Ryan Bisram, Author at NaturallySavvy.com https://naturallysavvy.com/author/ryan-bisram/ Live Healthier. Be Informed. Get Inspired. Mon, 19 Sep 2022 18:44:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 Eat Some Now: 5 Benefits of Strawberries https://naturallysavvy.com/eat/eat-some-now-5-benefits-of-strawberries/ Sat, 03 Jul 2021 05:00:54 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/eat-some-now-5-benefits-of-strawberries/ Summer is the perfect time to get out there and enjoy some delicious strawberries! A seasonal berry can be a lot of fun taking the family out to pick strawberries, and they're versatile enough that you can eat them raw or add them to different recipes. Not only are strawberries delicious, but they can pack […]

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Summer is the perfect time to get out there and enjoy some delicious strawberries! A seasonal berry can be a lot of fun taking the family out to pick strawberries, and they're versatile enough that you can eat them raw or add them to different recipes. Not only are strawberries delicious, but they can pack quite the nutritional punch as well, as they are loaded with antioxidants and vitamin C. Check out some benefits of strawberries for more reasons why you should be eating these delicious berries!

1. Antioxidants

According to WebMD, antioxidants are "important disease-fighting compounds. Scientists believe they help prevent and repair the stress that comes from oxidation, a natural process that occurs during normal cell function. "Strawberries deliver a high dose of antioxidants per serving, helping to ensure you're getting your daily dose to protect against diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's, and heart disease.

Read more about antioxidant-rich food

2. They can increase your good (HDL) cholesterol

With obesity on the rise in the United States, the battle to keep cholesterol under control seems to always be increasing. The good news is that something as simple as a handful of strawberries a day could do wonders for increasing your good HDL (High-density lipoprotein) cholesterol levels.

A study from Oklahoma State University and published in Nutritional Sciences found that participants who ingested a strawberry beverage "showed a significant reduction in both total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels. The addition of strawberry to the diet helped to decreased total cholesterol levels by 10% and decrease LDL cholesterol levels by 11%," reports Nutrition Remarks.

3. It packs quite the punch of vitamin C

Vitamin C can do wonders for your immune system. While most people would reach for an orange, according to an article in The Huffington Post, "one serving (147 grams) of strawberries has 86.5 milligrams of vitamin C." So, the next time you aren't feeling so great, try grabbing a handful of strawberries!

reasons to eat more strawberries

4. It has anti-inflammatory capabilities

Inflammatory illnesses such as arthritis, heart disease, and inflammatory bowel disease can be a harrowing and debilitating disorders. The good news is that strawberries can help fight inflammation due to a chemical compound known as phenols. "The phenols in strawberries also fight against inflammation, a factor found in all diseases from acne to diabetes to cancer," reports The Daily Perricone.

Read more about fighting inflammation with food

5. They can help you reach your daily fiber requirements

Fiber is essential for proper digestion and can even help with your weight loss goals by keeping you satiated longer. Strawberries contain about two grams per serving and are a great boost towards meeting your daily intake requirements.

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Omega-3s Can Play a Big Role in How Your Kids Sleep https://naturallysavvy.com/nest/omega-3s-can-play-a-big-role-in-how-your-kids-sleep/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 14:47:44 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/omega-3s-can-play-a-big-role-in-how-your-kids-sleep/ It’s becoming common knowledge that omega-3s are good for us. Numerous studies have been released analyzing the positive health benefits they can provide, and these benefits range from lowering blood pressure to reducing the risk of heart attacks and stroke. Many adults fill their diets with fish oil supplements, fresh fish, and omega-3 eggs to […]

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It’s becoming common knowledge that omega-3s are good for us. Numerous studies have been released analyzing the positive health benefits they can provide, and these benefits range from lowering blood pressure to reducing the risk of heart attacks and stroke. Many adults fill their diets with fish oil supplements, fresh fish, and omega-3 eggs to reap their benefits. However, a 2013 study has demonstrated that omega-3s can have a very positive effect on kids as well. Specifically, omega-3s may be able to help kids sleep better.

Read more about sleep deprivation

A study from the Oxford University DOLAB was presented at the Food and Behavior Research symposium in London and found that “consumption of omega-3 from food or supplements could help to improve sleep quality in children,” reports Nutra Ingredients.

