Laura Holloway, Author at Live Healthier. Be Informed. Get Inspired. Fri, 27 Nov 2020 18:25:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Skin Care Products: Steer Clear of These 5 Ingredients Mon, 03 Jun 2019 20:40:10 +0000 Understanding how ingredients, both chemical and natural can impact our health and well being is very important. Not only ingredients in our food (The Scary Seven™ is a comprehensive list of the seven worst ingredients in food – the top offenders to watch out for when scanning food labels) but ingredients found in skin care […]

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Understanding how ingredients, both chemical and natural can impact our health and well being is very important. Not only ingredients in our food (The Scary Seven™ is a comprehensive list of the seven worst ingredients in food – the top offenders to watch out for when scanning food labels) but ingredients found in skin care products we put on our body.

Recently on the Naturally Savvy Radio Show, Naturally Savvy founder Andrea Donsky and co-host, Lisa Davis spoke with leading 'Safe Beauty' expert David Pollock for some advice about what to watch out for when choosing personal care products. If there is any doubt that you may be putting harmful ingredients on your body, Pollock tells us that “in Europe, they've regulated or banned 1100 ingredients, but in the U.S. it’s only 11.” A marked difference. We love this list from Beautycounter with "The Never List" of chemicals you will not find in their products.

Read more about DIY care products

Hidden dangers in personal care products

One of the most dangerous chemicals ubiquitously found in personal care products is 1,4-dioxane, a known carcinogen recognized by the FDA. The most frightening aspect, according to Pollock, is that this “dangerous chemical is never, ever listed on an ingredient statement.” Recognizing the presence of this chemical is possible, however, as there are 5 ingredients that will indeed be listed which indicate the presence of this cancer-causing chemical.

Ingredients to avoid in personal care products

According to Pollock, the top 5 personal care product ingredients to avoid are:

  1. Polyethylene
  2. Polyethylene glycol
  3. PEG (a common abbreviation for the above)
  4. Any ingredient ending in -eth (i.e. laureth sulfate)
  5. Oxynol

These ingredients are found in everything, from shampoos and body washes to toothpaste and shave gels.

All 5 of these cancer-causing chemicals are created through a process called ethoxylation which produces dangerous 1,4-dioxane as a by-product. What is interesting, yet disheartening, is the fact that with one additional step, manufacturers can clean 1,4-dioxane, making the ingredient safe. Unfortunately, as with many aspects of modern life, cost trumps health. If manufacturers were to undergo this additional step, it would increase costs at an average of about 10%.

Read: 5 Reasons Why I Quit Shampooing My Hair Daily

As was discussed on the radio show, It hardly seems debatable whether a 10% increase is worth damaging the health of the public, however in a consumer's world, manufacturers are fighting for space on the shelf, and pricing is an incredibly influential factor. Many of the products that feature these ingredients are quite inexpensive in the first place. Pollock asks whether an increase of 30 cents or even one dollar is worth compromising health. While some money may be saved today, will it be paid back later with your wellbeing and the astounding costs of healthcare, especially cancer treatments?

Naturally Savvy Radio MD

Choose natural ingredients in personal care products

Most natural health companies choose alternative ingredients, rather than opting for the cleanup stage of the ethoxylation process. In part, this is due to the fact that, as is the case of the -eth ingredients, these particular ingredients are simply not required to produce a quality product. The -eth ingredients are surfactants, most commonly used as foaming agents. While the public is generally used to foaming action, and many consider this a sign that the product is 'doing its job’, in fact, there are cleansers that are equally effective without this 'showy' foaming action. Think dishwashers and laundry machines. Both are powerful and effective cleaners, however, there would be many damaged floors if the cleaning agents in these machines produced foam. Foam is simply not an indicator of better cleaning action and is an excellent example that these dangerous chemicals are simply not necessary.

Read more about chemical-free cleaners you can make

Bottom Line

David Pollock's top 5 ingredients to avoid in personal care products is an excellent starting place for those looking to clean up their personal care routine. Consider health in the long term when choosing personal care products – a few more dollars spent now may end up saving you much more in the future.

For more information including a download on ingredients to watch out for, visit

Beauty Counter Makeup

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Read This Next: What Your Skin Says About Your Health

Photo Credit: Ani-Bee


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Why Breastfeeding is the Key to a Healthy Mother and Child Wed, 21 Nov 2018 09:36:34 +0000 There are many misconceptions and misunderstandings about breastfeeding, from how to do it properly, to how long it should be done. Dr. Fabrizio Mancini, a leading health and wellness expert, discussed with hosts Andrea Donsky and Lisa Davis why breastfeeding is so important and how there are no hard lines when it comes to […]

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There are many misconceptions and misunderstandings about breastfeeding, from how to do it properly, to how long it should be done. Dr. Fabrizio Mancini, a leading health and wellness expert, discussed with hosts Andrea Donsky and Lisa Davis why breastfeeding is so important and how there are no hard lines when it comes to the hows and how longs. As Dr. Mancini notes, "This is one of the most important gifts you can give your child."

