Sara Novak, Author at Live Healthier. Be Informed. Get Inspired. Mon, 03 Apr 2023 17:59:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 6 Unconventional Ways to Add Sweet Potatoes to Your Diet Sun, 10 Jan 2021 06:00:44 +0000 Sweet potatoes have a bright orange flesh that’s an unsurpassed source of beta-carotene and vitamin A. Sweet potatoes are also inexpensive and they last a long time before going bad. They’re a great way to amp up your nutrient density on the cheap. Here are some unconventional ways to put them to work in your […]

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Sweet potatoes have a bright orange flesh that’s an unsurpassed source of beta-carotene and vitamin A. Sweet potatoes are also inexpensive and they last a long time before going bad. They’re a great way to amp up your nutrient density on the cheap. Here are some unconventional ways to put them to work in your diet.

sweet potatoes vs white potatoes

1.  Sweet Potato Puree

Pureeing sweet potatoes is one of the easiest ways to add them to your diet. Peel 3 sweet potatoes and cut into 2-inch chunks. In a large saucepan, cover potatoes with water and bring to a boil. Cook for 15 to 20 minutes until a fork easily pierces the skin. Substitute sweet potatoes for regular potatoes in a shepherd’s pie. Add them to brownies, muffins, soups, or even the inside of a quesadilla. Try this tasty recipe for sweet potato recovery bars.

2.  Sweet Potato Fettuccine

Use a mandolin to create pasta-like strips with sweet potato and then use it as the base of any number of pasta dishes. Try this clever recipe from the North Carolina Sweet Potato Commission for sweet potato fettuccine.

3.  Jerk Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes aren’t often thought of in Jamaican recipes but they should be. Use ginger, coriander, and jerk seasoning to amp up your jerk sweet potatoes.

4. African Peanut Stew

This African Peanut Stew is all about a delicious flavor combination of chicken, peanuts, and sweet potatoes. This hearty, spicy, West African soup is ideal for a cold winter night.

5. Soba Noodles in Broth With Sweet Potato, Cabbage and Spinach

Soba Noodles in Broth With Sweet Potato, Cabbage and Spinach is a Japanese soup infused with a hint of sweet potato. Warming yet light, it’s loaded antioxidants to help you fight through the cold weather.

6.  Sweet Potato and Black Bean Empanadas

These pastries are wildly popular in Central and South America. A great tapas or snack, these Sweet Potato and Black Bean Empanadas are a great way to add in sweet potatoes to your diet.


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What Are Your Tight Hips Telling You? Mon, 06 Jul 2020 05:00:54 +0000 Your hips are the body’s junk drawer – they hold emotional stressors when you’re not sure where else to put them, yet you’re not entirely ready to release them. Have you ever felt the need to burst into tears in the middle of or directly after a yoga class? If so, it’s likely that the […]

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Your hips are the body’s junk drawer – they hold emotional stressors when you’re not sure where else to put them, yet you’re not entirely ready to release them. Have you ever felt the need to burst into tears in the middle of or directly after a yoga class? If so, it’s likely that the class included a host of hip openers, causing an emotional release marked by a flood of tears.

Our tight hips aren’t just a result of sitting at a desk, in a car, or on the sofa while watching television, they’re also a sign of emotional stress building in the body’s largest joint. The hips are the body’s stabilizers, but they also serve as storage units that house sad memories, financial fears, relationship woes, and family issues. By taking the time each and every day to focus ample attention on the hips, you’ll release anxiety, fear, depression, and sadness.

Read more about how to improve your posture

Prana, or the body’s life force, needs to flow freely in the hips in order to release blockages that eventually result in physical ailments. Do you notice deeply ingrained mental habits of worry? By opening your hips you can unlock mentally stuck thought patterns as well.

Hips are tight because of dense musculature around the hip joint, inside the pelvis, near the groin, and around the upper thigh. First, becoming aware of physical tightness in the hips leads you to understand your mental blockages as well. And knowing is half the battle. By loosening your hip joints you can send messages to nerve endings at the spine and all the way to the brain telling it to stop releasing stress hormones.

1. Focus on your breath

Your breath ignites prana in the body, which lights your internal fire, called agni in Sanskrit. Agni warms up the tissues of the body, especially those of the hip joints, so they can soften and open up.