Professor Paul Montgomery from the University of Oxford spoke about the data, revealing the link between omega-3 consumption and the sleep habits of kids. He explained that the findings revealed "decreased sleep quality and an increased risk of sleep disorders was well correlated with blood levels of the omega-3 long chain fatty acid DHA." He noted that the kids in the study were showing clinical signs of sleep disorders.

He added, "Further findings from the smaller-scale RCT data found that supplementation with the DHA increased measures of sleep quality from baseline significantly." He also confirmed, "There were slight, but non-significant, changes in sleep patterns for the placebo group in the randomised trial." Regarding this, he stated, "We have got far less waking during the night. We've got more sleeping, and more efficient sleeping as the ratio of time in bed to time asleep is significantly improved."

With regards to the specifics of the study, "the team used validated parental surveys of sleep quality perception, and analysed these scores against blood measures of omega-3." Subsequently, the team "used a 15% sub-sample of these children in a more detailed randomised trial to assess whether supplementation with DHA helped to improve measures of sleep."

The kids involved in the study were then "asked to wear actigraphs – wrist watch style sensors that measure sleep – for around five days at the baseline of the trial and again after supplementation with either the omega-3 or placebo." Montgomery concluded, "Supplementation with DHA helped to improve measures of sleep."

Read more about why kids need omega-3s

Ultimately, kids were sleeping a lot more after the omega-3 supplementation. While he admitted the sample was small, Montgomery stated that, "the action is clear," and that he was "struck by the size and scale" of the findings.

Image: Premnath Thirumalaisamy

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Know the Dehydration Signs and How to Stay Properly Hydrated https://naturallysavvy.com/care/exercising-this-summer-know-the-dehydration-signs-and-how-to-stay-properly-hydrated/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 09:42:31 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/exercising-this-summer-know-the-dehydration-signs-and-how-to-stay-properly-hydrated/ The beautiful weather is reason enough for those who normally hit the treadmill to hit the paths, and outdoor sports will certainly see a lot of action during the summer. However, with the increase in temperature also comes the likelihood of dehydration. The warmer temperatures will certainly cause more sweating for those exercising and dehydration […]

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The beautiful weather is reason enough for those who normally hit the treadmill to hit the paths, and outdoor sports will certainly see a lot of action during the summer. However, with the increase in temperature also comes the likelihood of dehydration. The warmer temperatures will certainly cause more sweating for those exercising and dehydration is a very real threat that can lead to a myriad of problems including dizziness, nausea, and even heatstroke.

One of the first signs of dehydration is an increased thirst, but by the time your body alerts you of this, you're probably already dehydrated. One sure fire way to keep yourself from becoming dehydrated is to ensure you're hydrating adequately both before, during, and after your workouts. Most people are great at hydrating during and after workouts as they have become dehydrated, but hydrating before workouts is an excellent way to prevent dehydration from occurring in the first place.

Read more about healthy sports drink alternatives

There isn't exactly one recommended dosage of water for everyone, as a lot of this depends on factors such as body composition and levels of exertion, but a general guideline is to drink 7 to 10 oz of water every 10 to 20 minutes. Combined with ensuring you're adequately hydrated before and after your workout can fend off dehydration.

It can be tough to remember to hydrate yourself during workouts, so try and make use of those smartphones that seems to be attached to everyone these days. Set an alarm or a reminder for yourself during workouts to stop and hydrate. You'll appreciate that precious 10-second break, and your body will ultimately thank you in the long run.

Read more about how to amp up your daily water intake

Image via Elvert Barnes

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9 Summer Fruits and Veggies to Keep You Hydrated https://naturallysavvy.com/eat/9-summer-fruits-veggies-to-keep-you-hydrated/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 09:41:45 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/9-summer-fruits-veggies-to-keep-you-hydrated/ The summer is as good a time as any to remember to stay hydrated. It’s recommended for adults to drink six to eight glasses of water a day, but keeping up with that can be a bit of a tall task. The good news is that a lot of the water we intake can come […]

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The summer is as good a time as any to remember to stay hydrated. It’s recommended for adults to drink six to eight glasses of water a day, but keeping up with that can be a bit of a tall task. The good news is that a lot of the water we intake can come from foods as well. This can make staying hydrated that much easier.

