The Green Divas, Author at Live Healthier. Be Informed. Get Inspired. Mon, 02 May 2022 17:08:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 10 Natural Herbs to Enhance Sexual Vitality Sat, 03 Aug 2019 05:00:45 +0000 For centuries people have sought the healing benefits of herbs to incite passion and build sexual vitality. Herbs for sexual vitality can be used in the form of tea, tincture or capsules. However, before using herbs, clear up any emotional conflicts that may be affecting sexuality and develop a healthier diet. Herbs to enhance sexual […]

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For centuries people have sought the healing benefits of herbs to incite passion and build sexual vitality. Herbs for sexual vitality can be used in the form of tea, tincture or capsules. However, before using herbs, clear up any emotional conflicts that may be affecting sexuality and develop a healthier diet.

Herbs to enhance sexual vitality

1. Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum, C. cassia) has been used in love potions since medieval times. It is warming, improves circulation and is mildly stimulating.

2. Damiana (Turnera aphrodisiaca, T. diffusa) is used in Central America for frigidity, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and testicular atrophy. It helps sexual problems related to anxiety and increases nerve sensitivity.

3. Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) relaxes blood vessels so that nutrients can be better delivered throughout the body. By improving vascular insufficiency it can improve blood flow to the penis. Ginkgo is considered a kidney tonic and rejuvenative.

4. Ginseng (Panax ginseng) improves fatigue and increases stamina. It strengthens the adrenal glands.

Read more about the top herbs for fighting fatigue

5. Maca (Lepidium peruvianum Chacón, L. meyenii) is an energy enhancer, nutritive and rejuvenative that increases pituitary function, encouraging the body’s natural hormonal production. Maca also helps improve vaginal lubrication.

6. Muira puama (Ptychopetalum olacoides, P. uncinatum) is native to South America where it is referred to as “potency wood”. It improves virility and improves sexual debility. It is considered a tonic for the central nervous system as well as an aphrodisiac.

7. Oatstraw (Avena sativa) is warming, nutritive and relaxing. It has long been regarded as a tonic to improve sexual ability, increase libido, aid impotence and premature ejaculation. As it nourishes the nervous system it makes tactile sensations more pleasurable for both men and women.

8. Schizandra (Schisandra chinensis) increases staying power in men and is a kidney tonic for both men and women improving general weakness, depression and sexual debility. It is also suggested as an herb to help heal trauma from sexual abuse.

9. Tribulis terrestris (Latin name, though also known as Caltrop and Horny Goat Weed) is used for erectile dysfunction and low sperm count. It’s a kidney tonic, rejuvenative and aphrodisiac.

10. Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia) was once banned by the Puritans because of its sexually stimulating qualities. The word vanilla is actually derived from the Latin meaning “little vagina” and as many people know plants in the Orchid family such as vanilla have very sexually suggestive anatomically correct flowers.

Herbs for Sexual Vitality

Learn to prepare food with more zest including cinnamon and vanilla, and with cardamom, cloves, garlic and ginger-all of which are warming and aphrodisiac.

How to boost sexual vitality

Too often couples have only leftover time for sex-11:30 at night when they are exhausted or 8:00 in the morning when having to be somewhere in an hour.

Additional tips to enhance sexual vitality:

  • Consider creating sacred time to be with your beloved.
  • Find a time when the kids are visiting someone else or send them to a sitter for a few hours.
  • Turn down the volume on the phone and let voicemail take care of things for a while.
  • Enter you sacred space with a clean body without time restraints.
  • Engage in massage as foreplay to help you relax and stimulate all the meridians of energy throughout the body.
  • Don’t rush.
  • Remember to breathe together.
  • Make love more slowly.
  • Enjoy after play by lying together to rest, enjoy a sweet nap or exchange your feelings of love.

Read more about ways to ignite your inner and outer sexy


Listen to my other Green Divas Eco-Sexy segment about foods that are great to incorporate into your diet for a healthier libido. Read more about it here.

Read this next: Harmful Chemicals in Sex Products: What You Need to Know

Written by Brigitte Mars for The Green Divas.


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10 Ways to Find the Good in Life and Focus on the Positive Wed, 21 Nov 2018 09:43:45 +0000 Man, if you’re obsessed with news channels, it’s hard to see the good in life. I personally stopped watching the news on a regular basis many years ago, with the exception of CBS Sunday Morning, which is the NPR-of-TV to me (and even that I only catch once every few weeks). You would think I […]

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Man, if you’re obsessed with news channels, it’s hard to see the good in life.

I personally stopped watching the news on a regular basis many years ago, with the exception of CBS Sunday Morning, which is the NPR-of-TV to me (and even that I only catch once every few weeks).

You would think I was blissfully ignorant about the world’s issues, but oddly enough I’m not. I manage to keep up thanks to the overwhelming array of options now available all day long from millions of sources (a few that are quite credible) other than network news channels.

For a variety of reasons, my natural state-of-being earlier in my life (teen and early adulthood) was not bliss or happiness or anything like that. It was darkness, drama, and depression with a dose of alcoholism and addiction to secure that state of being.

I ditched the drugs and alcohol over a quarter-century ago, but it took years to move my thinking to a higher level-less doom, more aha! That darkness always looms nearby and attempts to drag me back to the mental gates of hell. I rarely go there these days, but won’t lie and say I never do, but the visits are shorter and far less intense.

One recent morning, I became acutely aware that I had a sense of impending good.

I actually argued with myself about it-really? not a sense of impending doom?-because between the new tick-borne disease that can kill you, Antarctica melting and unprecedented species extinctions one could easily feel doomed. Nope. I felt like something awesome was about to blossom. And yes, it’s almost summer and it’s easy to feel a little giddy with a head full of pollen and flowers perking up all over.

I realized part of my perspective was a choice. Like that old Native American story about the two wolves that live within us-one is dark and vicious and the other gentle and loving. The one that rules us is the one we feed…much like my busy and quirky mind, which I’ve been retraining for many years to quit ruminating on the negative stuff and focus as much as possible on the good stuff.

When I’m conscious, this practice can pull me out of any funk, but it isn’t always so easy to be conscious! Hence a daily practice of prayer and meditation and always, always, always working on being more mindful.