2. Keep your awareness on the hips

Even when you’re not doing a hip-opening yoga posture, keep your awareness on the hips.

3. Consider some gradual hip-opening poses

If you dive in with deep hip-opening poses at first, you won’t be able to go as far. Hold each pose for five long breaths. Start in triangle pose to gently add some mobility to the hip joint. Release into a low lunge to open up the front of the hip. Further deepen the posture in lizard pose, ankle-to-knee pose, and finally, butterfly pose.

4. Be gentle

Don’t force an opening. These things take time and even if your hips are completely immobile, keeping your awareness on the breath while working to open up this crucial joint in the body is a step in the right direction. Direct the power of your awareness toward change and you’ll begin to notice progress both mentally and physically.

Bottom Line

Being aware of where you are holding tension and why it the first step to gaining more fluid movement. Follow these tips for a great release.

READ MORE: Yoga & Sex: How to Increase Your Libido, Naturally



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6 Powerhouse Vegetables to Add to Your Grill Fri, 15 May 2020 05:00:45 +0000 With summer around the corner, the wealth of glorious veggies just waiting to be grilled up becomes abundant. We’re not talking the usual summer standbys like peppers, zucchini, and mushrooms – we’re going a step further, grilling vegetables that you haven’t necessarily thought of grilling up…until now. Impress your friends and family with this powerhouse […]

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With summer around the corner, the wealth of glorious veggies just waiting to be grilled up becomes abundant. We’re not talking the usual summer standbys like peppers, zucchini, and mushrooms – we’re going a step further, grilling vegetables that you haven’t necessarily thought of grilling up…until now. Impress your friends and family with this powerhouse list of absolutely delicious recipes.

This summer, consider hitting up the farmers market (or even better, your backyard garden) for some of these delicious eats. You’ll take grilling vegetables to new heights for both vegetarians and meat-eaters alike.

1. Grilled Asparagus

How to Grill Asparagus:

Remove the hard ends of the asparagus. They’ll usually just snap right off in the appropriate place or you can use a knife to cut them evenly. Brush with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Grill just a few minutes until barely tender. Remove from the grill and dress with lemon juice and a sprinkling of parmesan cheese, optional.

Why You Should Grill Asparagus:

Asparagus is a good source of fiber, folate, vitamins A, C, E, and K as well as glutathione, a detoxifying compound that helps break down carcinogens and harmful compounds like free radicals.

2. Sweet Potatoes

How to Grill Sweet Potatoes:

Boil sweet potatoes, skins on, until they are cooked through, about 20 minutes. Slice into disks or thin wedges carefully to keep them intact, 1-inch thick. Brush with olive oil and season with salt, pepper, and fresh rosemary. Grill on each side to form grill marks.

Why You Should Grill Sweet Potatoes:

Sweet potatoes contain carotenoids that help stabilize blood sugar and boost your metabolism. They are tied in first place with carrots for beta-carotene content, which is great for warding off chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease. Sweet potatoes have anti-inflammatory properties so are also good for fighting diseases related to inflammation like asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.

3. Grilled Brussels Sprouts 

How to Grill Brussel Sprouts:

Remove the stem and cut in half. Boil or steam for three minutes. Drain and pat dry. Combine olive oil, tamari sauce, balsamic vinegar, salt, and pepper in a medium to a large bowl. Toss in Brussels sprouts and stir to coat. Skewer sprouts and grill until browned on each side.

Why You Should Grill Brussel Sprouts:

Brussels sprouts are known for their cancer prevention qualities related to four specific glucosinolates including glucoraphanin, glucobrassicin, sinigrin, and gluonasturtlian.

4. Cabbage

How to Grill Cabbage:

Quarter the cabbage and remove any tough ends. Dress with lemon juice, olive oil, salt, and pepper. Keep the cabbage sections facing up so that the lemon juice doesn’t leak out and then place the sections on the cool part of the grill. Close the lid and let them roast on the grill for about 45 minutes, or until the tops are a little charred and the inside leaves are nice and tender.

Why You Should Grill Cabbage:

Cabbage provides special cholesterol-lowering qualities. It’s also a Brassica vegetable along with cauliflower, kale, and broccoli so it has loads of fiber, as well as cancer protection. Purple cabbage is chock full of the antioxidant anthocyanins, found in blue, purple, and red plants.