For many years infant formula was touted as superior to mother's own milk, however much research has shown that there are incredibly significant benefits to both baby and mother from breastfeeding. Breastfed babies are considerably less likely to get asthma, allergies, colic and ear infections. The baby's improved health will in turn impact mom's wellbeing with fewer visits to the doctor and less time worrying over a distressed child. In addition, breastfeeding uses considerable calories, meaning breastfeeding moms will lose pregnancy weight faster. Women who breastfed their children also show a reduced risk of osteoporosis and breast and ovarian cancers later in life.Read more about breast cancer

According to Dr. Mancini, breast milk is "one of the most balanced meals you can give a child." It is easy for baby's underdeveloped digestive tract to digest, and breastfeeding creates considerable bonds between mother and baby. Pumping breast milk can ensure baby has this nutritious meal when mother may not be present, and as Dr. Mancini suggests, can help a father feel more connected, by providing him the opportunity to nurture the child with a nutritious meal and some close contact. Studies have shown that oxytocin is released during breastfeeding, a hormone that not only helps reduce the uterus back to its normal size, but perhaps more significantly,  "induces happiness more than anything out there."

Some women will experience difficulty producing breast milk. What options do these mothers have? Dr. Mancini indicates that studies show exercise, which boosts circulation, can help produce milk. Ensuring that mother is taking in adequate vitamins, minerals and enzymes can also help prepare the body to produce milk. A diet high in fruits and vegetables can help ensure a woman is filling her body with all the nutrients she needs to pass on to baby. Even among those who choose not to eat healthy or organic, breast milk is still preferable over infant formula, which is not only highly processed, but also expensive and time consuming to prepare.

Of note for those who are following a healthy lifestyle but are unable to produce milk, organic infant formulas are available that surpass traditional formulas in quality.

What is the minimum amount of time a woman should breast feed? The maximum time? Importantly, Dr. Manicini notes, "the reality is, it depends on what the body produces." What is important is that a woman try for as long as possible to provide her growing child with this valuable meal. Although it can be difficult for some women, as much effort as possible should be put into following the recommendations to help produce milk.

In terms of how long, some cultures abide by the understanding that if the body is producing it, why not use it? Upward of three years is common among some populations, but in reality, any length of time has its value. Interestingly, studies have shown that while there is a link between a reduced risk of cancer among women who breastfed, there is no specific link associated with months or years – any length of time spent breastfeeding reduces a woman's risk for breast and ovarian cancers.

Lactation consultants can help guide a woman through the breastfeeding process, and can be a valuable tool for helping a woman understand the workings of her body. With tremendous benefits to both mother and child, breastfeeding is a valuable tool for improving both mother and baby's wellbeing. Read more about the health benefits of breastfeeding

Additionally, there is really no better time for a mother to embark on a healthier diet and lifestyle to be sure that she not only has all the nutrients she needs to pass on to baby, but to prepare her own body for the hard work that comes along with new motherhood. Although it can be a challenge for some mothers to produce milk, the most important thing is to listen to the body and to make the effort for as long as possible. It is a valuable gift from mother to child.

For more information about Dr. Fabrizio Mancini, visit

Photo Credit: MuddyBootsPhoto

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Healthy Halftime Super Bowl Recipe Roundup Wed, 21 Nov 2018 09:32:38 +0000 College football parties are a lot of fun, both for those who love the sport and those that just love a great party, but they often come with tables full of food containing scary ingredients like high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), monosodium glutamate (MSG), artificial colors, and trans fats. Now, just because a lot of Scary […]

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College football parties are a lot of fun, both for those who love the sport and those that just love a great party, but they often come with tables full of food containing scary ingredients like high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), monosodium glutamate (MSG), artificial colors, and trans fats.

Now, just because a lot of Scary Seven ingredients lurk in typical football season snacks, that doesn't mean you and your family room full of friends have to go without. There are a lot of healthier options to conventional snack foods out there-check out Unjunk Your Junk Food for ideas-plus, you can harness your inner DIY-er and make some of these healthy, tasty treats that will satisfy even the most hardcore fans:

Spiced Mixed Nuts Recipe

A healthy alternative to nuts found in grocery stores which are likely over-salted, over-sugared, or spiked with MSG. Heart-healthy nuts are a perfect pair for heart-pounding touchdowns!

Turkey Meatloaf Bites Recipe

Sneak some veggies into the mix with these bite-sized meatballs. Protein from the ground turkey is perfect for feeding your fantasy-footballer's muscles.

Eggplant Onion Dip Recipe

This dip is healthy and tasty and will have everyone coming back for more. Serve alongside sliced veggies or toasted pitas, but be sure to read the ingredients on store-bought bread.