Most days I look around me or in the new world community of Facebook and social media and while there are a few legitimate sad and tragic stories, I’m lifted by the many inspiring stories of triumph over that impending doom. Man, I love seeing people loving each other and respecting animals and the earth so creatively, so brilliantly.

Here are 10 things I do to help me see good in almost anything…

1. Meditate

If you want to observe your thoughts and bring your awareness to exactly how your mind operates, meditation is the answer. I know, meditation is supposed to be the antidote to thinking, but the reality is that most of us spend the first few minutes of any meditation session stumbling around in our head bumping into thoughts. Brilliant stuff like, “I’ve got to weed that garden,” “Why is my dog so crazy?” “I hate that perfume Sherry is wearing. It makes me nauseous.”

With practice, you can use that type of observational method to begin to see your thoughts and pay special attention to how often the thoughts are negative, fear-based, judgmental, shaming, self-abusive, etc. At first, it will seem like most of it is bad. DON’T JUDGE YOURSELF, just observe. Then you can work on changing it.

2. Just Say No to Negativity

I implemented a quirky, but effective practice years ago that works. When I note a nasty thought or image float through my head, I say (in my head and sometimes out loud), “cancel, cancel, cancel,” which literally wakes me up from whatever dark daydream I was in and then I move into the affirmative mode, stating clearly some affirmation that helps to re-direct that original thought pathway.

For instance, if I’m driving and I worry about getting tangled up with a big truck that’s up ahead (and my mind can be extremely creative and graphic and scary), and I start to imagine what that might look like, I generally catch myself and yell (in my head or out loud) “cancel, cancel, cancel,” and quickly replace the thought with an affirmation like, “thank you god/universe/goddess/spirit/whatever for guiding me safely on the highway.”

3. Gratitude

There’s nothing that works better on shifting my attitude from gloom to bloom than gratitude. I’ve developed a practice of mentally listing things I’m grateful for during especially stressful moments or sometimes just for fun. I did this once in a lengthy MRI using the alphabet, A – I’m grateful for organic apples, and my friend Annie . . . B – Betty, beauty, bees, etc. Sometimes I write it down, which is also quite helpful. Focusing my attention on gratitude brings about a nearly immediate energy shift, and whatever seemed so awful, tends to become a more manageable beast.

Read more about the healing power of gratitude

4. Look for the Good

I set my intention in my morning prayer and meditation to find the good and see it around me. And guess what? I do see it!

I’m thoroughly convinced there’s good in everyone and every situation no matter how awful and bleak it may appear. Not that the silver-lining reveals itself right away all the time, but for the most part, I’ve trained my mind to hunt down something good in everything like a bloodhound on a scent. It’s almost like a game.

Yes, I’ve become one of those annoying people that almost always finds a unique way to see something and find the good in it, which most of my friends and family appreciate, but a rare few just find it irritating. I’m not saying I don’t have a process that involves whining, bitching, crying and other challenging expressions to find that good side. Be gentle on yourself. It’s always a process.

5. Looking Back

I challenge you to look back on your history and look for the good. Look for ways you’ve been magically saved from some calamity or diverted from that job or relationship you thought you really wanted only to end up with an even better one.

I don’t like to dwell too much in the past, but sometimes history can help reveal some wonderful patterns of great stuff IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR IT. Try reviewing an old situation that was painful or difficult, while asking yourself, “what, if anything, good came from that!?” You might be surprised and it could bring a fresh perspective.

6. Be Selective

I’m a busy green diva and just don’t have tons of time to spend lingering around friends and situations that are a drag. I find certain people can literally drain my energy. It’s taken me a long time to pay attention to my body’s cues, but I do now. If some person, place, or thing makes me feel icky in any way, I minimize my exposure. It doesn’t mean I don’t love that person at all, but I can love some folks from a safe distance or in small doses.

This also applies to people on social media. I’ve unfriended folks who seem to constantly post fear-based stuff or who tend to be negative about other people. It also applies to press, radio, TV, books, and film. I try to be careful about what kind of images and messages I take in. Not that they necessarily influence me on a conscious level, but I don’t need to be terrified or horrified or stressed-out during my time of entertainment. Although, I do subject myself to difficult documentaries if there’s something I need to learn.

Read more about healthy relationships

7. Take Good Care

For me, it’s a never-ending balancing act between diet, exercise, work, play, etc. I’ve become aware of just how sensitive my system can be (menopause could be highlighting some of this), from chocolate too late in the evening causing nightmares to popcorn making me all weird and jittery (go figure). I learned that I need seven to eight hours of sleep to function well. I need lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. I don’t need sugar or gluten or lots of carbs that can literally bring my energy (and mood) right to the floor.

Find out what you need. Listen to your body and pay attention. Everyone is different, so don’t assume just because everyone on Facebook says something is good for you it is! The same goes for our emotional and spiritual needs. Whatever that means for you. Minimizing exposure to toxic people perhaps or more yoga or church or walks in the woods. Whatever it is, do it. When I’m taking good care of myself in all these areas, my mind is easier to manage, and I see more good around me.

8. It’s an Inside Job

I’m relieved and sometimes cranky when I remember that nothing outside of me can control my thoughts, moods, feelings, or reactions to things. It would be so nice sometimes to say, “C’mon! That guy’s a jerk! Can’t I just be indignant and maybe lash out and smack him or something?” But in the end, after all the gnashing of teeth and growling, it’s my choice to react or deal with why that guy being a jerk bothers me so much.

Often when I’m disrupted by someone or something outside of me and I want to blame them for my misery, I have to do some work on the inside. Investigate deeply why that should rock my otherwise awesome world. I have to ask myself if I’ve done something to cause him to be a jerk. In particularly stubborn situations that turn into burning resentments, writing helps. Definitely talking to enlightened friends can help. Bottom line is that I need to not place the responsibility for my peace and happiness on anyone or anything out “there.”

9. It isn’t Personal

Not a news flash, but also not an easy one to overcome. It often seems like everything is about me, and all that crap out there is directed at me, but nine times out of 10, when that bitchy person is actually directing an attack seemingly at me, using words like, “you suck! blah blah blah,” it really isn’t about ME! It’s about them and whatever dark stuff they’re going through and projecting onto me.

