losing weight can be hard.

Here are a few key steps that will help make shedding those extra pounds much easier and healthier.


A great way to start your day is with exercise and it is one of the most effective ways of losing weight. There are many forms of exercise ranging from walking, working out at the gym or even doing household chores. The key is to keep moving!

Walking is a simple way of getting your daily dose of exercise. It could be as little as 30 minutes a day. Try using your arms or including a couple of hills for an even better result.

Eliminate white foods from your diet

These white foods are also called “refined carbohydrates,” which includes white pasta, rice, bread, flour, salt and sugar. As a rule of thumb, foods that are white are typically refined. Refined foods lack fiber and nutrients and may even make you gain weight!

Replace these white foods with sprouted grains, millet, quinoa, brown rice, and spelt as they are better sources of nutrients.

A Harvard study found that women who ate more that two servings of whole grains per day were 49% less likely to become overweight.

Be sure to avoid starchy grains at night time, as this can actually promote weight gain. The best dinner combination for weight loss is protein and veggies. For dinner tomorrow night have some quality protein, such as chicken or wild salmon and fill the rest of your plate with vegetables.

Eliminate sugar from your diet

This step is one of the most important to your health. Sugar is full of empty calories. It also increases insulin levels in your body.

Did you know one can of soda can contain between 8-12 teaspoons of sugar?

Some great alternatives to sugar include maple syrup, date syrup, stevia, agave and raw honey. Be sure to use in moderation.

Green tea

There are many benefits to green tea and one of them is weight loss. Green tea contains powerful antioxidants called polyphenols. These antioxidants can neutralize and prevent damage from disease-promoting free radicals.

According to a study from the American Society of Nutrition green tea contains antioxidant compounds that may promote exercise-induced abdominal fat loss. Another study found that by drinking 5 cups of tea a day the average person burns an extra 70 – 80 calories.

Remember, not all green teas are created equal. Look for the bright green color to get the full benefits and make sure it’s organic.

Keep a food journal

I always tell my clients to keep a food journal. It helps them figure out exactly what they are eating and where they are going wrong.

Write down what you eat, the portion sizes, the times of the day you eat, and any emotions you are having. Then, at the end of the day analyze what you have written down and see how you can make the next day a healthier one.

Make these tips part of your lifestyle and you will see benefits!

The post Effective Weight Loss Methods appeared first on NaturallySavvy.com.