While water is the best way to stay hydrated, consuming fresh foods like salads can be a great way to absorb a little H2O as well, as lots of fruits and vegetables are more than 80 percent water.

Here’s a look at nine excellent fruits and vegetables that can keep you hydrated this summer!

1. Cucumbers

Cucumbers have a water content more than 90 percent and can actually help the body not only stay hydrated, but flush out toxins as well. Try adding cucumbers to your salad to increase your intake.

Read more about the healthiest fruits and vegetables

2. Celery

Not only is celery loaded with H20, it’s also rich in antioxidants and can also act as an anti-inflammatory. Try putting some natural peanut butter on some stalks for a great mid day snack.

3. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are 94 percent water, and can also help keep your skin looking great. It’s a good source of beta-carotene which can help protect your skin from sun damage.

4. Green peppers

Green peppers are juicy and chock full of H20, and are also excellent sources of antioxidants. Try munching on some green peppers as a snack between meals to help stay hydrated.

5. Cauliflower

Cauliflower is a bit of an underrated vegetable, but it’s more than 90 percent water and is also a great source of fiber, which can help keep you regular.

6. Watermelon

One bite into a juicy piece of watermelon will tell you just how rich in water it is. They’re also excellent sources of vitamins A, C, and B6. These are best-served ice cold!

7. Broccoli

Broccoli is also very good source of both vitamin A and vitamin K. Try adding finely chopped pieces of broccoli to any salad to increase your water intake.

8. Grapefruit

Grapefruits are extremely tangy and juicy. And aside from being a great source of water, it’s also loaded with vitamin C, which can help boost your immune system. Try adding half a grapefruit as part of your breakfast.

Read more about ways to stay hydrated besides water

9. Cantaloupe

Cantaloupes are sweet, juicy and delicious. They’re also 90 percent water and are great sources of vitamin A and C. Be sure to make these a staple in your fruit salads.

While water is always the best way to stay hydrated, these fruits and vegetables can be a great way to supplement your intake.


Image: Pablo Costanzo


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Turmeric Benefits Alzheimer's Sufferers in Study https://naturallysavvy.com/care/turmeric-benefits-alzheimers-sufferers-in-study/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 14:31:57 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/turmeric-benefits-alzheimers-sufferers-in-study/ An exotic spice used in most curry dishes, turmeric has a warm and sometimes spicy flavor that can kick up a lot of your dishes. It has been long known to assist with home remedies as it can be used as an anti-inflammatory, helping to treat a variety of conditions including chest pains, jaundice and […]

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An exotic spice used in most curry dishes, turmeric has a warm and sometimes spicy flavor that can kick up a lot of your dishes. It has been long known to assist with home remedies as it can be used as an anti-inflammatory, helping to treat a variety of conditions including chest pains, jaundice and colic. A new study has also indicated that turmeric benefits could be effective in combating the debilitating and devastating effects of Alzheimer's disease.

The study was conducted at the Kariya Toyota General Hospital in Japan, and was published in the Journal of Research in Ayurveda. According to the researchers, the study found that turmeric benefits patients with behavioral symptoms that "improved remarkably as a result of turmeric treatment, which is the traditional Indian medicine.” The patients were prescribed turmeric capsules and treated for 12 weeks. After treatment was concluded, the study found that the “total score of the Neuro-Psychiatric Inventory-brief questionnaire decreased significantly in both acuity of symptoms and burden of caregivers.” The study analyzed three cases of patients suffering from Alzheimer’s, with one case resulting in increased Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) scores, and with regards to the other two cases, patients actually began to recognize family members after only a year of treatment.

Read more about Alzheimer's disease

According to the Mayo Clinic, “Alzheimer's disease is a progressive disease that destroys memory and other important mental functions.” They further explain that Alzheimer’s is “most common cause of dementia – a group of brain disorders that results in the loss of intellectual and social skills. These changes are severe enough to interfere with day-to-day life.”

Photo Credit: Garen M.