Although all the bad news in the world isn’t personal, sometimes it feels very personally threatening. I have to work on not personalizing everything. It’s great to relate to stuff and be part of the global community and all, but I’m just a drop of sunshine in this vast ocean of life.

10. Be the Good

I know you’ve heard it and seen it a million times, but Mahatma Gandhi nailed it with this one: “Be the good you wish to see in the world.”

Seriously, it’s contagious. If the law of the universe about “like” attracting “like” is true, then do good, be good, and see the good blossoming around you.


Listen to the latest Inspired Green Divas podcast episode:

Written by Green Diva Meg (Megan McWilliams) for The Green Divas. 

Image: Nicholas A. Tonelli

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4 Amazingly Simple DIY Air Freshener Recipes Wed, 21 Nov 2018 13:49:54 +0000 Having fresh-smelling air doesn't mean you need chemicals; these DIY air freshener recipes can make your home smell great without the toxins. Love the dulcet scent of pine which makes you feel like you’re going in the woods? Or the delicate fragrance of vanilla and orange blossom which transforms your house into a bakery-orchid? Just […]

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Having fresh-smelling air doesn't mean you need chemicals; these DIY air freshener recipes can make your home smell great without the toxins.

Love the dulcet scent of pine which makes you feel like you’re going in the woods? Or the delicate fragrance of vanilla and orange blossom which transforms your house into a bakery-orchid? Just like you, I have always enjoyed the ease with which an air freshener can mask the odor of dog and old sock.

But recently, it has occurred to me that all air fresheners are just chemical concoctions which we use to mask our already unsanitary indoor atmosphere. The most pressing problem with air fresheners is that they don’t freshen air. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) claims that indoor air is usually two to five times more polluted than the outdoor air in a large city which is pretty disturbing in itself, but when we add a bunch of chemicals to make the place smell better, we exacerbate the problem.

Instead, here are 4 easy DIY air freshener recipes that will leave your home smelling great.

1. Vodka Air Freshener Wait… what? Actually vodka is a great way to clean and freshen your air. The alcohol in vodka kills germs as it cleans.

What you need:

• cup of water

• two tbsp of non-flavored vodka

• spray bottle

• a couple of drops of essential oil if you want to add a nice fragrance

Mix the ingredients in the bottle and spray around your home.

2. Citrus Freshener

If you have just enjoyed an orange, drop the peels into a pot of hot water and simmer gently on the stove to infuse your home with a delicious citrus smell. This is an especially great idea if your indoor air is a little dry. You can also use this recipe:

What you need:

• small pot filled 2/3 with water

• 2 teaspoons vanilla essence

• 3 sprigs rosemary

• 1 lemon (sliced)

Bring to the boil and then turn the heat down to a very gentle simmer. You can keep this going for up to two days, adding water as required for a lovely fresh spring scented home.

Read more: Air Fresheners. A Breath of Fresh Chemicals

3. Baking Soda Air Freshener

Baking soda does a great job of soaking up bad smells. You can sprinkle it on your carpets, put some in your fridge and throw some in the bottom of your garbage bin. You can also add some essential oils so that it absorbs bad smells and releases good ones into your home.

What you need:

• small Mason jar

•1/2 cup baking soda

• 10 drops essential oil of your choice

• gift wrap

• scissors

• pencil

• pin

Pour the baking soda into the jar and drip the essential oil over it. Place the Mason jar screw top onto the gift wrap and trace around it. Cut out the circle and poke holes in it with the pin. Cover the jar with the gift wrap circle and screw on the top.

Read more: The Healing Powers of Baking Soda

4. Soothing Lavender Air Freshener

This recipe combines lavender and chamomile which both boast calming properties. They disinfect while soothing the soul. This is a great freshener to use if you are sending the family off to sleep or to elevate mood. If you are planning an all-night rave, this is not the air freshener for you; opt for the citrus freshener instead.

What you need:

• 2 cups distilled water

• 1 teaspoon baking soda

• 10 drops essential lavender oil

• 10 drops essential chamomile oil

• spray bottle

Mix ingredients together in the spray bottle and spritz your blues away.

BONUS: Listen to the latest Green Divas at Home segment for ideas and information for keeping a natural, non-toxic, and eco-friendly home.

Written by Green Diva Nikki (Nikki Fotheringham) for The Green Divas.

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The Truth About Fluoride in Water Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:45:54 +0000 If you are like most people, you have been lead to believe fluoride in water is a healthful supplement. Dentists and other fluoride advocates have long insisted that fluoride in the drinking water does wonders for dental health. But, the truth is, ingesting fluoride is unnecessary, dangerous and can even be deadly. It is a threat to public […]

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If you are like most people, you have been lead to believe fluoride in water is a healthful supplement.

Dentists and other fluoride advocates have long insisted that fluoride in the drinking water does wonders for dental health. But, the truth is, ingesting fluoride is unnecessary, dangerous and can even be deadly. It is a threat to public health and has been implicated in a dizzying array of serious health problems. Now, for the first time since 1962, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is lowering the the recommended level of fluoride in drinking water to 0.7 mg/L to protect against unwanted effects of excessive exposure of orally ingested fluoride based on findings and recommendations by the National Academies of Science (NAS).

I talked to Green Diva Meg in this Green Divas Health & Beauty radio show segment about why we need to ditch the fluoride. Listen up then read on for more…

Where Fluoride Comes From

Fluoride occurs naturally in low levels in many kinds foods. A number of sea salts contain trace amounts of fluoride, for example. However, the fluoride that is added to the public water supply in the form of the chemicals – fluorosilicic acid, sodium silicofluoride, and sodium fluoride – is industrial waste products from the phosphate fertilizer industry. Of these chemicals, fluorosilicic acid (FSA) is the most widely used.  Unlike the United States, 97% of Western Europe has chosen fluoride-free water and, according to the World Health Organization, their tooth decay rates are just as low, and, in fact, often lower than the tooth decay rates in the U.S.

What Happens after Fluoride is Ingested?