Homemade Mayonnaise Recipe

Most conventional mayonnaise is made with vegetable oils that are likely GMO. Instead, try making your own mayo to serve up alongside Oven Baked Fries – a party favorite.

Dark Chocolate Black Bean Brownies

Black beans are a great protein and fiber source, making this sweet treat deceptively healthy. Cut into bite-sized pieces for perfect party fare.

Coconut-Braised Asian-Spiced Shredded Chicken Tacos

The great thing about this recipe is you can do the first part of the cooking ahead of time, refrigerate or freeze, and reheat on game day. DIY seasoning ensures you're not serving up MSG, HFCS or artificial flavors.

Healthy & Homemade Natural Soda Recipes

Try one of the 5 sweet soda recipes and ditch the store-bought stuff that likely contains artificial colors, plus HFCS or artificial sweeteners.

Whether you're hosting or attending, whether there is healthy food served up or not, overindulgence is a problem for many. Adapt these helpful 8 Tips to Avoid Holiday Overindulgence to game day to be sure your healthy intentions are practiced!



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Dr. David Katz on How to Outsmart Chronic Disease Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:31:26 +0000 For some, it may feel all but inevitable that chronic disease lurks in the future. Not only is our environment saturated with chemicals, a history of familial illness can seem to loom like a life sentence. However, as renowned preventative medicine specialist Dr. David Katz discussed with RadioMD hosts Andrea Donsky and Lisa Davis, your […]

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For some, it may feel all but inevitable that chronic disease lurks in the future. Not only is our environment saturated with chemicals, a history of familial illness can seem to loom like a life sentence. However, as renowned preventative medicine specialist Dr. David Katz discussed with RadioMD hosts Andrea Donsky and Lisa Davis, your DNA is not necessarily your destiny. Dr. Katz presents a science-based argument that the choices you make today will directly impact your health in the future, specifically your risk for chronic disease.

While there is no 100 percent guarantee that following his advice will prevent chronic disease, Dr. Katz implores you to “think of your body as the vessel and you’re the captain: you control the ship and sail, but not wind and wave.” Thus the actions you take today can indeed profoundly impact your course in life, despite any ‘winds and waves’ that may come along.

Learn more about chronic diseases

The keys to optimal health are nothing unfamiliar or radical: eat optimally, exercise, avoid tobacco, control your weight, get an ideal amount of sleep, manage stress and cultivate healthy relationships. Evidence shows that by adhering to these keys to optimal health, there is an elimination of 80 percent of chronic disease risks, such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, stroke and dementia. Dr. Katz notes, that although this approach is not a guarantee, “it is quite incredible and more powerful than anything in all of organized medicine.” For those who fear that their genes are really what determines their risk for chronic disease, Dr, Katz reveals that this same intervention – optimal changes in lifestyle and diet – can in fact change the behavior of your genes. He elaborates: “In the genomic age, we have people thinking that DNA is destiny. To a far greater extent, dinner is destiny.” Behaviors are what really shape fate, yet despite this incredible potential power, the problem is that most people know they have to make improvements, but just don’t know how to do it.

Dr. Katz brings clarity and understanding to this topic in his latest book, Disease Proof: The Remarkable Truth About What Makes Us Well. This book is designed to give the reader a skill set that will help them make these improvements easily and effectively. As Dr. Katz highlights, “willpower” is the desire to want change, but without being taught how to do it properly, it is not so easy to accomplish. The book is 300 pages of information designed to provide the “skillpower” it takes to make these life-changing modifications. He provides a great example for those who suffer from a sweet tooth: the willpower approach to fixing a sweet tooth is “don’t have dessert,” any many of us know that this approach usually doesn’t last long and is ultimately ineffective. Dr Katz’s “skillpower” approach is more complex, but in reality is really quite simple. Since many commonplace foods have stealth sugars hiding within (like salad dressings, sauces, crackers, chips and bread), by “trading up” to the better option without the added sugar, gram after gram of sugar (and calories) is removed from the daily diet. Importantly, Dr Katz notes: “taste buds are adaptable little fellows; when they’re not with the foods they think they love, they learn to love the foods they’re with. And if you stop bathing them in all that sugar all day long, they come out of their coma – they go through rehab – they become much more sensitive to sugar, and all of a sudden that dessert you thought you loved and couldn’t give up, actually starts tasting too sweet.” Thus, many of the desserts that once took incredible willpower to avoid will become unpalatable and too sweet; with Dr. Katz’s “skillpower” approach, an individual doesn’t need to lean so hard on willpower to make incredible life-changing adjustments.

Learn more about added sugar

Dr. Katz’s book teaches us how to love the food that love us back. No longer must it be a decision between the pleasure of good food and the pleasure of good health: both are certainly attainable. As our taste buds are “retrained”, it becomes challenging to eat the foods that were once so difficult to abstain from. There is a large body of science indicating this adaptability of the taste buds, and with Dr. Katz’s expert advice, it is easy to learn to love the foods that are actually good for you. His skill-based approach helps an individual identify the more nutritious option, understand how long it will take to habituate to new foods, and eventually learn to prefer food that is healthy. Disease Proof: The Remarkable Truth About What Makes Us Well helps level the playing field between those who may have vast wealth and resources they can employ in order to attain better quality food and expert trainers, and those who may not have the time or money to ‘outsource’ their health.