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17 Ways to Eat Summer Fruits https://naturallysavvy.com/eat/17-ways-to-eat-summer-fruits/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 09:15:47 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/17-ways-to-eat-summer-fruits/ Summer fruits are typically cold and refreshing and can provide just the right amount of sweetness to keep those taste buds satisfied on a hot and humid day. In-season summer fruits can include mangoes, coconuts, pears, strawberries, peaches, and assorted other berries like raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries. These fruits all provide a variety of health […]

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Summer fruits are typically cold and refreshing and can provide just the right amount of sweetness to keep those taste buds satisfied on a hot and humid day. In-season summer fruits can include mangoes, coconuts, pears, strawberries, peaches, and assorted other berries like raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries. These fruits all provide a variety of health benefits, including being loaded with vitamins and in some cases, antioxidants as well. Luckily enough, there are a variety of ways that you can enjoy these summer fruits and we’ve rounded up some of the best ways to enjoy these delicious, juicy treats.

Read more about the healthiest fruits to eat today

1. Fruit Salads

Fruit salads are one of the easiest ways to enjoy a melody of fruits and can be great for breakfast or as well as a light after-dinner dessert.

2. Grilled Fruit

Grilling fruits are a welcome addition to any barbeque and can be grilled on their own or added to skewers. The next time you're barbecuing, try throwing some pineapple on the grill for a zesty addition to your meal.

3. Marinades

Marinades can make or break your barbeque, and choosing the right fruit can add the right kick to your meal. Cherries work great as a marinade and can help with post-workout muscle recovery.

4. Frozen Fruit

Frozen fruit can be a quick and resourceful way to bulk up your smoothies, but they can also lightly flavor your drinks as well. Try freezing some raspberries and dropping them into some ice water for more of a kick.

5. Fruit Salsas

Traditional salsas are heavy on tomatoes, but if you're looking to mix things up a bit, try this delicious watermelon and mango salsa or this grapefruit salsa. Watermelons are loaded with vitamins and also lycopene, which can help fight cardiovascular disease.

6. Smoothies

Smoothies are a great way to start your day, and depending on what's in them, can provide a host of health benefits. Try Andrea's very own Green Smoothie recipe for an energizing treat.

7. Juices

Juicing is another great way to ensure you're getting enough fruit servings a day, and can also help boost your overall energy levels.

8. Raw

This one's pretty straight forward. There really is nothing like enjoying a piece of fruit raw and on its own. Apples and pears are both loaded with vitamins and other nutrients and can be the perfect post-meal dessert, as they contain just the right amount of sweetness.

Read: Are Vegetables Healthier Raw or Cooked?

9. Dried Fruit

Dehydrating fruit is a hobby for some and can be a great way to preserve fruit to enjoy later. Dried fruits make a great snack for kids and adults alike.

10. Trail Mixes

Once you've become a master at drying and preserving fruit, adding them to your trail mixes can bring just the right amount of sweetness to your snack. Trail mixes are normally filled with peanuts, nuts, and seeds, and adding dried fruit like cranberries or apples can add a necessary sweetness to keep your snack fresh and tasty.

11. Desserts and Pies

For those of you with a bit of a sweet tooth, fresh fruits work great in dessert pies. Try Lauren Cahn's Three Fruit Summer pie, which is guaranteed to please.

12. Fresh Fruit and Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is all the rage now, as its typically low in calories but high in protein. It's a great snack, but it can be made even better by adding fresh fruit to it. Try adding fresh strawberries to increase your antioxidant intake.

Read more about rules to remember when buying yogurt

13. Jams

Jams can be a great addition to your toast in the morning, and if made the right way can be nutritious as well.

14. Lemonades

Lemonades are a summer past time, and there's no reason you can't infuse yours with some fresh fruit.

15. Fruit Cakes

Traditional dessert cakes can be loaded with excess fat and even artificial flavors. Add sliced fruit to your next cake or try Andrea's Upside Down Apple Honey Cake.

16. Slushies

Similar to smoothies, but maybe more for the kids (or the kid at heart!), slushies can be a refreshing treat for anyone, and if made the right way can be a healthy choice too. Most store-bought slushies are loaded with gross syrups loaded with artificial flavors and colors, but it's easy to make your own.

Read more about ways to use flavored ice cubes

17. Toppings

This is the easiest one! Any fruit of your liking can make a great topping to almost any dish. You can add fresh fruit to water, blueberries to cereals, or strawberries to your salad. Be creative!