Read More:  6 Healthy Fruits and Vegetables to Eat Today

5. Grilled Cauliflower

How to Grill Cauliflower:

Remove the hard stem and slice the full head into cauliflower steaks. Dress with olive oil, sea salt, pepper, cumin, and chili powder. Place on the grill, close the lid, and let roast for 15 minutes.

Why You Should Grill Cauliflower:

Cauliflower is loaded with vitamins C, K, and folate. It provides detox support and anti-inflammatory response.

6. Romaine Lettuce

How to Grill Romaine Lettuce:

Remove any brown or loose leaves, and cut about an inch of the dark green leaves off of one end and shave the brown stem off the other. Make sure the stem is still intact so that the leaves stay together on the grill. Prepare a vinaigrette using your favorite dressing or mix together olive oil, red wine vinegar, herbs such as oregano, thyme, rosemary, a pinch of salt, and black pepper. Brush the romaine hearts with the vinaigrette. Place on the grill on high heat. Grill the romaine hearts until lightly browned on all sides, turning every minute or two until done. Serve as is or chop up and add to a salad (try a yummy grilled caesar salad!).

Why You Should:

Romaine is fully loaded with nutrition. It is not only high in many minerals including calcium and iron but also contains high levels of beta-carotene and vitamin K as well as a good amount of protein and omega-3 fats.


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7 Natural Apple Cider Vinegar Remedies that Actually Work Sun, 01 Mar 2020 06:00:23 +0000 Vinegar is a product of fermentation. Making apple cider vinegar involves two processes. In the first stage of fermentation, sugars are turned into alcohol, then that alcohol ferments again and turns into vinegar. The main ingredient in apple cider vinegar is acetic acid, which has been singled out as an especially healthful tonic. For more […]

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Vinegar is a product of fermentation. Making apple cider vinegar involves two processes. In the first stage of fermentation, sugars are turned into alcohol, then that alcohol ferments again and turns into vinegar. The main ingredient in apple cider vinegar is acetic acid, which has been singled out as an especially healthful tonic.

For more than 2,000 years vinegar has been used to flavor and preserve foods, heal wounds, fight infection, clean surfaces, and manage diabetes, to name a few. But does it really work? Let's find out.

1. Digestion

Apple cider vinegar is good for digestion. If you sip it before eating, especially if you know you’re going to indulge, it can help fight indigestion. Add one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of honey to a glass of warm water and sip before a meal. The pectin in the apple cider vinegar also helps treat diarrhea by forming bulk fibrous matter and a protective coating around the lining of the colon.

2. Type 2 Diabetes

A 2007 study of 11 people with type 2 diabetes found that taking 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar lowered glucose levels in the morning by 4-6 percent.

3. Urinary Tract Infections

Taking a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar each day keeps a balance in your urinary tract, decreasing your chances of getting a bladder or urinary tract infection.

Benefits Apple Cider Vinegar

4. Antimicrobial Properties

Apple cider vinegar can also be used as a disinfectant that’s a safer compound than bleach. Mix 1 cup of vinegar in a spray bottle with water to clean counters and kitchen equipment. It’s a less expensive alternative to all-purpose sprays.

Read more about cleaning with vinegar

5. Source of Polyphenols

Apple cider vinegar is a source of polyphenols, which are compounds synthesized by plants to defend against oxidative stress. Polyphenols enhance oxidative protection, reducing cancer risk as well as conditions like heart disease.

6. Weight Loss

One trial found that healthy women consumed fewer calories on the days they ingested vinegar in the morning. This proves the age-old truth that apple cider vinegar is a great tool against weight gain.

Read more about coconut vinegar

7. Detox Bath

Need a detox bath on the cheap? Add one to two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to draw toxins out of the body, leaving behind toned and moisturized skin.

Bottom Line

Next time you are shopping, pick up a bottle of apple cider vinegar so you can experience some of the many benefits.

Image: jessica wilson


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Natural Tooth Care: Can You Heal Cavities and Regrow Teeth? Mon, 19 Aug 2019 08:15:44 +0000 Despite your commendable efforts with natural tooth care, you can’t help but notice that pothole forming in the back of your mouth.  You shouldn’t be so surprised, though. You’ve forgotten to floss for the last two months and you love to snack on sweets just before bed. But even still, the idea of going under […]

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Despite your commendable efforts with natural tooth care, you can’t help but notice that pothole forming in the back of your mouth. 