Soon after you take a sip of fluoride contaminated water, 93% of the ingested fluoride ends up in your bloodstream and whatever is not excreted ends up being deposited into teeth and bones. Fluoride accumulates in the body over the time. Adults who have been drinking fluoride contaminated water for many years have much higher levels of fluoride in their bodies than small children who haven’t had time to build up toxic levels of this harmful chemical. The development of dental fluorosis can occur with too much fluoride consumption during the tooth forming years of age 8 and younger.  According to the CDC, 41% of American adolescents have dental fluorosis. You may not be aware that fluoridated water is no longer recommended for babies In November of 2006, the American Dental Association (ADA) advised that parents should avoid giving babies fluoridated water.

Read more about the harmful effects of fluoride

Fluoride and the Brain

The most worrisome negative effect of fluoride is its effect on the brain, particularly the developing brains of children. Recent scientific research has confirmed that even low levels of fluoride have the potential to lower IQ (Intelligence Quotient) scores in young children. Exactly how fluoride negatively effects the brain is not yet completely understood, but if you are a parent of young children, many experts advise that you do your very best to minimize their exposure to fluoride. In Our Daily Dose, filmmaker Jeremy Seifert (GMO OMG), lays out the dangers of water fluoridation informatively and creatively. Watch now.Fluoride and Bone Health

Fluoride has negative effects on bones and is most dangerous to young children and the elderly. A recent study from a team of Harvard scientists – have found a connection between fluoride and a serious form of bone cancer known as osteosarcoma in males under the age of 20. Even at very low concentrations, fluoride can promote the risk of bone fracture. As people age, their bones become increasingly brittle. Fluoride may be partially responsible for the high rate of bone fractures in the United States. People in the U.S. ingest large quantities of calcium, yet maintain one of highest rates of bone fractures in the world.

The link between fluoride and bone cancer (osteosarcoma) is not as clear as the link between fluoride and bone fractures. That being said, many scientific studies have come to the conclusion that ingesting fluoride definitely raises the risk of developing bone cancer. On average, the more fluoride a person ingests, the more likely he or she is to develop bone cancer. Bone cancer is unique among cancers because of it exceptional deadliness. According to the Fluoride Action Network, ‘Up to half of adolescents who develop osteosarcoma die within a few years of diagnosis.’

Watch the Fluoride Action Network's 10 Facts About Fluoride.

Tap Water Isn’t the Only Source of Fluoride

Ceasing to drink fluoridated water isn’t the only action required if you wish to eliminate exposure to fluoride. In addition to installing the proper home water filtration system to remove fluoride from your tap water (distillation and reverse osmosis are treatment methods that have proven to be effective for removing fluoride), you can also replace the fluoridated toothpaste you are using.  Fortunately, a number of fluoride-free toothpaste brands are available to choose from.

Read more about choosing fluoride-free toothpaste

Look for brands of toothpaste that don’t contain fluoride, saccharin, or other known toxic ingredients. If tooth decay is a concern, you might be interested to know that while water fluoridation is credited with reducing tooth decay, the same reductions in tooth decay have occurred in all western countries, regardless of fluoride present in the water.

Remember, fluoridated toothpaste can be especially deadly for young children. There is enough fluoride in typical tube of toothpaste to kill a small child if ingested. According to theJournal of Dental Research, the Probably Toxic Dose (PTD) for fluoride is 5mg/kg. If a child ingests a fluoride dose in excess of 15mg/kg, then death is likely to occur. It can be fatal for some children even at doses as low as 5mg/kg.

As always, the choice is yours. Here, we adhere to the precautionary principle which states, ‘that when an activity raises threats of harm to human health or the environment, precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause and effect relationships are not fully established scientifically.’

This article was written by Lisa Beres for and originally appeared on the

Learn more in this Green Divas Health & Beauty radio show segment about why we need to ditch the fluoride. 

Bonus: Listen to the latest full episode of the Green Divas Radio Show …

Catch the latest Green Divas Radio Show—and other green, healthy and free radio shows—daily on (or get the GDGD Radio app)!

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27 Uses for Coconut Oil Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:45:27 +0000 Who knew there were so many uses for coconut oil? In the past few years, coconut oil has taken the media by storm with its myriad health benefits that affect the entire body inside out. It might just be the most versatile food on earth with its extensive applications not only in natural medicine but also in […]

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Who knew there were so many uses for coconut oil?

In the past few years, coconut oil has taken the media by storm with its myriad health benefits that affect the entire body inside out.

It might just be the most versatile food on earth with its extensive applications not only in natural medicine but also in beauty, household, and much more. In southeast Asia, the Coconut tree is referred to as the “tree of life”, and today there are over 1500 studies to prove that coconut oil might just be the elixir that you have been looking for.

If you have heard of the many benefits of coconut oil and bought a tub for yourself, but don’t know what to do with it, here is some help-a list of top uses of coconut oil for you, and we hope it helps.

1. Use Coconut Oil Skin Cleanser

Most face washes and soaps available in the market have an overabundance of alcohol and contain harsh chemicals that can play havoc with the natural oils and cause overproduction of oil and eventually lead to skin problems such as clogged pores and acne. Coconut oil is a natural cleanser and can be used on any skin type. It gently washes away dirt, impurities, and even makeup without harming the natural oils. It leaves your skin clean, soft, and moisturized.

2. Use Coconut Oil for Wrinkles

There is a whole world of expensive skincare products promising younger looking and beautiful skin. But try coconut oil once and you will shun all your chemical-laden anti-wrinkle products. It is known for its anti-aging properties and there are no side effects. It is rich in antioxidants such as pro-Vitamin A and Vitamin E that help slow down the aging process. Coconut oil can reduce fine lines and other signs of aging leaving a younger-looking skin with an enviable glow.

3. Coconut Oil for Bad Breath

No matter how beautiful you look, if you do not smell good, then all that makeup and designer dresses go in vain. Due to its strong antimicrobial properties, coconut oil can be effective in treating bad breath. For all dental applications, just take a tablespoon of coconut oil, swish it around the mouth for 15-20 minutes, spit it out and brush your teeth.

