Defined by ecomii as the “human influence on the weather," weather modification may be linked to climate change. Terms such as seeding–a process used to increase precipitation or disperse fog–manipulate the natural cycle of rain and weather patterns to suit the needs of the area. For instance, China deployed 1100 special weather modification rockets into the clouds to make a clear sky for the opening ceremonies of the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. Similarly, in Abu Dabi in 2010, 50 rainstorms were created during the summer months as part of their “rainfall enhancement program.” The results are produced from what Weather Modification Inc. describes as “seeding agents.” And this is where it gets interesting. What exactly are those seeding agents and how do they contribute to weather modification?
Cloud seeding involves the use of silver iodide, considered a hazardous substance and toxic pollutant by the Environmental Protection Agency. This substance then falls into the environment–our drinking water, soil, etc. Deep Water Chemicals, a manufacturer of silver iodide warns of weakness, loss of weight, anemia and depression through chronic inhalation or ingestion of silver iodide.
HAARP (The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) funded by the US Air Force and the US Navy (among other organizations) is a program that investigates the ionosphere for communication advancements. Recently, they have come under fire from the EU. As stated in their Resolution on the environment, security and foreign policy document, HAARP is a “global concern and calls for its legal, ecological and ethical implications to be examined by an international independent body before any further research and testing." Due to the inherent manipulation of the atmosphere and far reaching environmental consequences of the actions of HAARP, many are targeting the organization.
HAARP appears in numerous documentaries, such as What in the World are They Spraying?, Why in the World are They Spraying? and the History Channel's Weather Warfare. These documentaries address issues surrounding weather modification.
Dr. Ilya Sanra Perlingieri, former Harvard School of Law professor and author of “The Uterine Crisis,” lectures on environmental issues, particularly how they affect women’s hormones. She speaks out about the little known chemtrails phenomenon (also known as stratospheric aerosol geoengineering), dubbed as a conspiracy theory people confuse with contrails (condensed water trailing behind a plane that leaves a white streak in the sky). Chemtrails are the by-product of aerosol spraying of heavy metals and chemicals from planes, thereby leaving lines in the sky that do not dissipate as quickly as contrails.
If you’d like further information on this topic the aforementioned documentaries about weather modification are an excellent place to start. The Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails conference and fundraiser put on this past August 2012, and featured an impressive array of speakers and experts from various aspects of environmentalism and the weather, is available on DVD or online.
Photo credit: Andrea Ursini Casalena