Eric Abbey, Author at Live Healthier. Be Informed. Get Inspired. Sat, 31 Oct 2020 22:57:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Keep Your Pets Cool This Summer Wed, 21 Nov 2018 09:42:31 +0000 With the summer in full swing and more time spent outdoors, you can definitely include your pets in the family fun. Just like when you take precautions for your own health while in the sun-like staying hydrated and applying sunscreen-it is important to be proactive and avoid potential risks that summer heat can present to […]

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With the summer in full swing and more time spent outdoors, you can definitely include your pets in the family fun. Just like when you take precautions for your own health while in the sun-like staying hydrated and applying sunscreen-it is important to be proactive and avoid potential risks that summer heat can present to your pets.

Coping with the heat

  • If your pet(s) will spend any significant amount of time outside, be sure they have a shady spot to rest out of direct sunlight
  • Limit intense exercise in the summer months and choose to exercise your pet in the early morning or late evening. It is best not to begin any new fitness program when it is hot outside, particularly if your furry friend has not exercised much in the past.
  • Provide plenty of cool, fresh water in a clean bowl. Stainless steel bowls are easier to clean and more hygienic because they do not scratch, crack, and chip like plastic or clay bowls. Stainless steel also keeps water cooler for longer, especially if you put a little ice cube treat in the bowl.
  • Avoid hot asphalt or sand that can burn tender paws. Doggie boots are a great option if your dog needs to walk on hot surfaces.
  • Set up a small pool, mister, or sprinkler in the backyard to provide a fun way to keep your pet cool.

Breeds Susceptible to Hot Weather

You may assume that your four-legged friend will love the summer and being outdoors as much as you do, but many dogs are not bred to handle the heat due to thick coats or their inability to pant efficiently. Darker coats absorb more heat than lighter-colored coats. Also, if your dog has a thick coat, consider cutting hair to a one-inch length for the summer. Bulldogs, Boxers, Japanese Chins, and Pekinese are not able to cool themselves efficiently by panting due to flatter faces and should not be outside for long periods of time.

Read more about natural remedies for pets

Signs Your Dog Has Gotten Too Much of the Heat

It is important to pay attention to your dog when he is out in the hot summer weather. Providing water, a shady place to rest, and an opportunity to splash around in the river or lake will keep his body temperature in check.

Be aware of the signs of dehydration and overheating by keeping an eye on your pet’s tongue and demeanor. The mouth is a dog’s way of eliminating heat, and panting is a critical part of reducing body temperature. If he is too hot, his tongue will hang completely out of his mouth and you may notice his tongue “cups” at the end. The tongue and gums may also become bright red. Without water, a dog can become dehydrated, therefore, limiting his body’s ability to cool itself. A dehydrated dog will drool excessively, become lethargic, or have glassy or bloodshot eyes. If your pet exhibits any signs of overheating, take him to the veterinarian immediately.

Read more about homemade dog treats

Summer is a great time for having fun outside with friends and family. Since your pet is an important part of your family, make sure you help him cope with the warm weather comfortably so all can enjoy the quality time spent together.

Image via Loowgren

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5 Pet-Friendly Fruits For Your Dog Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:38:33 +0000 There is nothing better during the hot summer months that the sun-ripened and refreshing taste of fresh fruit.  While you are kicking back by the pool and enjoying a tasty fruit snack, feel free to share some of your fresh fruit with Fido. Just like humans, most healthy dogs thrive best on a well-balanced diet […]

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There is nothing better during the hot summer months that the sun-ripened and refreshing taste of fresh fruit.  While you are kicking back by the pool and enjoying a tasty fruit snack, feel free to share some of your fresh fruit with Fido. Just like humans, most healthy dogs thrive best on a well-balanced diet of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Incorporating canine-safe fruits in your pet’s diet can provide both an immune system boost, and a party for his palate.

Most veterinarians agree there are many fruits that are safe and full of the immune boosting benefits your pooch needs. Be aware there are also fruits considered unsafe for pets, so always do extensive research and consult your pet’s healthcare professional if there is any question.

Pet-Friendly Fruits and Their Benefits

1. Apples can aid in digestion because of pectin, a natural fiber, and assist in the elimination of toxins. Apples are also good sources of vitamins B and C.

2. Bananas provide vitamin C and potassium and can act as a natural antacid.

3. Cranberry has been known to naturally create a healthy urinary tract as well as help reduce the occurrence of urinary tract infections (UTI). Females tend to experience UTI’s more often than males so it is a great idea to include fresh (without pits) or dried cranberries to your pet’s diet.

4. Pineapple is chock full of vitamin C and antioxidants, as well as the natural anti-inflammatory bromelain. Pineapple also includes manganese, which is good for building strong bones.

5. Oranges are a good source of fiber, vitamin C (which boosts immunity) and has been proven to help with blood circulation. The folate in the fruit aids in the healing of wounds as it promotes production of new cells. Oranges are a great food for your pet that is older or has degenerative diseases.

Read about foods your pets should and shoudn't eat

Fruit Servings for Your Dog

There are a variety of ways to incorporate fruit into your dog’s diet. Look for fruit ingredients in pet food or treats. Dried fruit is a convenient choice that travels well to the park, or fresh fruit can be a guilt-free "table scrap". Because the digestion of meat and fruit require different enzymes, offer fresh or dried fruit at least thirty minutes before, or a couple hours after the main meal. Always be sure to remove seeds, pits, stems, and leaves from any fruit you offer to your pet, and be sure to supervise ingestion.

As with any type of food, consider the size of your dog and the appropriate amount of fruit per serving. Some fruits are very high in sugar, so always feed it in moderation. Providing a well-balanced diet is essential for your pet’s health and well-being. Fruit is a sweet and refreshing treat that your dog will enjoy, while providing many benefits for a healthy and happy life.