Despite the evidence to support this revolutionary advice, Dr. Katz questions, “can science-based sense prevail in a sound-bite world?” Unfortunately, it is all too easy to sell ‘magical thinking’ when it comes to heath and diet. So-called experts will blame meat or wheat or sugar as the ultimate culprit causing poor health, however, science shows it is really the overall pattern that matters. Undeterred by such destructive and faulty information that easily grabs attention, Dr. Katz points out that “all we need to do is treat our health about the same way we treat wealth.” Most of us have enough sense not to look for silly “get rich quick” schemes; we work hard to take care of our wealth, seek expert advice, and cultivate it in order for it to grow and be shared. Dr. Katz’s “skillpower” approach to diet and lifestyle enables an individual to navigate the world as it is and substantially ‘disease-proof’ themselves. Dr. Katz encapsulates good health with these profound words: “It is a great prize and it is within reach.”

Listen to the radio show here.

Image: mx2-foto

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What’s In Your Sunscreen? Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:28:00 +0000 When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, what you put ON your body is just as important as what you put IN your body. In the same way that we digest the foods we intake, our skin absorbs the products we apply to it (up to 60% of it!). If you have sensitive skin, […]

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When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, what you put ON your body is just as important as what you put IN your body. In the same way that we digest the foods we intake, our skin absorbs the products we apply to it (up to 60% of it!).

If you have sensitive skin, certain ingredients found in chemical sunscreens can irritate your skin, and cause painful allergic reactions. It was one mother’s quest to avoid such allergic reactions on her daughter’s sensitive skin that inspired the Goddess Garden natural sunscreen product line. We asked our sponsor to share some information about their product line, and to identify which ingredients we should be watching out for when buying sunscreen this summer.

What is in Goddess Garden Sunscreen? Goddess Garden Organics prides themselves on their dedication to

producing an organic, chemical-free sunscreen product line. The

sunscreens are made to protect from the sun while nourishing sensitive

skin, with natural ingredients

such as zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, aloe, coconut oil, and lavender.

Even the most health and environmentally conscious consumers can feel

satisfied: Goddess Garden products are free of gluten and wheat-derived

ingredients, are vegan, cruelty free, and reef safe.

Why Does Goddess Garden Care?

Ten years ago, Nova Covington founded Goddess Garden for her infant daughter because she was allergic to conventional body care products. She created Goddess Garden with the simple idea that she could produce

safe, natural body care products for her family. Now, Goddess Garden has

grown into something much larger, but their ideals have not changed.

We often see the ingredients octinoxate and oxybenzone in conventional sunscreens. Are these ingredients safe? There are long-term health risks associated with numerous ingredients found in conventional chemical sunscreens; the most common ones to watch out for are the hormone-disrupting and coral bleaching chemicals called oxybenzone and octinoxate.

Oxybenzone and octinoxate are used widely in the sun protection industry for their considerable UVA and UVB protection. Humans are systemically exposed to the compounds which are readily absorbed into the skin; traces of the chemicals have been detected in human urine, blood, and breast milk. With high rates of skin allergies and their effects on hormone production, oxybenzone and octinoxate are considered some of the most toxic common sunscreen ingredients.

Read more about dangerous ingredients in cosmetic products

Are natural sunscreens as effective as chemical sunscreens (natural sunscreens don’t contain harmful chemicals, so how do they work)? While chemical sunscreens absorb ultraviolet (UV) rays into your skin, the mineral ingredients in Goddess Garden’s natural sunscreen, namely zinc and titanium, act as physical barriers and bounce the sun’s rays off your skin like a mirror. This method of sun protection has an added benefit of being effective immediately; so you don’t have to wait for any chemicals to be absorbed before becoming effective.

Are your products certified organic and Non-GMO?

Yes. When shopping for most natural products, informed consumers will often look for “certified organic” and “Non-GMO Project Verified” official seals on packaging. Products cannot legally display those seals without following strict standards set forth by the third-party standards. All of Goddess Garden’s sunscreens are QAI certified organic, which is the organic certifier for body care products (as opposed to the USDA certification, which certifies crops and livestock). It is important to know that any ALL certified organic products, whether QAI or USDA, are non-GMO. It doesn’t necessarily work vice versa–not all non-GMO products are certified organic.

Because Goddess Garden’s sunscreens are all certified organic, they are all non-GMO as well!

Read more about natural skin care ingredients

What is Goddess Garden's commitment to the environment?