You shouldn’t be so surprised, though. You’ve forgotten to floss for the last two months and you love to snack on sweets just before bed. But even still, the idea of going under the drill just isn’t appealing. 

Or maybe you’re not thrilled about putting mercury in your mouth? The fillings that have a silver appearance are made with 50 percent mercury and various other metals. It’s all the more reason to avoid getting your cavities filled if at all possible. If only you could heal your cavities or regrow teeth…

READ MORE: Is There Mercury in Your Mouth?

So you may actually be asking the question:

Is it possible to regrow teeth naturally?

Some holistic health professionals say it is possible to regrow tooth enamel naturally., In fact, they’ve done it themselves. Natural health writer Kim Evans swears by two must-haves that are peculiar at best, but nonetheless, make sense. 

1. Organic eggshells, which are made up of a similar composition as bones and teeth. Evans encourages to eat one eggshell per day. 

How could you possibly eat a crunchy, nasty eggshell? It’s easy (somewhat). First, boil the eggshell for five minutes to kill any pathogens. Then add them to a smoothie made with bananas so the eggshell doesn’t fall to the bottom.

2. Comfrey root, which helps with tooth decay because of its ability to amp up bone, tissue, and tooth growth. Blend 1 square inch of comfrey root with 2 tablespoons of water and swish the liquid in your mouth.

Foods that cause tooth decay

Tooth decay is caused by foods that contain carbohydrates like bread, cereal, soda, fruit, cakes, and candy. These foods feed a certain group of bad bacteria that then release an acidic substance that damages your teeth. 

Avoid eating these foods for the most part and, when you do eat them, drink water and then floss and brush your teeth. If you’re trying to regrow your teeth, do this after each meal. Also, avoid refined foods that may include added sugars

Foods that promote teeth regrowth

Fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins A, D, E, and K are good for regrowth. Curtis Aiken of Co-Inside also says the following foods are good for regrowing your teeth: 

  • Celtic or Pink Himalayan salt, 
  • fermented foods, 
  • sea vegetables, 
  • soaked and sprouted nuts, 
  • coconut oil, 
  • greens, 
  • eggs, and 
  • animal flesh.. 

Lastly, make sure you get ample vitamin D by enjoying some fun in the sun.

The jury is still out on whether you can realistically regenerate teeth naturally and heal cavities. We have listed foods that are said to help with that. Add those to your diet if you would like to try regrowing your teeth. 

But you should concern yourself more with how you can prevent cavities and tooth decay to save your good teeth. We have looked at the foods that cause tooth decay, which you will do well to avoid. We hope all this information will help your fight against cavities.

Read this next: 9 Amazing Foods for Healthy Teeth


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Arsenic and Brown Rice Syrup: Should You Be Afraid? Mon, 22 Jul 2019 05:00:50 +0000 Brown rice syrup has been a hit among health nuts for a while because it doesn’t raise your glycemic index like other sweeteners including sugar, honey, and of course, high fructose corn syrup. But last year brown rice syrup was rocked with controversy when Consumer Reports released an analysis of arsenic levels in rice products […]

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Brown rice syrup has been a hit among health nuts for a while because it doesn’t raise your glycemic index like other sweeteners including sugar, honey, and of course, high fructose corn syrup. But last year brown rice syrup was rocked with controversy when Consumer Reports released an analysis of arsenic levels in rice products like white rice, brown rice, and rice breakfast cereals. Brown rice syrup is the chosen sweetener in a host of foods considered healthy.

Brown rice syrup and arsenic

The analysis found arsenic, a potent carcinogen that’s harmful to a child’s developing brain, was present in high levels in foods that were marketed to kids.

Read more about The Scary Seven™

What is arsenic and is brown rice syrup bad?

Arsenic is found in varying amounts in rock structures and in residue left over from when arsenic-based pesticides were legal. It cannot be created nor destroyed so what we have on Earth is what we’re stuck with forever. “Arsenic hotspots” like Bangladesh, have dangerously high concentrations of arsenic in rock structures, and therefore, water supplies and soil.

Brown rice syrup and arsenic

Rice is naturally better able to assimilate arsenic, more so than wheat or other grains. Brown rice, used in brown rice syrup, has high concentrations of arsenic because the outer shell is still intact, where in white rice, it’s removed.

