Spring Cleansing Your Body

Spring Cleansing Your Body

Vibrant health and natural beauty is a simple matter of keeping your energy channels clean and clear. This spring is the perfect time to take yourself on a special journey and begin the detoxification process.

You spring clean your house—so why not do the same for your beautiful body-temple? We depend on our body to do so much for us, and it depends on us to take care. If you have been feeling weighed down or less shiny than you would like, now is the time for a little spring tune-up that will give you that Goddess glow!

Our ability to detoxify can be a key factor to overall health and beauty. A detox can help to:

  • Renew your energy, concentration and immune function
  • Rejuvenate your cells and ‘youth-ify’ your body, mind and spirit
  • Release extra weight and regenerate your skin
  • Reset your appetite and shrink your stomach
  • Reduce puffiness, bloating, aches and pains
  • Revitalize your natural joy for life
  • Raise your vibration and reconnect spiritually
  • Release, relax and renew

Although our bodies automatically detoxify daily, this natural process could use a little help from time to time. A detox program is a holistic approach that restricts certain foods from a diet for a period of time, while increasing specific foods, herbs or supplements for nourishment. A detox program also includes practices such as deep breathing, stretching, sweating or skin-brushing, which can further your results.

Let go of foods containing chemical preservatives, salt, sugar, rancid fats (such as fried foods) and add in raw plant foods that are hydrating and nourishing for a soothing rest on your digestive system. With this switch, you will quickly feel a sense of rejuvenation!

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Gorgeous Greens

Fresh fruits and veggies are key foods to include in any detox program because they contain lots of water to help flush out toxins, while adding in hydration, phyto-nutrients and detoxifying enzymes.

Sun-kissed leaves are powerhouses containing green gold: chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the blood of the plant. It helps neutralize toxic acidity in our system caused by poor diet, overeating, or stressful thoughts. When you are green on the inside, you are clean on the inside!

Drinking Your Greens

The effects of drinking the juice of leafy greens and other vegetables is like drinking from  the “Fountain Of Youth”, and all you have to do is try it for yourself to see why!

Green juices made with about 50% greens, fruits and veggies are a great source of sodium, potassium and magnesium. These particular minerals keep your electrolytes balanced and your cells plumped up and hydrated.

Here are two delicious recipes to enjoy during a detox:

Pineapple Pasha

Pineapple contains  proteolytic enzymes, which means it helps to break down stored proteins in the body and can reduce inflammation.

1/3 Pineapple, skin removed and cored

1cup of Parsley or Kale

A few leaves of fresh Mint

Juice all the ingredients. Drink immediately and receive a transfusion of active, detoxifying enzymes. This is the kind of cocktail  you can drink all day long and feel good about later!

Mango Tango

This is a simple, fast and delicious pudding that is sweet and tangy and contains no dairy, gluten or added sugar.

 1 to2 Mangos, peeled and pitted

1 ripe Banana

1 Lime, squeezed

½ cup of Spinach or Parsley

Blend ingredients until smooth and creamy and savor with a spoon. This little treat will give you energy to dance all night long!

Helpful Detox Hints

While on a detox, here are some ideas to enhance your experience:

  • Clear your cupboards of temptation, and cut out clutter. Clutter in your space is a drain on your energy, so ditch the debris and feel free!
  • Unplug from media and reconnect with nature. Go for walks in the fresh air and enjoy the regenerative nourishment of silence and rest.
  • A bath using Dead Sea Salts, Moore Mud, LL Clay or Magnesium Baths (Epsom Salts) is a great addition during your detox journey.  Adding a drop or two of pure essential oils, like lavender, rosemary, sage, spruce or lemon, is an aromatic special treat that also helps detoxification. Light a candle and bathe in a glowing peace and warmth. Even a footbath will work wonders!
  • Let your emotions flow like rain—this may be a sun shower, or may be a torrential downpour. Tears can be a sacred medicine. While you may feel a little drained and dehydrated, drink a green juice with celery and lemon, or a nice ginger or mint tea. Be tender with your heart.
  • Use a journal (make it a real one, not a computer file) where you can write out your intentions for your detox:  what you want or do not want to eat, how you want to feel afterwards, what special practices you may want to try. Most importantly, this journal can be a place to collect your reflections and dreams for yourself.

You may have lost touch with your inner Goddess during the winter, but a regular detox can reactivate your vitality and radiance to bring her out! Open the floodgates of health and beauty with a simple spring cleanse that will make you look and feel so fresh and alive that you glow!

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Shannon ‘Shakaya’ Leone has become a trusted voice in the raw community and has attracted tens of thousands of women to her online events including the Raw Mom Summit and W.I.S.H.(Women’s International Summit for Health) which she co-produced and had the pleasure of interviewing Marianne Williamson, Byron Katie, Dr Mercola, Marci Shimoff, Sonia Choquette, Byron Katie, Dr Carolyn Dean, Rainbeau Mars, Dr Bernie Seigel, Rory Freedman, David Wolfe, Morgana Rae, Susun Weed and dozens of other luminaries. Shannon created the documentary Raising Children Raises Us- a documentary about Conscious Parenting, Raw Food Nutriton and Un-Schooling, and wrote The Healthy Lunchbox and her brand new book, Naked Beauty. Shakaya is also an artist and she creates original Goddess Portraits on commission. As well, Shannon is a speaker who hosts LIVE events. Shakaya contributes articles for dozens of magazines online and in print, and she appears on TV and radio regularly.Shakaya’s vision is to inspire women to be proactive in their health and embrace their beauty, Naturally. Shannon can be found inspiring women to awaken to their Divine feminine goddess nature at earthempress.com