4 Holistic Ways To Avoid Food Poisoning

4 Holistic Ways To Avoid Food Poisoning

Anyone who has suffered through a bout of food poisoning knows how serious it can be. In extreme circumstances foodborne illness can even cause death. So, it would be wise for you to familiarize yourself with the basics of kitchen safety and personal hygiene in order to prevent an outbreak of illness and there are also some holistic ways for you to avoid food poisoning in the first place. There is another interesting viewpoint ironically stated by French chemist Louis Pasteur where he states that, "It is not the germ that causes disease but the terrain in which the germ is found." This is a very ironic statement from the man who brought about pasteurization, which is the killing of germs within foods in order to protect us from disease. He thereby enforced the idea that an outside invader causes disease.

As all of Pasteur’s dizzying reasons to depart from his theory is beyond the scope of this article, let us instead explore the statement more deeply, in regards to what he refers to as the “terrain”. The terrain refers to the inner health and condition of the body’s cells and its subsequent environment. So, if the body is in balance and the cells are healthy, the disease should have a hard time manifesting inside the body. Antoine Beauchamp, Louis Pasteur’s rival, proved time and time again through scientific experiments that disease did not result from germs attacking the body but had much more to do with the body's pre-existing condition and stamina.

Read more about how to have a healthy microbiome

So, what does this have to do with food poisoning? Well the more our inner terrain is in harmony, the less likely a germ, bacteria or other microorganism would be able to implant itself and result in the development of an illness. In this case, we're referring to food poisoning. Here are four holistic ways to prevent it from happening to you.

1. Take Probiotics

Probiotics are the group of healthy bacteria strains that reside in your healthy digestive tract. They maintain the strength of the immune system and can also help with digestion. You can take probiotics as a supplement or replenish yourself with a variety of fermented foods including miso, tempeh, sauerkraut, and kombucha tea. Taking probiotics on a regular basis will ensure the smooth operation of the digestive system and will allow the body to respond to and dispose of any foreign invaders.

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2. Wash Your Hands With Natural Soaps

Using chemical antibacterial substances strips the body of its natural defenders on your skin and therefore can make you more susceptible to illnesses. The terrain of the skin will not be as strong as it naturally is. Try using natural antibacterial ingredients such as tea tree oil or lavender.

3. Cook Your Meat Thoroughly

This one is very obvious. The most important part is not necessarily making sure that the meat is cooked, but that you have quality, fresh meat in the first place. You want chemical and antibiotic free meats which would preferably be organic. Conventional meats contain the hormones and chemicals that will again compromise your natural defenses.

4. Go Organic

The same principle applies here. The less pesticides, chemicals and toxins you ingest from your food, the stronger your body will ultimately be. You will ensure that the food you eat is digested and enjoyed rather than wreaking havoc on your insides.

Read more about eating organic on a budget

Image: Jeff Kubina

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Eleanor Healy is a writer with a passion for holistic health. As a Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN), Reiki Master/Teacher and former Child and Youth Care worker, she spent many years navigating the choppy waters of burnout and trying to stay balanced in a demanding world. Her mission is to offer practical tips and techniques from her own trial and error process, so that you can live your best life! Follow Eleanor on Facebook and keep in touch with her at [email protected].