Move Over Calcium. Magnesium Is Taking Ground

Move Over Calcium. Magnesium Is Taking Ground

Magnesium has taken a back seat to calcium for many years, but it’s finally getting noticed. It has just as many – if not more – benefits to health and should not be neglected. In fact, new research shows that it could even save your life.

As part of the ongoing Nurses’ Health Study, researchers examined the magnesium levels of 88,375 women. Over the twenty-six year follow-up there were 505 cases of sudden cardiac death among the participants.  Read more about heart disease

The researchers found that the risk of sudden cardiac death (also known as sudden cardiac arrest) was 37 per cent lower in women who had the most magnesium in their diet and blood, compared with those who had the least amount. With every 0.25 mg/dL increase in magnesium, there was a 41 per cent reduction in the risk of sudden cardiac death.

Of the 400,000 Americans struck with sudden cardiac death each year, 120,000 are women. If you’re already taking calcium supplements, purchase a product that contains both calcium and magnesium. Most experts recommend taking half as much magnesium as calcium, but considering its importance, taking a one-to-one ratio – that is, the same amount of magnesium as calcium – is not a bad idea.

Chiuve, S., Korngold, E., Januzzi,J., Gantzer, M., and Albert, C. (2010) “Plasma and dietary magnesium and risk of sudden cardiac death in women” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, doi: 10.3945/ajcn.110.002253.

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Lisa has been in her own practice for over 15 years and specializes in weight management. She teaches natural nutrition in both corporate and educational environments and is a shining example of someone who practices what she teaches. Lisa is a nutritionist and educator specializing in weight management. After losing weight several years ago through a more natural diet and by improving her digestion, she committed to sharing her new-found knowledge and returned to school to study nutrition. Over the past decade, her Nu-Vitality Weight Program has helped employees at numerous corporations lose thousands of pounds. In addition, Lisa regularly consults for groups and individuals with unique nutritional needs such as police officers and athletes. Lisa has been featured on the Discovery Channel, numerous radio programs and is a contributor to various publications. Additionally, she teaches nutrition at multiple post-secondary schools, has taught natural food cooking workshops, and authored two books.