The Bottom Line

Dogs can benefit from fresh fruit, we just need to know which ones are safe for them and which ones aren’t so do your research and let them share in a well-balanced whole foods diet.

Read This Next: How Pets Keep You Healthy

Image via Steve Terrell


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Green Pet Care Wed, 21 Nov 2018 13:09:37 +0000 We are all making efforts these days to be friendlier to the planet.  And while Fido is not always friendly to your rose bushes, there are plenty of eco-friendly ways for you to help reduce your pet’s carbon paw print. Clean Up Pet waste can be harmful to the environment if not properly managed.  Always […]

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We are all making efforts these days to be friendlier to the planet.  And while Fido is not always friendly to your rose bushes, there are plenty of eco-friendly ways for you to help reduce your pet’s carbon paw print.

Clean Up

Pet waste can be harmful to the environment if not properly managed.  Always clean up after your pet, whether in public spaces or your own backyard.  It helps prevent potent toxins and bacteria from entering drainage systems.  There are even biodegradable pet waste bags now on the market.


Overpopulation of pets is an unfortunate reality, which also impacts the environment.  Spaying or neutering your pet is a responsible way to help combat this issue.  Adoption from a local shelter is another earth-friendly solution.  There are plenty of existing animals in need of proper care in loving homes. 

Check Ingredients

Investigate the ingredients of your pet’s food and treats.  If there are hard-to-pronounce ingredients on the nutrition label, chances are your pet’s food uses chemical additives or by-products.  Chemicals can have harmful effects on both the earth and your pooch.  Consider switching to an all-natural product, with few ingredients.  For an even greener makeover, investigate the company to find out where the product’s ingredients are sourced.  US-grown ingredients not only support local farmers, but also boast a much smaller carbon footprint than pet food that is imported from overseas.


One of the easiest green commitments a pet owner can make is to invest in high-quality products.  Pet accessories made with durable materials will last longer, and require little or no repair and replacement cost.  Such consumer-savvy purchases reduce the amount of discarded products in landfills.  For example, opt for stainless steel water and feeding dishes.  Plastic dishes can be easily chewed, scratched, and overgrown with bacteria, prompting multiple replacements.  Stainless steel is naturally resistant to bacteria, scratches, and even puppy jaws!

Going green is naturally satisfying, supporting both a happy pet and planet.  Even one small change with your pet can make a big difference.

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Bad Dog Breath Wed, 21 Nov 2018 06:27:23 +0000 If your canine’s kisses are tough to stomach, you are not alone.  But do not ignore the warning signs of foul breath, as a few extra steps in your pet care routine could help make those nose-to-nose moments more enjoyable. The Cause of Canine Halitosis There are a variety of underlying causes of canine halitosis.  […]

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If your canine’s kisses are tough to stomach, you are not alone.  But do not ignore the warning signs of foul breath, as a few extra steps in your pet care routine could help make those nose-to-nose moments more enjoyable.

The Cause of Canine Halitosis

There are a variety of underlying causes of canine halitosis.  Most commonly, it is a sign of gingivitis, periodontitis, or tartar buildup.  If your pet receives regular dental care, improper digestion could be to blame.  However, halitosis may also indicate medical problems such as diabetes, gastrointestinal cancers, lung, or kidney disease.  If offensive breath is a persistent problem, consult your veterinarian to rule out any serious issues.  Finding a cure or solution for your dog's bad breath depends entirely on its underlying cause.

Solutions to Bad Breath

If your dog is relatively healthy and his breath is still foul, consider the fact that he may simply need to have his teeth cleaned on a regular basis. Brushing your dog’s teeth twice per week can help eliminate tarter build up and periodontal disease, helping to control bad breath.  There are many products available on the market for at home dental care.  Senior pets older than seven years have extra sensitive gums, and will benefit from toothbrushes with microfiber tips instead of bristles.  Be sure to change the disposable microfiber tips often to prevent the spread of bacteria between brushings.  If you begin brushing your dog’s teeth when he is young, the experience will seem natural when he is an adult.

Choose toothpaste that is made specifically for dogs, as the toothpaste you use on a daily basis is not safe for your pet.  For senior pets, look for more gentle dental solutions instead of pastes; they are specially formulated with milder enzymes.  If Fido is defiant about a new tooth brushing regiment, offer him hard, safe chew toys, natural rawhide, or fresh crunchy vegetables like carrots.  The action of chewing can help break up food particles stuck between teeth and gums.

If you suspect your dog may have digestive issues, try slowly transitioning to a higher quality dog food and treats that are easier to digest.  Filler ingredients, preservatives, and chemical additives are can be difficult on the digestive system, and can cause foul odors.

Try using treats that contain alfalfa.  Besides being a good source of protein and rich source of many minerals, alfalfa contains chlorophyll, which has long been used as a natural deodorizer.  Small servings of it throughout the day in the form of treats will help maintain fresher breath.  Just make sure the treats are low in calories so they do not affect your dog’s healthy weight.

Susceptible Breeds

Small breeds are more prone to periodontal disease than large ones. Some breeds like the Cocker Spaniel or Shar Pei tend to have skin folds around the mouth.  While drinking, small amounts of water are trapped in these warm folds of skin, susceptible to bacteria growth. The bacteria can create a foul smelling eczema, responsible for your dog’s “bad breath”.

Do not ever dismiss bad breath as just “dog breath”.  Your veterinarian will help rule out any major health concerns, or advise you of an appropriate dental cleaning regimen for your dog’s particular breed.  Canine dental health is as important as your own.  A simple tooth brushing routine can go a long way in keeping a happy, healthy, and kissable pooch for years to come.

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