Not only does Goddess Garden care about what is put on your skin, we are also are passionate about limiting our carbon footprint. We have gone the extra mile and created innovative recyclable packaging found nowhere else in the sunscreen market. Our continuous spray bottles are made from aluminum inside and out, rather than the industry-standard tin and mylar construction, and our lotion bottles are made from a special process that allows the label, cap, and tube to be thrown in the recycling bin.

You can find out more about Goddess Garden on their webpage at

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Dr. Frank Lipman: How to Heal Your Body from Antibiotic Overload Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:26:15 +0000 We are all familiar with the human body, but how many of us recognize the presence and persuasion of the human microbiome? More than 100 trillion bacteria, fungi and yeasts live in and on our bodies – an amount ten times higher than our very own cells. As renowned health expert Dr. Frank Lipman discussed […]

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We are all familiar with the human body, but how many of us recognize the presence and persuasion of the human microbiome? More than 100 trillion bacteria, fungi and yeasts live in and on our bodies – an amount ten times higher than our very own cells. As renowned health expert Dr. Frank Lipman discussed with Naturally Savvy Radio hosts Andrea Donsky and Lisa Davis, the health of this huge ‘organism’ profoundly impacts our own health and well-being.

An expert in the field of Integrative and Functional Medicine, Dr. Lipman is no stranger to this omnipresent organism and its influence on human health. “By far the majority of the bacteria in us are actually good bacteria,” Dr Lipman notes, “but what unfortunately happens because we clean our hands with antibacterial soaps, we’re scared to go outside and walk around barefoot, we [eat food and take antibiotics] that kill the good bacteria, it creates [an] imbalance in our system and that becomes a problem.” This imbalance can lead to a whole host of problems, and one of the most commonly observed in his practice is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). The scales can be tipped back into proper balance however, and he has witnessed tremendous improvement in symptoms when his patients take steps to improve the ratio between the good bacteria and the bad.

Learn more about antibiotics in food

When it comes to maintaining the health of the human microbiome, the reality is that “the most important thing is to watch what you eat,” notes Dr. Lipman. Animal products contaminated with antibiotics, genetically modified foods, processed foods, and sugars can all contribute to a reduction in the beneficial bacteria, shifting the digestive terrain in favour of the bad. The use of antibacterial soaps also jeopardizes the health of the microbiome, and not only does antibacterial soap kill too many good bacteria, but most of them use triclosan which, Dr. Lipman cautions, can actually pose other problems, including issues with thyroid function. “Triclosan is not benign, and most antibacterial soaps have [it],” he warns. “Just wash with soap and water.”

A further contributing factor is the over-prescription of antibiotics and the massive use of antibiotics in food production. “Most antibiotics in the United States are used on livestock in factory farming and that’s creating huge problems,” he notes. The most serious ones being "superbugs and resistance, but the low grade problem it’s creating is this imbalance in the microbiome, or what we call dysbiosis.”

Without question, however, there are times when antibiotics are a must, but in these circumstances probiotics are a noble ally. Dr. Lipman encourages his patients to supplement with probiotics during antibiotic treatment, but concedes that there is not consensus among practitioners whether this is beneficial. As a result Dr. Lipman stresses, “it may not make much difference whether you take it during, but definitely afterwards you need to take probiotics – and lots of them.” This being at least 100 billion per day for a minimum of one to three months. Particularly when a patient undergoes two courses of antibiotics, in addition to the regular dose of probiotics Dr. Lipman has his patients take Be Well probiotics – comprised of a beneficial yeast, Saccharomyces boulardii – for further population control. When choosing probiotics, he recommends looking for high quantities of various strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium in particular. Since it can be difficult to know exactly what your digestive terrain is comprised of at a given time, Dr. Lipman suggests that probiotics be taken on a regular basis and brands (and therefore varying strains) rotated every 3-6 months to ensure well-rounded exposure. When choosing brands, look for those that back their products with high-quality research and manufacturing practices; Bio K+ is an excellent example of a company committed to research and product quality.

Learn more about probiotics

Interestingly, many years of both gastroenterological and psychiatric research has shown a connection between the health of the gut and emotional states. “Before you treat anxiety and depression with drugs, you should treat the gut,” Dr. Lipman advocates. “The gut is also known as the second brain; there are more neurotransmitters made in your gut than are made in your brain.” Serotonin (a neurotransmitter associated with mood) is, perhaps, the most striking example. In many observed cases, clearing out the digestive tract and treating bacterial imbalance with herbal antimicrobials and a healthy dose of beneficial bacteria improves the symptoms of anxiety and depression without the use of pharmaceuticals.

Antibiotics are intended to kill harmful, disease-causing microbes; unfortunately, they also unintentionally kill our useful microbial allies. In a world overloaded with antibiotics, it is no wonder that the human microbiome is suffering, manifesting in the form of numerous chronic diseases. However, improved digestive health, which is further elucidated in Dr. Lipman’s book, "Total Renewal: 7 Key Steps to Resilience, Vitality, and Long-term Health," and many chronic states of disease, can be prevented or managed effectively via the improved health of your microbiome.