Here are six more ways to enjoy more fruit:

enjoy more fruit


Read next:

Yes, You Should Wash Fruits and Vegetables

Fruit Sugar: Good Guy, Bad Guy or Both?

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References: The Huffington Post, SCAD District

Image via Rob Bertholf


The post 17 Ways to Eat Summer Fruits appeared first on NaturallySavvy.com.

Can a Walk After a Meal Improve Digestion? https://naturallysavvy.com/eat/can-a-walk-after-a-meal-improve-digestion/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 09:01:40 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/can-a-walk-after-a-meal-improve-digestion/ Exercise can improve your health, and new research also indicates how a quick post-meal walk can actually help improve digestion. We've all heard about post-meal sluggishness– you know them best as those "turkey comas" after Thanksgiving meals. Most of the time, they're a mere excuse to take a nap after indulging just a tad too […]

The post Can a Walk After a Meal Improve Digestion? appeared first on NaturallySavvy.com.

Exercise can improve your health, and new research also indicates how a quick post-meal walk can actually help improve digestion.

We've all heard about post-meal sluggishness– you know them best as those "turkey comas" after Thanksgiving meals. Most of the time, they're a mere excuse to take a nap after indulging just a tad too much, but getting up and walking could prove more beneficial than the post-gravy nap–which does nothing to improve digestion.

In a 2008 German study from the University Hospital of Heidelberg and published in the Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases,

"researchers looked at what happened when people ate a large meal and

then consumed either an espresso or an alcoholic digestif – like brandy

or flavoured liqueur – or walked at a slow pace on a treadmill," reports

The New York Times. "Walking, they found, sped the rate at which food moved through the stomach. The beverages had no effect."

According to the Times, a 2009 Old Dominion University study published in the Journal of the American Medical Directors Association,

found that a 20-minute walk about 15 minutes after dinner "led to lower

post-meal blood sugar levels in people with Type 2 diabetes than either

a walk before dinner or no walking at all."

Post-meal walks can not only improve digestion, but lower blood sugar levels as well, as a third study

published by the American Diabetes Association found that "in older

adults who were overweight and sedentary, walking for 15 minutes shortly

after each meal improved daily blood sugar levels to a greater extent

than a single 45-minute walk in the morning," reports the Times.

Read more about exercise and fitness

Researchers have concluded that post-meal walks can actually help clear

glucose from the bloodstream because more of it is being taken up by

muscles, which ultimately means better digestion and better overall

control of blood sugar

levels. Good digestion is crucial to better overall health, ensuring

that you're adequately processing your food and can even help soothe

symptoms of digestive orders such as irritable bowel syndrome.

Read more about good digestion

Photo Credit: María Bueno

References: The New York Times

The post Can a Walk After a Meal Improve Digestion? appeared first on NaturallySavvy.com.

10 Healthy Foods to Help Achieve Your Fitness Goals https://naturallysavvy.com/eat/10-foods-for-fitness/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:57:07 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/10-foods-for-fitness/ Diet and fitness go hand in hand. It's hard to excel at anything fitness related if you have a poor diet. Healthy foods can actually help you reach your fitness goals by improving strength, endurance and recovery. So, whether you're looking to finally finish that marathon, up your total weight on the bench, or simply […]

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Diet and fitness go hand in hand. It's hard to excel at anything fitness related if you have a poor diet. Healthy foods can actually help you reach your fitness goals by improving strength, endurance and recovery. So, whether you're looking to finally finish that marathon, up your total weight on the bench, or simply drop a few sizes, good nutrition is absolutely crucial. Here's a look at 10 healthy foods that can help you maximize your fitness goals.

1. Olive Oil

Because it's rich in good monounsaturated fats, olive oil can be extremely beneficial towards good heart health. Olive oil also has potent anti-inflammatory properties, which means it can actually reduce swelling or pain, and in turn, help you to recover much faster.

2. Quinoa

Quinoa is finally breaking through into the mainstream and getting the attention it deserves in reaching fitness goals. It's an extremely versatile food and can be used in a variety of meals. Quinoa has one of the largest concentrations of protein for a grain, and is also a good source of fiber and B vitamins.