Inorganic versus organic arsenic

And then there’s inorganic versus organic arsenic. According to the FDA, “There are two general types of arsenic: organic and inorganic. The inorganic forms of arsenic are the harmful forms, while the organic forms of arsenic are essentially harmless.” This is because the body absorbs inorganic arsenic and urinates out organic arsenic. However, some scientific studies have shown that dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) and monomethylarsonic acid (MMA), two organic forms of arsenic may also be a health hazard. Inorganic arsenic is more dangerous because the body actually absorbs it. Inorganic arsenic is what’s found in the water supply, that’s why it’s carefully regulated. Water is tested constantly to ensure it’s at safe levels no higher than 10 ppb. Well water, on the hand, is not tested.

Arsenic/Brown rice syrup takeaway

Here’s my take: Rice, especially brown rice, absorbs arsenic from the soil. There’s not too much you can do about that. But you can take steps to minimize your risk. The Consumer Reports study notes that rice grown in the U.S. has heightened levels of arsenic when compared to rice grown in India and Thailand, though arsenic was found in samples from all over the world. As a result, until arsenic levels in rice and other foods are regulated by the FDA, only use brown rice syrup in moderation.

Weigh the bad with the good and use other sweeteners like local raw honey and organic cane sugar as well. Have your voice heard by signing this petition telling the FDA and the EU to institute strict guidelines regarding arsenic in rice. Read more about organic foods

Read This Next: Are Your Vitamin Supplements More Harmful Than Healthful?

Photo: Andrea_Nguyen


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Benefits of Butter: Why More Americans Are Consuming It Wed, 30 Jan 2019 06:00:42 +0000 We’ve long denied the benefits of butter. In fact, we were told that animal fats were bad, especially butter, but today, many Americans are slathering it on croissants and even adding it to coffee. "Americans are eating more butter. There's no question about it," says Harry Balzer of the NPD Group, a marketing research firm that […]

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We’ve long denied the benefits of butter. In fact, we were told that animal fats were bad, especially butter, but today, many Americans are slathering it on croissants and even adding it to coffee. "Americans are eating more butter. There's no question about it," says Harry Balzer of the NPD Group, a marketing research firm that tracks Americans' eating habits, reported on NPR.

In the 1990s, only 30 percent of Americans used butter since animal fats were taboo and margarine consumption was high. Animal fats seemed to raise your cholesterol, which in turn lead to heart disease. But research around the subject has evolved, highlighting some of the benefits of butter.

Read more about trans fats

According to Nancy Ferrari of Harvard Health Publications, “The truth is, there never was any good evidence that using margarine instead of butter cut the chances of having a heart attack or developing heart disease. Making the switch was a well-intentioned guess, given that margarine had less saturated fat than butter, but it overlooked the dangers of trans fats.”

Today, trans fats, found in many a tub of margarine, are considered the real culprit, while some animal fats are considered acceptable (though moderation is key). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, consuming trans fats increases low density lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol and decreases high density lipoprotein (HDL) or good cholesterol. In fact, just by cutting out trans fats, 10,000-20,000 heart attacks in the U.S. could be prevented.

Trans fats aren’t the only downside to margarine. As more Americans reach for cleaner ingredients, butter is appealing, especially, small local providers. "The increase in butter consumption in America coincides with the decline in margarine consumption," Balzer says.

And what about rumors that American consumption has led to a shortage? Not so fast. While Americans ARE eating more butter, not so much as to cause a shortage. In fact, other countries like Egypt also seem to think that everything is better with butter and as a result, butter exports are up 11 percent.

Read about trans fats in frozen pizza

While butter provides rich flavor that can’t be beat, olive oil is still better for you because it doesn’t impact your cholesterol. Better with butter? Americans seem to think so.

Image: Robert S. Donovan


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10 Thought Patterns that Keep You from Happiness Thu, 29 Nov 2018 18:24:29 +0000 We tend to view our minds as our whole being. But through meditation we learn to watch our thoughts, almost like leaves floating by on a river. You can’t watch yourself, so that must mean that your thoughts aren’t all of you, but rather, a part of who you are. Even still, our thoughts undoubtedly […]

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We tend to view our minds as our whole being. But through meditation we learn to watch our thoughts, almost like leaves floating by on a river. You can’t watch yourself, so that must mean that your thoughts aren’t all of you, but rather, a part of who you are. Even still, our thoughts undoubtedly shape our mental state.