Listen to the full radio show here

Image: adavey

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The Cortisol Connection: Expert Lorna Vanderhaeghe's Tips for Stress Free Living Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:25:39 +0000 For much of the population, stress is a daily reality. Although the stress response is a natural reaction intended to protect the body from danger, when we are unable to manage stress and let it consume us, our bodies suffer in many ways. As hormone expert Lorna Vanderhaeghe discussed with RadioMD hosts Andrea Donsky and Lisa Davis, […]

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For much of the population, stress is a daily reality. Although the stress response is a natural reaction intended to protect the body from danger, when we are unable to manage stress and let it consume us, our bodies suffer in many ways. As hormone expert Lorna Vanderhaeghe discussed with RadioMD hosts Andrea Donsky and Lisa Davis, the result of too much stress – adrenal exhaustion – has its consequences.

On top of the kidneys sit the adrenal glands which are responsible for the production and distribution of a variety of hormones, including those involved in the stress response. Cortisol is one such hormone, released in response to daily stressors. But in a world of often unrelenting stressful circumstances, the adrenal glands will constantly pump out cortisol until there comes a 'breaking point' in which the they become ‘exhausted’ and unable to send out cortisol at appropriate times. Known as 'adrenal exhaustion', this condition is responsible for a number of frustrating and disruptive symptoms, including interruption of sleep (you can fall asleep just fine, but wake up unable to fall back asleep), difficulty handling stress, irritability, fat gain in the belly, and salt cravings.

Read more about stress and emotion

Additional symptoms seen in men include erectile dysfunction and breast development, but for women, adrenal exhaustion is a much more serious concern. With the onset of menopause, it is the adrenal glands that become the sole source of female hormone manufacture. “Women only think about ovaries in regards to hormone manufacture,” Vanderhaeghe notes, “but when we go through menopause in particular, those adrenals are going to be the sole major source of hormones in the body, like estrogen and progesterone, testosterone and DHEA.” Thus, the symptoms associated with perimenopause and menopause can be exaggerated if the adrenal glands are already overwhelmed. In addition, the adrenal glands are intimately tied to the thyroid gland, and thus, even for those who do not feel an excess of daily stress, an under-functioning thyroid gland can contribute to this adrenal exhaustion. “If our adrenals and our thyroid are both low then we’re really in trouble, because those are the two glands that help manage and balance all the hormones in the body,” Vanderhaeghe warns.

Read more about thyroid diseases

Although there are saliva and blood tests that can help determine cortisol levels and diagnose adrenal exhaustion, the best way to determine if you are suffering from this condition is by examining the symptoms. Do you fall to pieces easily, or become easily irritated? Have you noticed weight gain the abdominal region, or find yourself craving salty foods? Is your sleep disrupted? Do you require caffeine to get going every day? Do your energy levels slump in the afternoon? Are you becoming intolerant to alcohol? Recognizing these symptoms in yourself is really the best indicator of this condition. Fortunately, it is easily managed.

Lorna Vanderhaeghe’s tips for managing adrenal exhaustion:

1. Recognize your symptoms and make the effort to incorporate change. Get to bed and sleep. Reschedule your daily life so that you are not worn thin. Prioritize your health.

2. Practice stress management through yoga or meditation. Incorporate deep breathing exercises to help manage stress as it appears throughout the day.

3. Supplement with adrenal supportive nutrients. Rhodiola, ashwagandha, and schisandra berries are all excellent herbs for helping support the adrenal glands.

Vanderhaeghe is cautious to note that although maca is often touted as a great herb for energy and vitality, maca is really a men's herb; the majority of research on maca is on its influence on stamina and libido in men. One study in women showed that it made hormone receptors more receptive, and Vanderhaeghe notes, “this could be a big problem, especially if you’re already estrogen dominant with things like fibroids, endometriosis, and heavy periods.” Until there is more research done on women in particular, Vanderhaeghe recommends that women do not supplement with this herb.

Lorna Vanderhaeghe has compiled her wealth of knowledge in the area of women’s health and hormones in an excellent resource, "A Smart Woman's Guide to Hormones" . Much of the information is also shared on her resourceful website, Vanderhaeghe’s mission is simple, “to help women navigate this whole area of hormones […] so that we can feel great and we don’t have to have all these symptoms.” A better understanding of the influence of hormones on our daily behaviors and bodily symptoms can certainly improve quality of life.