Read more about delicious ways to use quinoa

3. Eggs

It seems like the jury is always out on eggs, but here's the bottom line. Eggs contain four grams of amino acids and are a good mix of protein and carbohydrates, which can help you power through your workouts.

4. Water

You can never be too hydrated. Water keeps your joints lubricated and feeling good throughout your workouts. It can also help you stave off hunger, as drinking a glass or two of water before or after your meals can help keep you feeling full.

5. Sweet Potatoes

One four-ounce sweet potato actually holds more than 100 percent of your daily supply of beta carotene. It's also a great source of iron and has a lot of vitamins C and E. Together, these nutrients can protect your cells from damage, and are crucial towards muscle recovery.

6. Almonds

These nuts are high in protein and fiber, which means they can help build muscle and keep you feeling full, so you're less likely to overeat or ingest anything bad for you later on in the day.

7. Salmon

This fish is one of the richest in omega-3s and can boost hearth health by keeping your arteries free of blockages. It's also packed with more than 20 grams of protein, but has a low calorie count. Because of this, you'll end up taking in fewer calories but burning more.

RECIPE: Orange Spinach Wild Salmon

8. Blueberries

These may be some of the best fruits you can eat. Blueberries pack a ton of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They are also rich in antioxidants, which can help keep both your brain and nervous system healthy as well as keep your fitness goals on track.

9. Greek Yogurt

One of the more popular healthy foods that have popped up lately, Greek yogurt is high in protein, but low in carbohydrates and sodium. The higher concentration of protein can help keep you feeling fuller longer, so it can assist in fat loss and is great as a post-workout snack. Because it's also high in probiotics, it can also assist with your digestion.

10. Whole Grain Bread

Whole grains are packed with nutrients. Whole grain bread has a high concentration of carbohydrates and are the perfect food to help energize and fuel your workouts. It also has a good amount of fiber, which can help keep you feeling satiated as well.

The post 10 Healthy Foods to Help Achieve Your Fitness Goals appeared first on NaturallySavvy.com.

5 Fitness Myths Debunked https://naturallysavvy.com/care/5-fitness-myths-debunked/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:57:07 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/5-fitness-myths-debunked/ One of the biggest concerns when it comes to physical exercise is usually about form or technique. However, a larger concern involves the numerous fitness myths out there. You're probably familiar with a lot of these myths, and unfortunately, you may believe a lot of them to be true as well. These myths include things […]

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One of the biggest concerns when it comes to physical exercise is usually about form or technique. However, a larger concern involves the numerous fitness myths out there. You're probably familiar with a lot of these myths, and unfortunately, you may believe a lot of them to be true as well. These myths include things like, "If I stop eating carbs I'll be thin" or "If I lift weights I'll get bulky." It's understandable why a lot of these myths exist as some of them seem sort of common sense. However, my goal here today is to separate fact from fiction, truth from horror story, and help you begin to make the smarter choice when it comes to your physical health.

Livestrong published an excellent article diving into a lot of these myths, and I've selected a few I feel are worth examining.

1. If I want to lose weight, I have to stop eating carbs. This one in particular drives me nuts. My best friend is adamant about the no-carb rule, severely limiting his intake of carbohydrates. He can't seem to understand why he feels sluggish at times during the day. I’ve told him many times that it isn’t about swearing off carbohydrates in general, but ensuring you’re eating the right foods at the right times. Carbohydrates are an essential source of energy, and for most exercise programs, they are your body’s first source of fuel. Eating the right carbohydrates like whole grains, beans and vegetables throughout the day can provide you with the energy you need to get through your workout.

Read more about the best vegan protein sources

2. “I’m injured. I shouldn’t workout at all.” It certainly depends on the severity of your injury. Any kind of internal injury is certainly reason enough to stay out of the gym for a while. The same goes for head injuries. However, if you have somewhat of a minor injury (let’s say for example, a sprain) it can be rather easy to modify your workouts to ensure you’re either still getting your heart rate up or working out other parts of your body.

Several months ago, I severely sprained my wrist. I was worried about how it was going to affect my future workouts and worked together with a physiotherapist to develop a program that would enable me to continue to get my daily exercise. It really was a blessing in disguise as I soon fell in love with core and leg workouts! Not only will continuing to work out the other parts of your body help strengthen muscles you may not exercise as much, but you’ll be able to give your injury ample time to heal.