Read more about using coconut oil for dental hygiene

4. Coconut Oil Laundry Detergent

Coconut oil and detergent? Yes, you got it right. You can actually whip up your own homemade laundry detergent using coconut oil. Just add 33 oz coconut oil, 5.9 ounces lye (NaOH), and 12 oz water. You can also add a few drops of your favorite essential oil.

5. Coconut Oil Stain Remover

To remove stains from your carpets or upholstery just mix one part of coconut oil with one part of baking soda and apply it to the stain. Let the mixture sit for a few minutes and then wipe it off.

6. Get rid of ants, maggots, and flies

Mix some seed oil and Castile liquid soap to coconut oil and use the spray to get rid of ants. To keep flies and maggots away from the trash, just coat the bin with coconut oil.

7. Replace vegetable oil or butter with coconut oil

If you have to sauté your vegetables in a frying pan, just use coconut oil in place of butter or vegetable oil as a healthier alternative. You might not get as rich a taste like butter, but you will certainly feel less guilty.

8. Lubricant to remove caked-on food

With coconut oil in your pantry, you no longer need to scrub the caked-on food from your dishes. Simply put some coconut oil on the tough spots and the caked-on food can be scrubbed off easily.

9. Keep your eggs fresh longer

Coconut oil can prolong the life of eggs by 1-2 weeks. Just swipe a little coconut oil on the eggshells. It will seal the pores and keep them fresh longer.

10. Fight Inflammation

Coconut oil, in its unrefined form without any heating or chemicals, is believed to prevent and fight chronic inflammation. It promotes kidney and liver health. Research has also shown that regular consumption of virgin coconut oil helps fight inflammation and prevents chronic diseases caused by inflammation.

11. Promotes brain health and helps treat Alzheimer’s

Research shows that coconut oil can be an effective treatment for Alzheimer’s. The study shows that taking a tablespoon of coconut oil three times a day can help Alzheimer’s.

12. Ultimate energy booster

Want to make a quick energy booster? Go fetch your tub of coconut oil, mix it with chia seeds and you are good to go. Mix ½ tablespoon of chia seeds with a tablespoon of coconut oil spread it on a slice of multi-grain bread or just have it as is. Chia seeds are known to boost endurance and performance, coconut helps its metabolism.

13. Coconut Oil for Weight Loss

Coconut oil is rich in medium-chain triglycerides and is shown to support weight loss and help the body burn fat. You may be surprised that fat can help you to lose weight, but try adding a tablespoon of coconut oil to your diet and you may start noticing a reduction in abdominal fat. Research has shown that consumption of medium-chain triglyceride oils is more effective for weight loss compared to olive oil.

uses for coconut oil

14. Cold and flu prevention and relief

The anti-microbial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties of coconut oil make it effective for prevention and relief from cold and flu. Just add a bit of coconut oil to your smoothies or teas for relief from cold and flu.

15. Naturally balance hormones

Coconut oil contains healthy fats that support adrenal and thyroid glands that can lower cortisol and balance hormones. It promotes healthy metabolism and suppresses inflammation, thus balancing hormones.

16. Naturally balance cholesterol levels

Coconut oil contains healthy fats that lower LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol, and in turn promote cardiovascular health. A study shows that consumption of coconut oil increases HDL cholesterol and improves cholesterol ratio.

17. Remove wax build-up from ears

If you have excess wax build up in your ears, then try a drop or two of coconut oil. Just tilt your head and use a dropper to put 1-2 drops into the ear. After some time, just tilt the head the other way and let the oil and wax drain out.

18. Remedy for pink eye

If you have a pink eye, then before trying antibiotics or other treatments, try some coconut oil. Just dab a little oil on to the eyelids and follow up with a cold or warm compress. It reduces swelling and soothes itchy eyes.

19. Treats menopause-related hot flashes

Taking a tablespoon or two of coconut oil can provide relief from hot flash symptoms during menopause.

Read more about the health benefits of coconuts

20. Promotes calcium and magnesium absorption

Calcium plays a critical role in many-body systems and is essential for healthy bones. If you have a problem absorbing calcium then coconut oil can be of great help. It also boosts magnesium absorption, thus preventing and relieving many health problems such as constipation, hormonal imbalance, migraines, and more.

21. Use Coconut Oil for Pet Care

Coconut oil does not just work for humans; it can be great for pets as well. Adding a little coconut oil to their diet helps digestive problems. You can apply coconut oil topically to treat irritations, skin allergies, and wounds.

22. Allergies

If you are prone to respiratory allergies, you can simply put a little coconut oil in your nostrils. This will block the pollen and prevent allergies. You can also add a bit of coconut oil to your smoothies to relieve symptoms associated with allergies. It works well because of its anti-inflammatory properties. The fact that it is a natural immune booster makes it even better at fighting allergies. Coconut oil can help fight allergies because it is a natural immune booster as well.

23. Helps morning sickness

If you are pregnant and suffer from morning sickness, then coconut oil may offer some relief. A tablespoon of coconut oil every morning can be of great help.

24. Prevents diaper rash

By applying a little coconut oil to the baby’s skin, you can prevent diaper rash.

25. Effective treatment for ear infections

Coconut oil works great for treating baby ear infections as well. It is a natural and safe alternative to the chemically laden ear drops available in the market. Unless you suspect damage to the eardrum, you can pour a drop of coconut oil into the infected ear with the help of a dropper. It is known to work quickly.

26. Homemade Coconut Oil Deodorant

Coconut oil possesses great anti-bacterial properties, and this can prevent body odor. You can use coconut oil as is or combine it with baking soda and some essential oils.

27. Leather cleaner and shiner

Coconut oil can clean leather beautifully and add a nice shine to it.

A tub of coconut oil can work wonders on your health, beauty, and home, but make sure you buy only the purest and highest quality oil for the best results. So go ahead and grab a tub of coconut oil to get started on a healthier and natural way of life.

9 More Ways to Use Coconut Oil


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7 Toxic Cleaning Ingredients to Avoid Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:45:27 +0000 It’s time for some spring cleaning, right?! Make sure you know what to avoid for a safe cleaning routine. The EPA estimates that the air inside our homes can be as more polluted than the air outside, and some of that pollution comes from our cleaning products. In fact, in their Guide to Healthy Cleaning […]

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It’s time for some spring cleaning, right?! Make sure you know what to avoid for a safe cleaning routine.