Listen to Andrea and Lisa's interview with Lorna Vanderhaeghe here

Image: zubrow 

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[Product Review] The Diva Cup Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:25:32 +0000 It is important for women to be fully aware of what goes in and on our bodies. Consider traditional pads and tampons: these products are not required by law to have their ingredients listed, but as Naturally Savvy recently exposed, these items (used by millions of women each and every month) may be made of […]

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It is important for women to be fully aware of what goes in and on our bodies. Consider traditional pads and tampons: these products are not required by law to have their ingredients listed, but as Naturally Savvy recently exposed, these items (used by millions of women each and every month) may be made of toxic materials. Not only are these potentially toxic materials being put in and on our bodies, but the disposable nature of these products means that they end up in landfills, harming the Earth as well. While choosing organic cotton pads and tampons is the first step in reducing this toxic burden, women are not limited to disposable products to manage their monthly flow. Diva International reached out to us at Naturally Savvy to review the Diva Cup, sending us both models and the Diva Wash to try. I must admit that after over 15 years of using pads and tampons it was hard to imagine getting used to anything else. One cycle with the Diva Cup however, and my mind had completely changed.

The Diva Cup is unique in the world of feminine hygiene products. Made only from medical-grade silicone, it is a reusable, bell-shaped cup that collects rather than absorbs liquid. Silicone softens with body heat, meaning the Diva Cup will comfortably conform to the shape of your body, and if inserted properly will be free from leaks. It can safely be worn for up to 12 hours at a time, making it an incredibly convenient alternative to tampons, which hold less fluid and mustbe changed at a maximum of 8 hours due to the risk of developing Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS).

Each Diva Cup has measurement markers to indicate the volume of liquid which proves to be quite interesting and educational. To see the actual amount of fluid expelled throughout the cycle (unlike a saturated pad or tampon which cannot provide an accurate estimation of volume) helps a woman familiarize herself with her individual idiosyncratic flow. The lifespan of this product will vary depending on factors like a woman's particular vaginal pH, how well it is cleaned, and what is used to clean it (try the Diva Wash, an all-natural, unscented and pH balanced cleanser designed to protect both the silicone and your body). Replacement is recommended after one year, however this is at the discretion of the user. Retailing at $39.99, this is a fraction of what a woman would typically spend on a year's worth of pads and/or tampons ($100-$150/year).

The Diva Cup is great for the sports player, traveler, outdoor enthusiast, and other active women. Since it comfortably expands to fit the shape of the vagina there is no need to fear the leakage that may come with pads and tampons during physical exertion and body movement. There is no string to hide while swimming, traveling need not be interrupted every few hours to find a suitable place to change a pad or tampon, and it easily conforms to the 'leave no trace' practice of outdoor adventure. Just be sure to use potable water when cleaning the Diva Cup outdoors or in the developing world.

Reusable menstrual cups have been around for over 80 years but fell out of fashion with the rise of disposable products. Now that many women are becoming more conscious of their environmental impact and their chemical exposure, there is little doubt that this effective, comfortable, and convenient method of containing menstrual flow will continue to increase in popularity. For those of you who wish to reduce your toxic exposure and environmental impact and are looking for a cost effective way to manage your period, consider the Diva Cup to revolutionize the way you manage your menstruation.

Image: cavale

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Oscar Winner Alan Arkin on Living a Healthy Lifestyle Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:25:32 +0000 Oscar-winning actor Alan Arkin joined Naturally Savvy Radio hosts Andrea Donsky and Lisa Davis to discuss health, well-being and the steps it takes to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Arkin begins with an anecdote about his own personal health journey and the quest to fully understand his own personal well-being. During a routine physical with an […]

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Oscar-winning actor Alan Arkin joined Naturally Savvy Radio hosts Andrea Donsky and Lisa Davis to discuss health, well-being and the steps it takes to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Arkin begins with an anecdote about his own personal health journey and the quest to fully understand his own personal well-being. During a routine physical with an unfamiliar doctor, the doctor perused Arkin’s chart and remarked: “You had a rough time about 16 years ago, emotionally, didn’t you?” Arkin was shocked by this doctor’s insight, his jaw dropping to the floor; indeed this period of time was absolutely the hardest period of his life. The question was, how did the doctor decipher Arkin’s emotional state? Apparently, the doctor had recognized that all of Arkin’s worst sicknesses were clustered during this time – and that stress and emotions are intimately connected to physical health.

Read more about stress and emotions

Arkin has been interested in health and well-being for many years and was thoroughly intrigued by this very personal connection between emotional state and physical health. As a result, he began digging for deeper understanding. “Recently, I’ve been doing some research, talking to people and reading up about this new equation that seems to be running across all of not only Western medicine, but Eastern medicine. No matter how orthodox or ‘far-out’ the doctor is, they all seem to be making this same equation which fascinates me: stress causes inflammation which is the root of most of our sickness.” His own life experience, dramatically revealed in the peaks and valleys on his health chart, bore the truth of this. As a result, Arkin emphasizes that despite eating well and exercising, “it seems to me that the major part of the equation for hanging on to our sanity and our well-being is to try to find ways of keeping ourselves as stress-free as possible – which in this civilization right now is very, very hard to do.”