Another side effect of watching your thoughts through meditation is the realization that your thoughts are cyclical, meaning the same thought patterns run in and out of your mind multiple times on a daily basis. As a result, negative thought patterns become the root of unhappiness.

What’s your attitude toward life, and is it holding you back from finding peace and happiness on a daily basis? Here are 10 thought patterns that may do just that.

1. Obsessed with Perfection

Are you obsessed with perfection? If you’re constantly thinking that everything around you needs to be improved, then you’re likely never satisfied with what you have. Sometimes good enough is just fine, and it’s our ability to see this that brings us happiness.

2. Comparison Thinking

“Why am I not married?” “Why don’t I have children?” “Why don’t I make as much money as so-and-so?” These are examples of comparing yourself to those around you–a toxic thought pattern that will almost always bring you down.

3. Polarized Thinking

Looking at issues and opinions as black or white is ineffective because it’s largely inaccurate. You’ll often find shades of grey hidden between the lines. Try to truly put yourself on the other side of issues and understand where those around you are coming from even when it’s not so easy.

4. Taking Things Personally

It’s toxic to think that everything that doesn’t go your way in life is a slight against you. So you didn’t get the job you wanted. You’ll likely assume that it’s because you weren’t qualified or you’re not smart enough. When in reality it’s because the boss’ daughter needed a job or the position was filled by someone in-house. Don’t assume that everything bad that happens is a cut against you personally.

Read more about meditation

5. Always Looking For Problems

Similar to being a pessimist, looking for problems in people or situations when there are none is equally destructive mentally. Optimists are happier and healthier than pessimists. For example, you’ve just met your best friend’s new boyfriend and instead of loving the guy because your best friend chose him, you’re already finding fault. Give people, and life, a chance.

6. The All or Nothing Mentality

You’re constantly setting yourself up for failure because you’re extreme in all your views. You’re either fasting or binging, on the couch or training for a marathon. Meet yourself where you are and see your progress, not your shortcomings.

7. Envy

It’s the result of comparison thinking–being jealous of those that are where you want to be in life. Be happy for those around you instead of being envious. If you want to make changes, don’t waste energy being jealous, get to work.

8. Stop Thinking, Start Living

Learn to be in the moment rather than in your head. We’re often down in the dumps when we think too much. Practicing meditation and yoga are two great tools for living a more mindful existence.

Read more about practicing yoga at home

9. Coming to Conclusions Without Evidence

This is another means of judging those around you. For example, when your coworker is late to a meeting you automatically assume they’re lazy when what you didn’t know is that they were at home taking care of a sick child.

10. If I Could I Would Mentality

Don’t make excuses for not getting what you want out of life. If you’re not satisfied with where you are, do what you need to do to get there. If you love to travel but don’t have the cash on hand, start a travel fund. Lay out how much a trip costs and how much you need to put aside each week to get the money necessary. This way you’ll start reaching for what you want in life and getting it. Those that feel empowered in life tend to be happier than those that feel powerless.

Image: h.koppdelaney

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9 Healthy Reasons You Should Love Pumpkin Seeds Wed, 21 Nov 2018 09:47:44 +0000 Image via Stacy Spensley It’s the season of all things pumpkin, and that includes the seeds. Pumpkin seeds are full of health benefits. In fact, they’re a poor man’s superfood. They have more health benefits than the pumpkin itself. This year we’re giving you a ton of good reasons to add pumpkin seeds to your […]

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Image via Stacy Spensley

It’s the season of all things pumpkin, and that includes the seeds. Pumpkin seeds are full of health benefits. In fact, they’re a poor man’s superfood. They have more health benefits than the pumpkin itself. This year we’re giving you a ton of good reasons to add pumpkin seeds to your diet.

1.  They’re a good source of zinc.

Pumpkin seeds are a great source of zinc, which is vital for cell growth and division. It’s also important for fertility, immune system health, and vision as well as taste, smell, and appetite.