The EPA estimates that the air inside our homes can be as more polluted than the air outside, and some of that pollution comes from our cleaning products. In fact, in their Guide to Healthy Cleaning database, the Environmental Working Group found that a full half of the cleaning products on the market contain ingredients known to harm our lungs.

So what’s exactly in these products-and what can we do to make them safer?

I share some of my non-toxic spring cleaning advice in this episode of Green Divas at Home. Listen up, then read on for my seven shortcuts to healthier cleaning… Listen to the podcast here.

Indoor air pollution can lead to serious health problems like allergies and asthma; childhood asthma rates are now at epidemic levels, with nearly seven million children affected, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

If you’re buying cleaners, here are seven toxic ingredients to avoid:

1. Anything that bears a poison label, especially those cleaners that contain odorless, sweet-tasting diethylene glycol, found in window cleaners.

2. Stay away from formaldehyde-based deodorizers; it’s been linked to cancer.

3. Nix the triclosan, which has been shown to reduce immunity and increase antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

4. Don’t buy products that contain perfume or fragrance, which is a blanket term for tons of chemicals linked to allergies, among other problems.

5. Stay away from phenols in disinfectants-especially toilet bowl cleaners-which are bad to breathe.

6. Petroleum solvents in floor cleaners can damage your mucous membranes.

7. Spot removers containing perchloroethylene-the same stuff your dry cleaner uses-can cause liver and kidney damage.

Read more about chemical-free cleaners you can make at home

Chances are, if you see one of these on a cleaning product, other toxic chemicals will follow-but they might not be listed on the label. That’s because regulations don’t require manufacturers to list exactly what ingredients are in household cleaners because those formulations are considered “trade secrets.” (Did you know that?!? Crazy, right?)

Because of this, I’ve spent the last few years creating a homemade arsenal of cleaners concocted from olive oil, baking soda and vinegar. But sometimes, I get lazy and grab a cleaner marked “green” or “natural,” trusting the brands that I’m familiar with.

Until I discovered the Environmental Working Group’s Guide to Healthy Cleaning. The findings are surprising! One Lysol product has a good rating, while some brands that I had in my cupboards ranked poorly. One of my favorites, Earth Friendly Parsley Surface Cleaner got a “C” because they didn’t disclose their biodegradable, coconut-based surfactants and because there’s no data on the parsley extract that makes up their signature scent. Babyganics, which makes this awesome triclosan- and alcohol-free hand sanitizer also got dinged because they don’t print formulations on their labels, although they are fully disclosed online. These products both get an “A” in my book.

So how does EWG determine their ratings?

The organization’s scientists looked at more than 2,000 cleaners from nearly 200 brands and including more than 1,000 ingredients, then graded products based on the following criteria:

1. Hazardous ingredients that pose threats to human health.

2. Little or no specific ingredient information on the label.

3. Contains ingredients restricted in some states and the European Union.

4. Products that release volatile chemicals.

EWG contends that manufacturers can up their ratings by disclosing their ingredients and have said that since the Guide was released in 2012, many have come forward with better ingredient information. I take that to mean that the Cleaners Database is a work in progress.

I believe that the database could do for household cleaners what EWG’s Skin Deep Cosmetics Database did for the personal care industry in 2004. Now also available as a smartphone app, Skin Deep provides consumers with a searchable database to help them make informed decisions about what they put on their bodies. In the case of sunscreen, for example, Skin Deep’s annual updates really changed the industry for the better: In 2010, EWG approved only one in 12 sunscreens because of health concerns associated with their formulations; last year, they approved three out of four (like Goddess Garden Organic sunscreen).

Read more about what's in sunscreen

This type of market shift really proves that informed consumers can change manufacturing-if we did it with sunscreen, we can do it with cleaning products, too!


Spring is also a great time to get your garden in order, check out this Green Divas in the Garden podcast for some great tips on what to get done this spring… Listen to the podcast here.

Written by Green Diva Rachel (Rachel Lincoln Sarnoff) for The Green Divas.

Image: Jenny Lee Silver

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How to Unclog Your Drains… Naturally! Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:40:26 +0000 It’s never fun to unclog bathroom drains… My bathtub was semi-clogged recently. I hate having sloshing water at my feet when I am in the shower. (Who doesn't?) So, I tried the only natural method I know, since commercial drain cleaner has Sodium Hydroxide, which is a very caustic substance, bleach, and other chemicals that […]

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It’s never fun to unclog bathroom drains… My bathtub was semi-clogged recently. I hate having sloshing water at my feet when I am in the shower. (Who doesn't?) So, I tried the only natural method I know, since commercial drain cleaner has Sodium Hydroxide, which is a very caustic substance, bleach, and other chemicals that I wouldn’t want in the house.

There are various methods of using baking soda and vinegar to unclog a drain. But this method seems to work the best for me.

How to unclog bathroom drains

1. Pour ½ cup of baking soda into the drain followed by hot boiling water. Sodium bicarbonate – baking soda – and hot water react with any kind of grime and loosens up the gunk.

2. Then, add 1 cup of vinegar and quickly cover the drain, sealing the bubbling gas – remember the erupting volcano experiment for the Middle School science project? When you add vinegar (acid) to baking soda (basic), which is sitting on top of the gunk in the clogged drain, the combination creates gas and it bubbles up like a volcano, loosening up the gunk some more. If you have a hole on the side of the sink or tub, you can close that off too for a better result but I never had to.

3. Add more hot water to push the loosened up gunk down the drain further, until it’s all clear. You may have to repeat this procedure a few times before you start seeing all the black gunk come up.

Normally, a few times, if not less, should do it. But if this non-toxic method to unclog bathroom drains doesn’t work, you may need some help. You may need to physically remove the gunk, the old fashion way.

Read more about how to prevent bathroom mold

For stubborn clogs

1. If the drain is still clogged, run the faucet with hot water until the water pools about 3 inches on the bottom of the tub.

2. Take a small plunger, made for sinks and NOT for the toilet, and push down and seal around the rubber ring completely against the bottom of the tub or the sink. And then, with one swift motion, lift the plunge quickly.