When asked about his own techniques for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, he jokes about how proximity to a well-known organic grocery store was a priority when choosing a new home. He eats organic foods, avoids dessert (except berries on occasion), and watches his carb intake very carefully. “I hate giving up carbs,” he bemoans, however a connection between sugar and inflammation is enough for him to monitor his intake very carefully. Not only does stress cause harmful inflammation at the root of so many illnesses, but sugar, which is so prevalent in modern Western diets, feeds this inflammation and ultimately exacerbates illness. Breads and other flour-based products are particularly culpable, and for Arkin, especially hard to abstain from.

Though Arkin enjoys his time in a kitchen (he is particularly fond of making chills and soups), there are many occasions when the food he eats is prepared for him, be it on set or during business dining. Nonetheless, he jokes, “interestingly enough, most people in movies are such narcissists they take care of themselves very, very well.” As a result, eating well is on the minds of many in the industry and therefore healthy food is often accessible. When opting to eat-out, he looks for restaurants that advertise healthy options, or Japanese restaurants which he finds tend to offer healthier, cleaner meal choices. But as he has noted, eating healthy is not the only part of the equation to a healthy lifestyle. In order to manage stress and quell resultant inflammation, he practices mediation and actively manages his daily life to avoid stress by living simply and effectively managing his time.

Read more about meditation

Seeing very clearly the connection between stress, diet and health presented in the peaks and valleys on his own health record, Arkin is convinced of the need to eat well, stay fit, and actively explore stress management. Experts across the medical spectrum agree that there is a profound connection between emotional states and physical health, and even celebrities – with improved access to healthy food, personal trainers and medical experts – recognize that despite following the healthiest diet and staying physically fit, when stress and extreme emotional states are part of the equation, health is vulnerable. Using his influence as a well-known public figure, Alan Arkin is attempting to help the public understand that health is quite complex and prevention and mediation work together to help make healthy living a success.

Listen to Andrea and Lisa's interview with Alan Arkin here

Photo credit: monmimoun

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[Product Review] Maxim Hygiene Products Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:25:32 +0000 At Naturally Savvy, we've been investigating the ingredients in feminine hygiene products and were surprised to learn that since these items are classified as medical devices, manufacturers are not required to disclose the ingredients. While we are petitioning a lead manufacturer for full ingredient disclosure, it is important to note that not all feminine hygiene […]

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At Naturally Savvy, we've been investigating the ingredients in feminine hygiene products and were surprised to learn that since these items are classified as medical devices, manufacturers are not required to disclose the ingredients. While we are petitioning a lead manufacturer for full ingredient disclosure, it is important to note that not all feminine hygiene manufacturers feel they have anything to hide.

Maxim Hygiene Products is one of these brands. Maxim is the only 100% cotton-based hygiene line on the market, free from both synthetic fibers and wood fluff pulp. Interestingly enough, Maxim chose to use only 100% cotton for both its gentle nature and to help reduce the impact on the environment – by saving trees that would be used for wood pulp, a common absorbent filler in many sanitary pads. Cotton is renewable and biodegradable, making it one of the most environmentally-friendly fibers; it is also a more efficient crop, as it can be harvested yearly while wood takes from 6-12 years to grow. Once cut down, wood is often subjected to harsh chemical treatments in order to convert it into a fiber somewhat similar to cotton.

Maxim products are great for those that suffer from vulva-vaginal irritation. Thanks to the natural breathability of cotton, these pads and tampons are hypoallergenic, non-irritating and gentle on the skin (a breathable PE adhesive strip keeps the pads in place). Perfumes, plastics, rayon and super-absorbent fibers found in many other brands can promote an environment that may encourage the growth of bacteria, fungi and other irritants, but cotton's natural breathable quality helps prevent an enviroment friendly to these microbes. In addition, Maxim products are bleached using hydrogen peroxide, a safer process than typical chlorine bleaches which can release harmful dioxins.

Maxim's entire line (which includes cotton swabs, balls and rounds) is made with 100% organic cotton, with the exception of their sanitary pads. Cotton is more expensive than wood pulp, and the large amount of cotton required to make a 100% cotton pad inhibits the use of the even more expensive organic variety. Perhaps as the demand for organic products increases, we will see a shift towards to more affordable organic cotton products. While we would love to see the entire line reach organic status, since sanitary pads are not used internally and are made with 100% dioxin-free cotton, there is nonetheless a diminished risk of both exposure to toxins and skin irritation. For their part, Maxim makes the distinction between the use of regular or organic cotton very clear. Products packaged in green are made with organic cotton while products in white packaging are made with non-organic cotton.

For anyone with specific concerns of sensitive, irritated skin or those simply wanting to reduce their environmental impact, Maxim 100% cotton tampons and pads are a great option. A clear commitment to the environment and to providing a gentle, hypoallergenic product makes Maxim worthy of mention. Disclosure of their ingredients means Maxim is helping women become more informed and more empowered when choosing the items that go in and on their bodies.

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