3. The morning is the best time to train. I can see why most people believe this one. It makes sense if you really think about it. Working out as early as possible allows your body to spend more time rebuilding and absorbing vitamins, nutrients, and protein to help you recover. However, what’s more important is maximizing the time that you do have. Depending on your schedule, you may find that workouts in the mid-afternoon or even at night work best for you. The key is finding a routine that works best for you and sticking to it. Listen to your body and when you have the most energy, you can really end up having an excellent workout!

4. Cardio is the only way for me to lose weight.


There is a common misconception out there that cardio workouts like running are the easiest way to burn calories. While cardio is a great way to burn calories, weight training can be more effective in burning calories because resistance training can keep your metabolism levels raised for 24 to 48 hours after the workout. So while cardio workouts can be a great burst of calorie burning fun, resistance training can actually burn more calories over an extended period of time. Speaking of resistance training…

Read more about how yoga can increase your libido

5. Lifting weights will make me bulky. I’ve had people talk to me about this concern before, and I’ve completely understood their misconception. When you think about weight training, it’s easy for images of big gigantic men grunting through bench presses to come to mind. However, lifting the right amount of weight and eating the right foods can contribute to a lean and toned look. Trainer Irene Lewis-McCormick commented on this in The Huffington Post, stating that “Men and women who train similarly have the ability to increase their muscular strength, but because women have lower levels of testosterone and fewer and smaller muscle fibers than men, they do not have the ability to increase muscle size the way men do.”

Stay fit!

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5 Healthy Snacks That Won’t Expand Your Waistline https://naturallysavvy.com/eat/5-healthy-snacks-that-won-t-expand-your-waistline/ Wed, 21 Nov 2018 08:40:49 +0000 http://dev-ghd2dup4u6v.earnware.com/uncategorized/5-healthy-snacks-that-won-t-expand-your-waistline/ Snacking can often either make or break your diet. While it’s advisable to break up your daily food intake into five or six smaller meals throughout the day, depending on your lifestyle, snacking may be inevitable. The good news is that there are loads of healthy snacks out there that can tide you over until […]

The post 5 Healthy Snacks That Won’t Expand Your Waistline appeared first on NaturallySavvy.com.

Snacking can often either make or break your diet. While it’s advisable to break up your daily food intake into five or six smaller meals throughout the day, depending on your lifestyle, snacking may be inevitable. The good news is that there are loads of healthy snacks out there that can tide you over until your next meal, all without sabotaging your weight loss and fitness goals in the process. So, the next time you feel that rumbling in your stomach, try one of these healthy snacks.

1. Smoothies
Smoothies are an excellent snack anytime of the day. One of the more versatile snacks out there, depending on what you put into your smoothies, they can be an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and protein. Try using any combination of fruits like berries, bananas, avocados, and coconut milk for a treat that will help get you to your next meal. If you’re looking to add calories after a workout, try adding a scoop of protein to help keep you fuller even longer.

2. Trail Mix
Trail mixes are a great snack as well. You can add a variety of items to trail mixes like nuts, raisins, and other dried fruit. The nuts will pack a good protein punch, while the dried fruit is rich in antioxidants. Depending on the fruit that you add, it can be a tad high in sugar so just be on the lookout for that. You can also add dry cereal to your mixes for a great added crunch.

3. Oatmeal
hearty bowl of oatmeal is a satisfying, high-fiber way to keep you feeling full between meals. Avoid using pre-packaged oatmeal which is often loaded with sugar, and at times, Scary Seven ingredients. Avoiding those ingredients is as easy as checking your labels carefully.

4. Raw Vegetables
Raw veggies are typically low in calories and rich in vitamins, and even water. Because of this, you can usually fill up on them without worrying about expanding your waistline. Just be sure you’re buying organic to steer clear of any unwanted pesticides.

5. Almond Butter
If you're in the clear with regards to any nut allergies, almond butter is a yummy calorie-rich alternative to peanut butter that is loaded with heart healthy fats. Try putting some on a slice of whole grain bread for a snack that's sure to keep you satisfied until your next meal.

Image via Beauty Experts

The post 5 Healthy Snacks That Won’t Expand Your Waistline appeared first on NaturallySavvy.com.