3. Repeat if necessary, until the water drains. Since I used the baking soda and vinegar method to loosen up the gunk in steps one through three, I only had to use the plunger once and all the black gunk came up and then drained completely, unclogging the tub. And don’t be shocked at all the black, nasty gunk that the drain throws up. Not pretty.

Also, to prevent drains from clogging, pour about ½ cup of baking soda into the drain, followed by hot boiling water. I occasionally do this…if I remember….and if I’m motivated.

OK, I’m going to do that from now on and not wait until it clogs.

And buy a smaller holed strainer for the drain to catch all my hair.

Read more about non-toxic household cleaners you can make

Written by Green Diva Karen (Dr. Karen Lee) for The Green Divas.

Image via j. botter

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How to Make Herbal Tinctures Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:39:00 +0000 Listen to this Green Divas Health & Beauty podcast episode to learn how to make our own herbal tinctures…then read on for more! Easy to store and use, tinctures have traditionally been started on the new moon so that the energy of the moon can draw out the properties of the herbs. Preparation Prepare the […]

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Listen to this Green Divas Health & Beauty podcast episode to learn how to make our own herbal tinctures…then read on for more!

Easy to store and use, tinctures have traditionally been started on the new moon so that the energy of the moon can draw out the properties of the herbs.


Prepare the herbs by chopping or grinding them. You may tincture several herbs together if you are creating a formula. Put them in a jar and cover with about an extra inch of brandy or vodka. This will help to preserve the herbs and extract both the water-soluble and alcohol soluble properties.

Alcohol must be at least 50 proof to have good preservative qualities. Vodka is the purest grain alcohol. Water is a good medium to extract gums, mucilage, saponins and tannins, but not so good for oils and resins.

Alcohol is ideal for extracting fats, resins, waxes and most alkaloids. It is an excellent preservative and is quickly assimilated. Tinctures made in alcohol will last for many years. The substance used to extract the herbs is known as the menstrum. The herbs you are tincturing are known as the mark.


Shake daily. Strain after a month, first with a strainer and then through a clean undyed cloth, squeezing tightly. Pressing the herbs through a potato ricer, while still in the cloth can be helpful. Bottle in amber glass bottles. Compost the mark. Label and date. Store away from heat and light. Take tinctures by putting one dropperful in a bit of hot water.

Read more about the top herbs for fighting fatigue


Tinctures may also be made using vegetable glycerin rather than alcohol. This is best when making tinctures for those that are alcohol intolerant as well as for children, pregnant and nursing mothers. Glycerin is both a solvent and preservative that has effectiveness somewhere between water and alcohol.

It is naturally sweet, pleasant tasting and helps to extract mucilage, vitamins and minerals and tannins from plant material. It is good for herbs high in tannins and doesn’t extract resins well. It is slightly antiseptic, demulcent and healing when diluted.

Glycerites are usually prepared using 1 part water to two parts glycerin. Glycerites have a shorter shelf life than tinctures prepared with alcohol, about one to three years.

Apple cider vinegar, preferably organic can also be used as a menstrum. Look for a vinegar with 5.7% acetic acid or thereabouts for a long shelf life. It is also a digestive tonic and can be used to season food. Warm the vinegar first before pouring over the herbs. Avoid using a metal id or it will rust. This type of tincture will have a shelf life from six months up to four years.

Read more about the health benefits of apple cider vinegar

Bonus: Here’s the latest episode of The Green Divas Radio Show for more on green and healthy living…

Written by Brigitte Mars for The Green Divas.

Image via Smoobs

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DIY Natural Beauty: 4 Easy Recipes Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:34:31 +0000 Natural beauty can be easier than you think. Makeup can certainly make a woman look beautiful, but let’s face it, sometimes makeup is just too time consuming, too messy and too expensive. Additionally, there’s an allure to a woman who can look gorgeous and glowing without any makeup and just a natural face. Achieving a […]

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Natural beauty can be easier than you think.

Makeup can certainly make a woman look beautiful, but let’s face it, sometimes makeup is just too time consuming, too messy and too expensive. Additionally, there’s an allure to a woman who can look gorgeous and glowing without any makeup and just a natural face.

Achieving a natural face that you can feel confident and proud to show without makeup takes just a few simple tips and tricks, some work at home and a few key recipes. Luckily, this article will explain the top five great natural remedies that you can make at home to make your skin glow and your beauty shine through without a drop of makeup.

Read more about the health risks of permanent makeup

1. The #1 Face Scrub to Unclog Pores

Acne blemishes and blackheads are caused deep down by clogged pores, so cleaning those tiny holes out is the secret to glowing skin. Unfortunately, there are so many exfoliating scrubs on the market today that it’s hard to keep track. Little did you know, the best exfoliant is probably in your kitchen cupboards right now: baking soda.

To use baking soda as an amazing pore unclogging scrub, simply combine four teaspoons of the soda with two tablespoons of water and let sit for four to five minutes. Moisten your face with cool water, and massage the baking soda mixture into the skin (avoiding the delicate eye area). Do this for three minutes, then rinse with cool water and use a light moisturizer.

2. Get Rid of Discoloration With This Natural Face Mask

Bleaching and lightening creams are all the rage for skin that may be dried out and discolored from acne scars or sun spots, but almost no one knows that lemons are actually an excellent natural bleaching agent.

For skin discoloration, simply cut a lemon in half squeeze out the juice into a bowl. Combine with one tablespoon honey, then rub on the affected area. Allow the citrus and honey mask to sit for three to five minutes on the skin, and then rinse. You’ll see a difference immediately.

3. Simple Teeth Whitening Recipe That Delivers Amazing Results

As with the exfoliating cream and the dry skin remedy, both baking soda and lemon juice will drive away yellowing plaque and use powerful and natural chemical reactions to clean teeth, revealing a white smile that rivals those held by Hollywood stars and celebrities.

Simply mix one tablespoon baking soda with one and a half tablespoons of fresh lemon juice in a small bowl. You will notice the mixture bubble slightly. Remove saliva and film from the front surfaces of your teeth with a cotton swab and apply the mixture. Allow to sit one minute (no longer to avoid erosion) before wiping off with a toothbrush and rinsing.