2.  They’re a good source of vitamin E.

Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of vitamin E. Vitamin E protects against the free radicals that damage cells and contribute to aging as well as the development of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

3.  They’re magnesium-rich.

Just one-fourth cup of pumpkin seeds contains your daily allowance of magnesium. Magnesium is really calming to the body. That’s why if you’re having trouble sleeping, taking an Epsom salt bath of magnesium helps you to get to sleep at night. But magnesium is also important for the proper development of teeth and bones and proper bowel function.

4.  They’re a plant-based source of omega 3 fatty acids.
Pumpkin seeds are a good source of the plant-based omega 3 fatty acid ALA, which is important for heart and brain health.

5.  They’re good for prostate health.
They’re good for prostate health because of their high zinc content. Pumpkin seed oil also treats an enlarged prostate naturally.

6.  They regulate insulin.
Pumpkin seeds are also important for the regulation of insulin in the body. Studies in animals have shown that they help with insulin regulation and the prevention of diabetes complications.

7.  They’re a rich source of tryptophan.
Pumpkin seeds are loaded with tryptophan, which the body converts to serotonin and then converts to melatonin. Melatonin is better known as the “sleep hormone.” Without enough melatonin in the body, it’s difficult to get to sleep and stay asleep.

8.  They’re mineral-rich.
Pumpkin seeds are extremely mineral-rich, loaded with phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, iron, and copper.

9.  They reduce cholesterol.
They contain phytosterols which are known to reduce levels of LDL cholesterol, also known as the bad cholesterol.

Read this next: Spiced Pumpkin Seeds

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8 Tips to Make Family Meals Healthy and Fun Wed, 21 Nov 2018 09:47:44 +0000 Kids who participate in family meals consume more fruits and vegetables. Not to mention that toddlers who eat regular family meals have a better vocabulary, girls are less likely to develop eating disorders, and school-age kids are likely to get better grades. The good news is most American families still have regular family meals. According […]

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Kids who participate in family meals consume more fruits and vegetables. Not to mention that toddlers who eat regular family meals have a better vocabulary, girls are less likely to develop eating disorders, and school-age kids are likely to get better grades.

The good news is most American families still have regular family meals. According to Gallup, 53 percent of adults with children younger than 18 still have dinner together 6 or 7 nights per week at home. But it can be difficult to coordinate schedules so that mom and dad are both homes from work and the kids are home from lacrosse practice, dance class, and piano lessons simultaneously.

8 Tips to Make Family Meals Healthy and Fun

1. Let go of unrealistic expectations. Stop worrying about the way dinner is “supposed to be”. Whether it’s an organic frozen pizza and a salad or from-scratch pasta, the point is to be together. Maybe you don’t have tons of time to prepare dinner, or maybe your family doesn’t have tons of time to sit together. Let go of unrealistic expectations and enjoy the time together.

2. Set limits. While you don’t want to set unrealistic expectations, you do want to set limits. The dinner table should be a technology-free zone. Smart phones, video games, and tablets should not be allowed for kids as well as parents.

3. Find a time that works. If mom or dad doesn’t get home from work until after 7 pm, but junior is hungry by 5:30 pm, maybe dinner isn’t the best time of day to get together as a family. Try a breakfast family meal together instead. Kids are still catching up with their parents, which provides all the necessary benefits.

4. Don’t push. Be considerate of your kids but don’t cater to them. Don’t change the meal, but don’t force them to eat it either. Introducing kids to new foods doesn’t come all at once. For example, serve up a vegetable chowder with a side of sliced apples and crusty bread and allow the kids to serve themselves. Don’t label your kids picky or fussy eaters because they’ll strive to live up to the label.

5. Know your child’s limits. Don’t expect an infant to sit through a two-hour meal. Of course, these numbers vary, but you can expect a toddler to sit and behave for about 10 to 15 minutes and a 5 to 6-year-old for 15 to 20 minutes.

Read more: Childhood Obesity, A Holistic Perspective

6. Make it a theme night.   Light candles and have a backyard night or have a picnic night. Have international night and decorate around the theme. Play music, string lights, and make fun finger foods for the kids.

7. Have a “make your own meal” night.  Serve mini pizzas with toppings to add or have burrito or taco night where the kids can fill their own tortillas or taco shells. Or consider a yummy baked potato bar.

8. Serve dinner family-style. Lay everything out on the table and let the child and other family members choose what they are to put on their own plates. Be sure to have some of their favorite foods as well as some new ones.

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