Read more about a natural sweetener that prevents cavities

4. Lash Lengthening and Thickening Recipe for Bright and Beautiful Eyes

Mascara is usually the go-to for lengthening lashes and opening up the eyes, but the naturally beautiful woman doesn’t need mascara. Creams and oils that are sold for $30-$110 dollars claiming to extend the natural length and thickness of lashes are over-priced and don’t always work.

A simple trick to thickening and lengthening lashes will only cost $2-$3 and can be found in your local drugstore. It’s also 100 percent natural: castor oil. Simply combine a drop or two of castor oil with a drop of olive oil and lightly coat your lashes (and brows too if desired) each night. Don’t put on too much or it could get in your eyes. In two to three weeks, friends will be asking where you got your new mascara.

Bonus:Green Diva Kate Bartolotta does a great 101 on facial oil cleansing-why we should do it, how we should do it and an easy DIY recipe for the different types of oil for different types of skin. Listen to her Green Divas Radio Show podcast segment here for yet another natural beauty method.

Written by Green Diva Paisley (Paisley Hansen) for The Green Divas.

Image: Stefanie Neves

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How to Be Green: Make Smarter Purchasing Decisions (or None at All!) Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:33:02 +0000 It happens every year. You resolve to do something when the calendar turns onto a brand new year. Maybe 2015 can be your greenest year yet-and not just by donating that box in the basement, or your old torn-up clothes… When we turned the corner in years past, there was a movement called "The Compact", […]

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It happens every year. You resolve to do something when the calendar turns onto a brand new year. Maybe 2015 can be your greenest year yet-and not just by donating that box in the basement, or your old torn-up clothes…

When we turned the corner in years past, there was a movement called "The Compact", which meant joining this pact to not buy anything new in the new year. Pretty simple, right? Use what you have, or find a way to do without. Well, for most people, this really doesn’t work. It’s an easy idea to get behind-who doesn’t want to spend less?-but we all know that unless you are a super planner and stocked up on every little thing already, there will come a time when you need something.

My resolution is a bit more realistic…

Quality matters

For the purchases I will be making, I want them to be the healthiest for my home, and friendliest to the earth. For me, this means splurging on an organic twin mattress (sans flame retardants) for my daughter, even though it costs at least four times as much as a conventional one.

If you truly cannot afford to buy a reasonably good choice for an item, and cannot wait until the time comes that you will, consider buying used-in these days of excess, so many things go barely used, that buying used can be just like buying new, except the item has been aired out a bit. If you need a new sweater, consider paying a bit more for a good quality one, instead of a cheaply made one that isn’t going to hold up past a few washes and wears. When a $50 sweater lasts 8 years without mending, it’s a far better value than having to buy a new $15 sweater every year.

Take some time with your trash

Many people donate by filling garbage bags with torn or outdated clothing, knick-knacks they’ve always hated, or chipped dishes. While these things certainly need to be purged from your home, consider a few other things when you want to clear things out: repurposing, rehoming, and recycling.


If you have an item that works, is good quality, but just doesn’t work for what you wanted it-consider what it might be used for somewhere else. I actually have old tape cartridge storage drawers in my kitchen cabinets to store food cans! Perhaps that old nightstand or entertainment center could be an adorable kitchen for a child in your life, or that knick-knack shelf you took down years ago could be a nice little shoe rack. Broken pots and dishes make cute, whimsical fairy gardens for kids, or a nice new mosaic top for an old table.


Of course, many of the things we no longer need would serve a much better purpose in another home. This can be achieved by donating, but you may also find a home for things by thinking about them a bit. Perhaps your nephew just moved out for college, and might just love your old futon, or your cousin just lost a ton of weight but might not have a big budget to go shopping for all new right-size-clothing, and she might really appreciate a few gently used items from your closet.

Read more about organic clothing

We all seem to have hesitation when offering people our used things, but you just never know until you ask or offer. When you recognize a specific need that someone may have, the item might be better received than an offer blasted out to all of your friends and family or a plea to take things off your hands. Being a parent, I have tons of children’s clothing and items, and I make a habit of asking around to see if there are friends of a friend who might be in need. I love making care packages with new or gently used clothing, nursing accessories, a cozy blanket and some small toys. Rehoming these things to someone in need certainly makes me feel better than dumping them into a collection box.


I bet most of you already sort your plastics, cardboard and newspapers from your normal trash to recycle them (I surely hope your town offers recycling-but if not, please speak up about it and make it happen!) but did you know that almost everything can be recycled? Baby car seats (which are turned away from donation centers since they cannot verify safety and condition) can be recycled piece by piece, but you do need to work for it. There are recycling centers and companies available for almost everything, from textiles, wood, plastic, foam, metal and glass.

Do you really need a new one? And do you need to buy it?

It’s certainly not a new idea to ask yourself if a purchase is a need or a want, but take it a step further…and think if there is something else you already own, that you can repurpose as in the suggestion above.

Do you really need a new kitchen table, or could you refinish yours, put a tablecloth on it, or maybe even barter with someone for a new one? Do you really need to buy new doll clothes for your daughter’s doll, or could you try to make some with old clothes or scraps of fabric? I made a wrap dress with only two cuts in an old cloth napkin, and about a dozen hand stitches for the strap and closure!

Read more about repurposing and 'upcycling'

I know we discussed buying used above, and I’ll say it again-if you can’t fix it, make it yourself, or make do without, perhaps you can buy it or trade for it with someone else. There are thrift stores just about everywhere (The Salvation Army, Goodwill, Savers, etc) and community yard sale websites like Freecycle, Craigslist, or buy and sell groups/pages on Facebook.

This also goes for food, whether it’s items like produce, which you might just be able to grow yourself, or convenience items like mac and cheese, or other boxed foods. Consider taking a weekend to learn how to make them, and if you happen to have the freezer space-make large batches to make your own convenience items at a much lower cost (not to mention better health.)

How will you make 2015 more green?

BONUS: Listen to this Green Divas Foodie-Philes podcast with some awesome, easy 5 minute meals-sure to help you buy less packaged dinners…

Written by Green Diva Christine (Christine Zadykovich) for The Green Divas.

Image: Stacie

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